Opetusmenetelmät heterogeenisen ryhmän liikuntataitojen harjoittelussa
Tutkimuksen päätarkoituksena oli löytää heterogeenisille liikuntaryhmille sopivia opetusmenetelmiä. Tarkastelun kohteena oli liikuntataitoharjoittelu motorisesti taitavan ja taidoiltaan heikon oppilaan näkökulmista. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmän ikävariaatio oli suuri sisältäen esikouluryhmän ja perusopetuksen kolmannen sekä seitsemännen luokan liikuntaryhmän. Ryhmät olivat liikuntataitojen osalta heterogeenisia.
Tutkimus toteutettiin sekä laadullisena että määrällisenä tapaustutkimuksena. Eritasoisten oppilaiden taitoharjoitteluun osallistumista tarkkailtiin harkinnanvaraisesti valittua videoaineistoa systemaattisesti observoimalla. Materiaali käsitti kuusi liikuntatuntia. Tutkimusta varten oli suunniteltu tarpeisiin sopiva observointilomake, jonka pohjana oli oppilaan tarkoituksenmukaisen toimintaan osallistumisen tarkkailu. Tätä tulkittiin ALT-PE -käsitteen rajoissa eli opettajan antamien ohjeiden mukaisena toimintaan osallistumisena. Systemaattisesti toteutetun tarkkailun havainnot kirjattiin ylös LOTAS-observointiohjelmaa hyödyntäen.
Oppilaiden osallistuminen liikuntataitoharjoitteluun oli oppilaskohtaista. Heikko taitotaso ei tarkoittanut aina lyhyempää taitoharjoitteluaikaa tai korkea taitotaso pidempää taitoharjoitteluaikaa. Opettajat käyttivät opetuksessaan eniten opettajajohtoisia menetelmiä ja oppilaan luovuutta ja ongelmanratkaisua sisältäneitä pelejä sekä leikkejä. Oppilaiden itsearviointia edellyttäviä opetusmenetelmiä ei käytetty havainnoiduilla tunneilla. Opetusmenetelmän valinnalla oli merkitystä taitoharjoitteluun käytettyyn aikaan sekä taitavalla että taidoiltaan heikolla oppilaalla. Opetusmenetelmät vaikuttivat osallistumiseen eri luokka-asteilla osittain eri tavoin. Oppilasjohtoisilla opetusmenetelmillä osallistumisaika oli pidempi kuin opettajajohtoisilla menetelmillä. Myös liikuntalajin luonteella oli merkitystä taitoharjoittelun osallistumisaktiivisuuteen. Joukkuelajien taitoharjoitteissa oppilaat liikkuivat pidempään kuin yksilölajeissa.
Tutkimuksen tulokset antavat opettajille opetusmenetelmien valintaan liittyviä näkökulmia. Tuloksia voivat hyödyntää erityisesti heterogeenisten liikuntaryhmien opettajat, jotka haluavat tehostaa tuntiensa taitoharjoittelua. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan käyttää myös perusteena heterogeenisten liikuntaryhmien muodostamiselle kouluissa. Opetusmenetelmien tietoisella valinnalla opettajan on mahdollista saada sekä taitava että taidoiltaan heikko oppilas osallistumaan tuntien toimintaan pidempään.
The main purpose of the study was to discover educational methods suitable for heterogeneous physical education groups. The target of our observation was movement skill training carried out by students with high and low motor skills. Age variation of the target group of the study was large including preschool, third grade and seventh grade students in physical education groups. The groups were heterogeneous when considered movement skills. The study was executed as a qualitative and quantitative case study. The participation of the students of different skill levels was observed by monitoring the chosen video material. The material included six physical education lessons. There was also an observation form that was designed to respond our needs. This particular form was based on observing appropriate participation of students that were interpreted within ALT-PE i.e. participation according to teacher’s instructions. Systematic observation was executed by using LOTAS-observation program. Students’ participation in movement skill training was student-specific. The teachers mostly used educational methods where tasks were teacher-prescribed and methods that included students solving problems and using their creativity by playing different games. The educational methods that included pupis’ self-reflection were not used in classes observed. Choosing the right educational method was meaningful when considering the appropriate active time of the movement skill training with students with both high and low motor skills. Educational methods affected on students' appropriate participation in movement skill training partly differently in every class. With educational methods, that involve problem solving and active role by students, the amount of appropriate participation time was, however, greater than with methods where teacher makes more decisions. The characteristics of events were also meaningful: in team sport movement skill trainings students were longer appropriately physically active than in trainings where students operated by themselves. The results of this study give teachers perspectives about choosing educational methods. Especially teachers who are operating with heterogeneous physical education groups and willing to make movement skill training more effective could benefit these results in their work. The results of the study may also be used as a justification of forming heterogeneous physical education groups in schools. With conscious choosing of educational methods it is possible to have students with both high and low motor skills participate physical education classes longer appropriately.
The main purpose of the study was to discover educational methods suitable for heterogeneous physical education groups. The target of our observation was movement skill training carried out by students with high and low motor skills. Age variation of the target group of the study was large including preschool, third grade and seventh grade students in physical education groups. The groups were heterogeneous when considered movement skills. The study was executed as a qualitative and quantitative case study. The participation of the students of different skill levels was observed by monitoring the chosen video material. The material included six physical education lessons. There was also an observation form that was designed to respond our needs. This particular form was based on observing appropriate participation of students that were interpreted within ALT-PE i.e. participation according to teacher’s instructions. Systematic observation was executed by using LOTAS-observation program. Students’ participation in movement skill training was student-specific. The teachers mostly used educational methods where tasks were teacher-prescribed and methods that included students solving problems and using their creativity by playing different games. The educational methods that included pupis’ self-reflection were not used in classes observed. Choosing the right educational method was meaningful when considering the appropriate active time of the movement skill training with students with both high and low motor skills. Educational methods affected on students' appropriate participation in movement skill training partly differently in every class. With educational methods, that involve problem solving and active role by students, the amount of appropriate participation time was, however, greater than with methods where teacher makes more decisions. The characteristics of events were also meaningful: in team sport movement skill trainings students were longer appropriately physically active than in trainings where students operated by themselves. The results of this study give teachers perspectives about choosing educational methods. Especially teachers who are operating with heterogeneous physical education groups and willing to make movement skill training more effective could benefit these results in their work. The results of the study may also be used as a justification of forming heterogeneous physical education groups in schools. With conscious choosing of educational methods it is possible to have students with both high and low motor skills participate physical education classes longer appropriately.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201511113625Use this for linking