Konservaattoreiden työllistyminen Suomessa 2014
Pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena on selvittää suomalaisen konservointialan tilannetta vuonna 2014. Tutkielma koostuu kahdesta osasta.
Ensimmäisessä osassa selvitetään konservaattoreiden määrää Suomessa. Jotta alan koosta saataisiin kattava kuva, vertailtiin konservaattoreiden määrää Tanskaan ja Islantiin. Tiedonkeruussa käytettiin sähköisiä tiedonantoja, joita saatiin oppilaitosten ja alan etujärjestöjen edustajilta.
Toisessa osassa selvitetään konservaattoreiden työllistymistä ja heidän asemaansa työelämässä. Tätä osaa varten toteutettiin kyselytutkimus keväällä 2014, jossa pyrittiin tavoittamaan mahdollisimman suuri osa konservaattoreista ja konservaattorin toimessa työskentelevistä. Kyselyyn saatiin 162 vastausta, joiden perusteella pystyttiin vertailemaan eri erikoistumisalojen työllistymistä sekä muun muassa lisäopintojen ja sidonnaisuuksien vaikutusta työllistymiseen.
Konservaattoreiden todellinen määrä, ja tutkimuksen tulosten kattavuus, ei valitettavasti selvinnyt. Tästä huolimatta tulokset antavat kuitenkin viitteen siitä, kuinka moni konservaattori pystyy jäämään alalle ja mitkä seikat tähän vaikuttavat.
The subject of the Master´s thesis was to study the current situation of the Conservation field in Finland. The study consists of two parts. The first part is to find out how many conservators there are in Finland. To get as good an image of the size of the field the numbers were compared to those of Denmark and Iceland. Data was collected thru interviews conducted via e-mail to the representatives of conservation schools and interest groups. The second part is to find out how conservators are employed in Finland. A survey was conducted in the spring of 2014 where the aim was to reach as many conservators or persons working as such as possible. The survey collected 162 answers with which we were able to compare the different influences for employment. Such influences are for instance the field of specialization, the influence of further studies and the influence of affiliation. The true numbers of how many conservators there are in Finland remains to be unknown and therefore the extent of this study is also unknown. How ever the results give a certain reference to how many conservators are able to stay in the field and which circumstances have an affect.
The subject of the Master´s thesis was to study the current situation of the Conservation field in Finland. The study consists of two parts. The first part is to find out how many conservators there are in Finland. To get as good an image of the size of the field the numbers were compared to those of Denmark and Iceland. Data was collected thru interviews conducted via e-mail to the representatives of conservation schools and interest groups. The second part is to find out how conservators are employed in Finland. A survey was conducted in the spring of 2014 where the aim was to reach as many conservators or persons working as such as possible. The survey collected 162 answers with which we were able to compare the different influences for employment. Such influences are for instance the field of specialization, the influence of further studies and the influence of affiliation. The true numbers of how many conservators there are in Finland remains to be unknown and therefore the extent of this study is also unknown. How ever the results give a certain reference to how many conservators are able to stay in the field and which circumstances have an affect.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201511023579Use this for linking