Pyhäjärven siian (Coregonus lavaretus) kasvu ja ikäjakauma rysäpyynnissä kalastuksen säätelyn perustana
Siika (Coregonus lavaretus) on Säkylän Pyhäjärvellä haluttu ammatti- ja virkistyskalastuksen kohde. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy Pyhäjärven siian kasvun ja kutukannan sekä kuturysäsaaliin rakenteen ja siivilähammasjakauman kuvaamiseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin lokki- (Diphyllobothrium dendriticum) ja sukeltajasorsien lapamadon (D. ditremum) esiintyvyyttä siiassa. Aineisto kerättiin kutupyynnin yhteydessä syksyllä 2013. Näytteitä otettiin 346 siiasta, joista määritettiin maturiteetti, ikä, kasvu, silmän mykiön muoto, siivilähampaiden lukumäärä, massa, pituus ja sukupuoli. Lisäksi kolme viimeksi mainittua muuttajaa määritettiin l02 siiasta. Loisten (D. dendriticum & D. ditremun) esiintyvyys tutkittiin 174 siiasta, joista 93 % oli infektoitunut vähintään toisella lajeista. Siivilähammaslaskentojen tulosten ja aiempien tutkimusten havaintojen perusteella Pyhäjärven siiat ovat järvisiikoja. Tutkituissa näytteissä siivilähampaiden lukumäärän keskiarvo ja moodi olivat 39 vaihteluvälin ollessa 28–53 kpl. Siivilähammasmääriä verrattiin neljän vuosikymmenen aikana Pyhäjärveltä kerättyihin siika-aineistoihin ja erot jakaumien välillä jäivät pieniksi, keskimääräisen siivilähammasmäärän vaihteluvälin ollessa 39–41 kpl. Ikäryhmäkohtaisen keskipituuden perusteella siian kasvu Pyhäjärvessä on kohtalaisen nopeaa suomalaisissa järvissä havaittuun siikojen kasvuun verrattuna, eikä merkittävästi 1990- ja 2000-luvun tutkimuksista poikkeavaa. Runsain ikäryhmä siikasaaliissa oli 4+. 2-vuotiaiden kalojen määrä näytteissä sen sijaan oli melko vähäinen. Pyhäjärven siikasaaliit ovat heikentyneet merkittävästi 1990-luvun lopun vuosista ja ovat nykyisin enää viidennes noista ajoista. Tässä tutkimuksessa siikakannan heikentymistä lähestyttiin tarkastelemalla ei-sukukypsien siikojen osuutta siika- ja muikkurysänäytteissä. Ei-sukukypsien kalojen osuuden selvittämisen tarkoituksena oli hahmottaa, kuinka paljon kalastus pyytää sellaisia kaloja, jotka eivät ehdi lisääntymään kertaakaan ennen pyyntiin rekrytoitumista. Ei-sukukypsien kalojen osuus siian kuturysänäytteissä oli melko vähäinen (7 %). Muikkurysänäytteissä ei-sukukypsien kalojen osuus oli selvästi suurempi (31 %). Kalastusmenetelmien vaikutusta siikakantaan arvioitiin Y/R-mallinnuksella, jonka perusteella 0+-ikäryhmän siikojen saaliiksi ottamisen välttäminen kasvattaisi teoriassa vuosittaista siikasaalista (per 1000 kg rekryyttejä) 20 % verrattuna vuoden 2013 kaltaiseen pyyntiin. Pyhäjärvestä tavataan siian ja muikun (C. albula) risteymiä. Näytekalojen joukossa olevien hybridien osuutta pyrittiin karkeasti arvioimaan tarkastelemalla kalan ylä- ja alaleuan pituutta suhteessa toisiinsa ja silmän mykiön muotoa. Tasaleukaisten kalojen osuus näytekaloista oli 5 % ja pyöreämykiöisten 2 %. On kuitenkin huomioitava, että leukojen erotukseen ja mykiön muotoon perustuva erottelu tunnistaa vain ulkonäöllisesti tyypillisestä siiasta eroavat kalat. Menetelmän tehokkuutta voitaisiin parantaa esimerkiksi selvittämällä kuinka suuri osa risteymistä menetelmän avulla voidaan löytää.
