Serum albumin and muscle measures in a cohort of healthy young and old participants
Reijnierse, E. M., Trappenburg, M. C., Leter, M. J., Sipilä, S., Stenroth, L., Narici, M. V., Hogrel, J. Y., Butler-Browne, G., McPhee, J. S., Pääsuke, M., Gapeyeva, H., Meskers, C. G. M., & Maier, A. B. (2015). Serum albumin and muscle measures in a cohort of healthy young and old participants. AGE, 37(5), Article 88.
Published in
BiomekaniikkaGerontologia ja kansanterveysGerontologian tutkimuskeskusHyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisöBiomechanicsGerontology and Public HealthGerontology Research CenterSchool of WellbeingCopyright
© The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at
Consensus on clinically valid diagnostic criteria for sarcopenia requires a systematical assessment of the association of its candidate measures of muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance on one side and muscle-related clinical parameters on the other side. In this study, we systematically assessed associations between serum albumin as a muscle-related parameter and muscle measures in 172 healthy young (aged 18–30 years) and 271 old participants (aged 69–81 year) from the European MYOAGE study. Muscle measures included relative muscle mass, i.e., total- and appendicular lean mass (ALM) percentage, absolute muscle mass, i.e., ALM/height2 and total lean mass in kilograms, handgrip strength, and walking speed. Muscle measures were standardized and analyzed in multivariate linear regression models, stratified by age. Adjustment models included age, body composition, C-reactive protein and lifestyle factors. In young participants, serum albumin was positively associated with lean mass percentage (p = 0.007) and with ALM percentage (p = 0.001). In old participants, serum albumin was not associated with any of the muscle measures. In conclusion, the association between serum albumin and muscle measures was only found in healthy young participants and the strongest for measures of relative muscle mass.

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