Tunnetyön kuormittavuus terveydenhuoltoalalla : palvelumotivaatio ja transformationaalinen johtajuus puskuroivina voimavaroina
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli kartoittaa tunnetyön kuormittavuutta suomalaisella terveydenhuoltoalalla. Työn vaatimusten ja voimavarojen mallia (JD-R) hyödyntäen tutkimme, kuinka tunnetyön kuormittavuus työn vaatimustekijänä ja transformationaalinen johtajuus sekä palvelumotivaatio työn voimavaratekijöinä ovat yhteydessä työuupumukseen. Tutkimusaineistoon valikoitui 1450 hoitotyöntekijää, joiden tunnetyön kuormittavuutta (mitattuna emotionaalisella dissonanssilla), palvelumotivaatioita, koettua transformationaalista johtajuutta ja työuupumusta (mitattuna uupumusasteisena väsymyksenä) kartoitettiin kyselylomakkeen avulla. Tutkimushypoteeseina oli, että tunnetyön kuormittavuus on yhteydessä työuupumukseen (H1), kun taas palvelumotivaatio (H2) ja transformationaalinen johtajuus (H3) suojaavat tältä hyvinvointia heikentävältä yhteydeltä. Hypoteesien selvittämiseksi tarkasteltiin näiden vaatimus- ja voimavaratekijöiden korrelaatioita, sekä rakennettiin regressiomalli kunkin tekijän pää- ja yhdysvaikutuksista suhteessa työuupumukseen. Tunnetyön kuormittavuus selitti noin 19% työuupumuksen vaihtelusta, kun taas transformationaalinen johtajuus ja palvelumotivaatio eivät juurikaan selittäneet työuupumusta. Tilastollisesti merkitseviä suojaavia yhdysvaikutuksia tunnetyön kuormittavuuteen ei esiintynyt näillä voimavaroilla, mikä kyseenalaistaa niiden tärkeyden tunnetyön kuormittavuuden ehkäisyssä. Näiden tulosten pohjalta pääteltiin, että jatkossa on tärkeää tutkia muita, erityisesti emootioihin liittyviä voimavaroja (esim. sosiaalinen tuki). Lisäksi tulisi edistää terveydenhuollon keinoja vaikuttaa tunnetyön kuormittavuuteen esimerkiksi rekrytointiin tai työntekijän työn vaikutusmahdollisuuksiin ja organisaation tarjoamaan tukeen panostamalla.
The goal of this master’s thesis was to examine emotional labor in the Finnish health care. By utilizing the job demands-resources model we explored how emotional labor as a job demand and transformational leadership and public service motivation as job resources were related to burnout. The sample of the study consisted of 1450 health care workers who filled a survey, providing ratings of their emotional labor (measured with emotional dissonance), public service motivation, perceived transformational leadership and burnout (measured with emotional exhaustion). Our research hypotheses claimed that emotional labor is related to burnout (H1) whereas public service motivaation (H2) and transformational leadership (H3) buffer this relationship, mitigating the detrimental effects of emotional labor on burnout. In order to examine these hypotheses we analyzed the correlations between these job demands and resources and estimated a regression model to examine their main and the interaction effects on burnout. Emotional labor explained approximately 19 percent of the variation of burnout, whereas transformational leadership and public service motivation accounted for only a little of the variance. Statistically significant buffering effects between job resources and emotional labor did not exist, questioning their application for trying to prevent the harmful effects of emotional labor on burnout. On the basis of these results we concluded that it is necessary to explore other, specifically emotion-related job resources. In addition it is important for the health care organizations to advance their practices for intervening emotional labor, for instance, by investing to the recruitment process or to the employees’ perceived job control and organizational support that might help to cope with emotional labor.
The goal of this master’s thesis was to examine emotional labor in the Finnish health care. By utilizing the job demands-resources model we explored how emotional labor as a job demand and transformational leadership and public service motivation as job resources were related to burnout. The sample of the study consisted of 1450 health care workers who filled a survey, providing ratings of their emotional labor (measured with emotional dissonance), public service motivation, perceived transformational leadership and burnout (measured with emotional exhaustion). Our research hypotheses claimed that emotional labor is related to burnout (H1) whereas public service motivaation (H2) and transformational leadership (H3) buffer this relationship, mitigating the detrimental effects of emotional labor on burnout. In order to examine these hypotheses we analyzed the correlations between these job demands and resources and estimated a regression model to examine their main and the interaction effects on burnout. Emotional labor explained approximately 19 percent of the variation of burnout, whereas transformational leadership and public service motivation accounted for only a little of the variance. Statistically significant buffering effects between job resources and emotional labor did not exist, questioning their application for trying to prevent the harmful effects of emotional labor on burnout. On the basis of these results we concluded that it is necessary to explore other, specifically emotion-related job resources. In addition it is important for the health care organizations to advance their practices for intervening emotional labor, for instance, by investing to the recruitment process or to the employees’ perceived job control and organizational support that might help to cope with emotional labor.
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Master thesis
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