Digitaaliset pelit mainonnan välineenä : peleihin sijoitettu mainonta ja mainospelit
Tutkimuksessa selkiytetään digitaalisissa peleissä esiintyvien mainontakeinojen käsitteitä tarkastelemalla, miten peleihin sijoitettu mainonta ja mainospelit on määritelty olemassa olevassa tutkimuskirjallisuudessa. Tutkimuksessa on myös tutkittu mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat digitaalisten pelien tehokkuuteen mainontakanavina. Tutkimus on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuksen tuloksina voidaan todeta peleihin sijoitetun mainonnan olevan rinnastettavissa perinteiseen brändi- ja tuotesijoitteluun elokuvissa ja televisiossa. Peleihin sijoitettu mainonta voi esiintyä pelimaailmaan sijoitettuina mainostaulua tai brändättyinä virtuaalihyödykkeinä, kuten autoina. Mainospelien voidaan todeta olevan pelejä, jotka rakentuvat tietyn mainosviestin ympärille ja pelin ensisijainen tarkoitus on toimia mainoksena. Useimmiten mainospelit ovat luonteeltaan kasuaaleja online-pelejä, joka mahdollista pelien pelaamisen pätkittäin lyhyitä tai pitkiä aikoja kerrallaan. Peleihin sijoitetun mainonnan ja mainospelien yhtäläisyydet löytyvät niistä keinoista, joilla mainosviesti voidaan välittää pelissä ja erot pelien pääasiallisessa tarkoituksessa. Peleihin sijoitettua mainontaa esiintyy peleissä, joissa pelin painopiste on tarinassa, säännöissä tai muissa ominaisuuksissa, kun taas mainospelin painopiste on mainosviestissä. Digitaalisten pelien tehokkuuteen mainontakanavina on havaittu vaikuttavan pelaajan skeptisyys mainontaa kohtaa, pelimaailman ja mainoksen yhteensopivuus, pelin vaikeusaste, pelataanko peliä vai yhdessä toisen henkilön kanssa sekä pelaajan asenne pelattavaa peliä kohtaan.
This study aims to clarify the concepts of advertising methods occurring in digi- tal games, by looking at how the concepts of in-game advertising and adver- games are defined in the existing research literature. It also examines which factors affect the efficiency of digital games as advertising channels. The study has been carried out as a literature review. As the outcomes of the study it can be stated that in-game advertising is comparable to traditional brand and prod- uct placement in movies and on television. In-game advertising can appear in games as virtual billboard advertising brands or products or as a branded vir- tual goods such as cars. Advergames can be defined as games built around a specific advertising message and their primary purpose is to act as an adver- tisement. In most cases advergames are casual online games, which allows the games to played intermittently for short or long periods of time. Similarities in in-game advertising and advergames can be found in the manner of which the advertising message is delivered in a game. The differences lie in the principal purpose of the games. In-game advertising appears in games where the focus of the game is in the games’ story, mechanics or other features when in adver- games focus of the game is in the advertising message. The effectiveness of digi- tal games as advertising channels have found to be affected by the players’ scepticism towards advertising, the ads compatibility to the game world, the degree of difficulty in the game, whether the game is played alone or together with someone and as well as the players’ attitude towards the game.
This study aims to clarify the concepts of advertising methods occurring in digi- tal games, by looking at how the concepts of in-game advertising and adver- games are defined in the existing research literature. It also examines which factors affect the efficiency of digital games as advertising channels. The study has been carried out as a literature review. As the outcomes of the study it can be stated that in-game advertising is comparable to traditional brand and prod- uct placement in movies and on television. In-game advertising can appear in games as virtual billboard advertising brands or products or as a branded vir- tual goods such as cars. Advergames can be defined as games built around a specific advertising message and their primary purpose is to act as an adver- tisement. In most cases advergames are casual online games, which allows the games to played intermittently for short or long periods of time. Similarities in in-game advertising and advergames can be found in the manner of which the advertising message is delivered in a game. The differences lie in the principal purpose of the games. In-game advertising appears in games where the focus of the game is in the games’ story, mechanics or other features when in adver- games focus of the game is in the advertising message. The effectiveness of digi- tal games as advertising channels have found to be affected by the players’ scepticism towards advertising, the ads compatibility to the game world, the degree of difficulty in the game, whether the game is played alone or together with someone and as well as the players’ attitude towards the game.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201510273496Use this for linking