The aim of this study is to represent growth, structure of spawning stock, structure of fyke net catch used in spawning areas and number of gill rakers of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) in Lake Pyhäjärvi (South West Finland). In addition, prevalence of some parasites in whitefish was also studied. Material for the research was gathered during autumn 2013 from 346 whitefish individuals. Also 102 fish were measured by mass, length, and sex. From first mentioned fish also maturity, age, growth, shape of eye lens and gill raker number were investigated. Prevalence of parasites (D. dendriticum & D. ditremun) was studied from 174 fish of which 93 % was infected by at least either of mentioned species. The annual yield of whitefish in the Lake Pyhäjärvi has recently decreased to 1/5 of the yield in the late 1990s. In this study one of the aims was to investigate proportion of immature whitefish in the fyke net catch and to assess the effect of fishing on the whitefish stock. Intensive harvesting of immature whitefish may reduce the abundance of spawning stock and consequently also recruitment. However it was found that the proportion of immatures in fyke nets targeting spawning whitefish was insignificant (7 %). Conversely fyke nets targeting vendace caught more significant percentage of immatures (31 %). According to gill raker count and earlier studies, whitefish of the lake Pyhäjärvi belong to typical lake dwelling whitefish form. The average and mode gill raker count was 39 and the number of gill rakers ranged between 28 and 53. Gill raker counts were compared to earlier samples from the same lake and the differences in distributions during the period of 40 years were quite insignificant, while range in mean distributions was between 39–41 pieces. Growth of whitefish is fairly quick compared to observations done in other finnish lakes and not significantly different from observations done 1990s and 2000s. Most abundant age group in the whitefish fyke nets was 4+. Proportion of 2+ aged whitefish was quite small. Impact of fishing methods on whitefish stock was modelled by Y/R-modelling. Avoiding of fishing of 0+ aged whitefish would in theory increase 20 % annual whitefish catch (per 1000 kg recruits) compared to fishing carried out in the year 2013. Some proportion of coregonids in the Lake Pyhäjärvi are hybrids of whitefish and vendace (C. albula). In this study the proportion of hybrids was roughly assessed by investigating the ratio of the length of upper and lower jaw and the form of eye lens. 5 % of sampled fish were found to have equally long upper and lower jaws. The proportion of sampled fish with round shaped eye lens was 2 %. However the weakness of the method is that it might not reveal those hybrids which are morphologically similar to whitefish. The efficiency of the method could be improved by investigating proportion of hybrids found from samples by this method.
The aim of this study is to represent growth, structure of spawning stock, structure of fyke net catch used in spawning areas and number of gill rakers of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) in Lake Pyhäjärvi (South West Finland). In addition, prevalence of some parasites in whitefish was also studied. Material for the research was gathered during autumn 2013 from 346 whitefish individuals. Also 102 fish were measured by mass, length, and sex. From first mentioned fish also maturity, age, growth, shape of eye lens and gill raker number were investigated. Prevalence of parasites (D. dendriticum & D. ditremun) was studied from 174 fish of which 93 % was infected by at least either of mentioned species. The annual yield of whitefish in the Lake Pyhäjärvi has recently decreased to 1/5 of the yield in the late 1990s. In this study one of the aims was to investigate proportion of immature whitefish in the fyke net catch and to assess the effect of fishing on the whitefish stock. Intensive harvesting of immature whitefish may reduce the abundance of spawning stock and consequently also recruitment. However it was found that the proportion of immatures in fyke nets targeting spawning whitefish was insignificant (7 %). Conversely fyke nets targeting vendace caught more significant percentage of immatures (31 %). According to gill raker count and earlier studies, whitefish of the lake Pyhäjärvi belong to typical lake dwelling whitefish form. The average and mode gill raker count was 39 and the number of gill rakers ranged between 28 and 53. Gill raker counts were compared to earlier samples from the same lake and the differences in distributions during the period of 40 years were quite insignificant, while range in mean distributions was between 39–41 pieces. Growth of whitefish is fairly quick compared to observations done in other finnish lakes and not significantly different from observations done 1990s and 2000s. Most abundant age group in the whitefish fyke nets was 4+. Proportion of 2+ aged whitefish was quite small. Impact of fishing methods on whitefish stock was modelled by Y/R-modelling. Avoiding of fishing of 0+ aged whitefish would in theory increase 20 % annual whitefish catch (per 1000 kg recruits) compared to fishing carried out in the year 2013. Some proportion of coregonids in the Lake Pyhäjärvi are hybrids of whitefish and vendace (C. albula). In this study the proportion of hybrids was roughly assessed by investigating the ratio of the length of upper and lower jaw and the form of eye lens. 5 % of sampled fish were found to have equally long upper and lower jaws. The proportion of sampled fish with round shaped eye lens was 2 %. However the weakness of the method is that it might not reveal those hybrids which are morphologically similar to whitefish. The efficiency of the method could be improved by investigating proportion of hybrids found from samples by this method.
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Master thesis
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