Tarina, joka on koettava : narratiivisten tutkimispelien taustat, tarinat ja kerronta
Pro gradu -työssäni tutkin narratiivisia tutkimispelejä, joka on uusi ja vasta vähän tutkittu digitaalisten pelien genre. Tutkielmani on muodoltaan artikkeligradu, joka koostuu kolmesta artikkelista sekä Johdanto- ja Yhteenveto-luvuista.
Ensimmäisessä artikkelissa esittelen narratiivisten tutkimispelien genreä, sen taustaa ja tärkempiä genreen kuuluvia pelejä. Lisäksi luon määritelmän narratiivisten tutkimispelien genrelle osoittamalla yhteisiä ominaispiirteitä kahdeksasta pelistä, joiden katson edustavan kyseistä genreä. Tarkastelemani narratiiviset tutkimispelit ovat kaikki uusia, vuosina 2012–2015 ilmestyneitä, lukuun ottamatta vuonna 1993 ilmestynyttä klassikkopeliä Myst, joka voidaan nähdä lähtölaukauksena ensimmäisestä persoonasta kuvattujen tutkimispelien suosiolle.
Toisessa artikkelissa analysoin tarinankerronnan rakentumista ja kerronnan keinoja The Fullbright Companyn pelissä Gone Home vuodelta 2013. Artikkelin tutkimusote on monitieteinen yhdistäen tekstuaalista, visuaalista ja auditiivista analyysia. Osoitan analyysissani Gone Home -pelin tarinan rakentuvan useista tarinan tasoista ja välittyvän pelaajalle peliympäristön, tekstien ja auditiivisten keinojen avulla. Eri pelaajat voivat löytää pelistä hieman eri tarinan, koska pelin yli sataa esinettä ja lukuisia tekstejä ei ole kaikkia välttämätöntä löytää ja tutkia. Peli tuottaa siten potentiaalisesti useita erilaisia kokemuksia tarinasta.
Tutkielman kolmannessa artikkelissa käsittelen The Astronauts -peliyhtiön peliä The Vanishing of Ethan Carter epäluonnollisen narratologian näkökulmasta. Epäluonnollisella tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä fiktiossa esiintyviä asioita, jotka uhmaavat reaalimaailman fysiikan ja logiikan rajoja ja tuntuvat siksi oudoilta ja vieraannuttavilta. Sovellan The Vanishing of Ethan Carter -peliin Jan Alberin viittä lukemisen strategiaa, joiden avulla voidaan tarkastella, miten pelaaja ymmärtää ja tulkitsee pelissä kohtaamiaan epäluonnollisilta tuntuvia asioita.
Tutkielma valaisee vähän tutkittua narratiivisten tutkimispelien genreä ja tuottaa tutkimustietoa tarinoista, jotka pelaaja kokee kolmiulotteisessa pelimaailmassa kulkien.
In my Master’s thesis I analyze narrative exploration games, which is a new and little researched video game genre. The thesis is formed as an article thesis consisting of three separate articles, Introduction and Conclusions chapters. In the first article, I introduce the genre of narrative exploration games, its history and the most relevant games that fall upon this genre. In addition I create a definition for the genre of narrative exploration games by pointing out common factors from eight video games, which represent the genre. The games I use as examples of the genre are all recently published during years 2012–2015, except for Myst which was published in 1993. Myst can be seen as the starting point of the genre of first person exploration games. In the second article I analyze the structure of the story and the means of telling in the narrative of Gone Home, a game published by The Fullbright Company in 2013. The research method is interdisciplinary combining textual, visual and auditory analysis. In my analysis I show that the story of Gone Home consists of several layers and is presented to the player by the game environment, texts and audio. It is possible for different players to discover a slightly different story within the game, since there are over 100 objects and numerous texts scattered around the game world and it is not mandatory to find and examine all of them. This way, the game potentially produces different kinds of story experiences. In the third article, I use the theory of unnatural narratology and analyze a game called The Vanishing of Ethan Carter published by The Astronauts. In this case, unnatural refers to the physical and logical impossibilities found in fiction; elements which are not possible in the real world and thus feel weird and alienating. I use Jan Alber’s five reading strategies to explain, how the player understands and interprets the unnatural elements in The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. The thesis sheds light to the genre of narrative exploration games and produces research information about stories, which the player experiences by walking in a three dimensional world.
In my Master’s thesis I analyze narrative exploration games, which is a new and little researched video game genre. The thesis is formed as an article thesis consisting of three separate articles, Introduction and Conclusions chapters. In the first article, I introduce the genre of narrative exploration games, its history and the most relevant games that fall upon this genre. In addition I create a definition for the genre of narrative exploration games by pointing out common factors from eight video games, which represent the genre. The games I use as examples of the genre are all recently published during years 2012–2015, except for Myst which was published in 1993. Myst can be seen as the starting point of the genre of first person exploration games. In the second article I analyze the structure of the story and the means of telling in the narrative of Gone Home, a game published by The Fullbright Company in 2013. The research method is interdisciplinary combining textual, visual and auditory analysis. In my analysis I show that the story of Gone Home consists of several layers and is presented to the player by the game environment, texts and audio. It is possible for different players to discover a slightly different story within the game, since there are over 100 objects and numerous texts scattered around the game world and it is not mandatory to find and examine all of them. This way, the game potentially produces different kinds of story experiences. In the third article, I use the theory of unnatural narratology and analyze a game called The Vanishing of Ethan Carter published by The Astronauts. In this case, unnatural refers to the physical and logical impossibilities found in fiction; elements which are not possible in the real world and thus feel weird and alienating. I use Jan Alber’s five reading strategies to explain, how the player understands and interprets the unnatural elements in The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. The thesis sheds light to the genre of narrative exploration games and produces research information about stories, which the player experiences by walking in a three dimensional world.
Main Author
Master thesis
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