Avoin ongelmista - ongelma avoimuudesta? : arvonluonnin diskurssit integroiduissa raporteissa
The aim of the research was
to increase understanding of
integrated reporting and further
the understanding of the concept
of value creation. The data used
for the project came from an
integrated report from 2012–2013
of seven Nordic construction
and infrastructure fields. The
methodological approach used
was a critical discourse analysis
divided into three levels. The
analysis begins from a textual level
and moves through an interpretive
analysis onto the level of critical
analysis. On the critical level
we look at the power structures
involved in value creation and
their problematic nature in relation
to the objectives of integrated
reporting. Three discourses were
identified in the analysis: ethical
discourse, dependency discourse,
and autonomous discourse. Value
creation in ethical discourse is built
upon the values of the organization,
and upon its operational culture.
In dependency discourse, value
creation is based on interaction with
other operators, and in autonomous
discourse, on the organization's own
operations. Dependency discourse
and autonomous discourse work
in concert with ethical discourse,
and attempt collaboratively to
institutionalize the ethical discourse
of value creation. However, the
concept of value creation being
limited to mere ethical activity is
problematic, as this can lead to concealment of unethical activity.
Talking about value creation as
solely an ethical activity is a threat
to the openness and honesty of
reporting, which are found to be
important starting points in the
framework of integrated reporting.
Main Authors
Journal article
Publication in research information system
Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON)
Original source
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201511263841Use this for linking
Review status
Non-peer reviewed
Published in
EJBO - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies
- Hänninen, J., Takala, T., & Asunta, L. (2015). Avoin ongelmista - ongelma avoimuudesta? : arvonluonnin diskurssit integroiduissa raporteissa. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 20(2), 4-18. http://ejbo.jyu.fi/pdf/ejbo_vol20_no2_pages_4-18.pdf
Copyright© Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON)