Kehitysvammaisten aikuisten kestävyyskunnon taso ja muutos ikääntyessä : kahden kävelytestin vertaaminen
Eveliina Keinonen (2015). Kehitysvammaisten aikuisten kestävyyskunnon taso ja muutos ikääntyessä: Kahden kävelytestin vertaaminen. Liikuntakasvatuksen laitos, Jyväskylän yli-opisto, liikuntapedagogiikan pro gradu –tutkielma, 66 s., 3 liitettä.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella keski-ikäisten kehitysvammaisten naisten ja miesten kestävyyskunnon tasoa vammattomaan väestöön sekä Suomessa yleisesti käytössä oleviin terveysliikunnan suosituksiin verrattuna. Tarkastelun kohteena oli myös kehitysvammaisten kestävyyskunnossa esiintyvät muutokset seitsemän vuoden aikana. Lisäksi tutkimus pyrki selvittämään onko samanaikaisesti suoritettujen UKK-instituutin 2 kilometrin kävelytestin ja Rockportin 1 mailin kävelytestin tulosten välillä yhteyttä mitattaessa kehitysvammaisia aikuisia.
Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu 67 lievästi tai keskivaikeasti kehitysvammaisesta aikuisesta. Tutkittavien keski-ikä oli vuonna 1996 36,8 (±1,9) ja vuonna 2003 43,9 (±1,8). Tutkittavat suorittivat vuosina 1996 ja 2003 UKK-kävelytestin. UKK-kävelytestissä testattava käveli 2 kilometrin matkan, jonka jälkeen mitattiin tutkittavan loppusyke ja matkaan käytetty aika. Aika, syke, sukupuoli, ikä sekä painoindeksi määrittivät kuntoindeksin. UKK-kävelytestin aikana tutkittavilta kirjattiin myös 1 mailin kävelytestin aika väliaikana 1 mailin (1,61 km) kohdalla. Mailin kävelytestin aika sekä tutkittavan paino määrittivät arvioidun maksimaalisen hapenottokyvyn (VO2max).
Tutkimus osoitti, että kehitysvammaisten kestävyyskunnon taso on huomattavasti heikompi vammattomaan väestöön ja yleisiin terveysliikunnan suosituksiin verrattuna. Heikon kestävyyskunnon lisäksi liikapaino ja lihavuus olivat merkittävän yleisiä kehitysvammaisilla henkilöillä. Kehitysvammaisten keskimääräisessä kestävyyskunnossa ei tapahtunut tilastollisesti merkitsevää muutosta vuosien 1996 ja 2003 välillä. Kahden kävelytestin tulosten standardi-pisteitä verrattaessa keskiarvoissa ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa kumpanakaan vuonna. Kahden eri kävelytestin tulosten välillä havaittiin vahva korrelaatio (r=.87).
Tutkimuksen tulokset vahvistavat aiempaa tutkimustietoa siitä, että kehitysvammaisten kestävyyskunnon taso on heikompi vammattomaan väestöön verrattuna. Nämä tulokset antavat perusteluja kehitysvammaisten terveys- ja liikuntaneuvonnan lisäämiseen kestävyyskunnon tason nostamiseksi. 1 mailin kävelytestin on katsottu olevan luotettava mittaamaan kehitys-vammaisten miesten kestävyyskuntoa, mutta UKK-kävelytestin soveltuvuudesta tälle kohde-ryhmälle ei ole tietoa. Tämä tutkimus antaa viitteitä siitä, että UKK-kävelytestin tulokset vastaavat 1 mailin kävelytestin tuloksia. UKK-kävelytestin soveltuvuudesta kehitysvammaisille henkilöille tarvitaan lisää tutkimustietoa. Lisäksi jatkotutkimusta tarvitaan siitä, onko kävely-testien kävelymatkaa mahdollista lyhentää, jolloin ne soveltuisivat paremmin kehitysvammaisille henkilöille.
Eveliina Keinonen (2015). The level of and age-related changes in aerobic capacity in adults with intellectual disabilities: A comparison between two walking tests. Department of Sport Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Master’s thesis in sport pedagogy, 66 pp., 3 appendicies. The aim of this study was to examine the level of endurance performance in middle aged men and women with intellectual disabilities (ID) in relation to general population and to common Finnish healthenhancing physical activity recommendations. The changes in the level of en-durance over a period of seven years in adults with ID were also examined. The results of two walking tests that were completed simultaneously were compared to explore their correlation when measuring adults with ID. The walking tests compared were the UKK institute 2 kilo-metre walking test and the Rockport 1 mile walking test. The data for the current study consists of 67 adults with mildly or moderately ID. The middle age for the participants were 36,8 (±1,9) in 1996 and 43,9 (±1,8). The participants completed the UKK walking test in 1996 and 2003. In UKK walking test participants heart rate and time that he needed to complete the test was taken after 2 kilometre walk. Time, heart rate, gender, age and body mass index defined the fitness index. During the UKK walking test the time for the 1 mile walking test was taken after 1 mile (1,61 km). Time to complete the 1 mile walking test and the participants weight defined the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). The results of the study show that the level of endurance is significantly lower in developmen-tally disabled adults than in general population. It is also significantly lower than is generally healthenhancing physical activity recommendations. In addition to low endurance, over-weight and obesity were common in the developmentally disabled adults. There were no statistically significant changes in the level of endurance from 1996 to 2003. Also there were no statistically significant differences in the means of the results for the two walking tests. There was a strong correlation between the two tests on a group level (r=.87). The results support the earlier research indicating that developmentally disabled adults have lower levels of endurance than nondisabled population. The results suggest a need to increase the health and physical activity consultation to improve endurance in developmentally disabled adults. The one mile walking test is thought to be reliable in measuring endurance in men with ID, but there are no results for reliability of UKK walking test when measuring people with ID. The current study suggests that the UKK walking test produces similar results as the one mile test. The research of the suitability of the UKK walking test for people with ID should be continued. There is also need for research about possibilities to shorten walking distances in walking tests, when walking tests would be more suitable for people with ID.
Eveliina Keinonen (2015). The level of and age-related changes in aerobic capacity in adults with intellectual disabilities: A comparison between two walking tests. Department of Sport Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Master’s thesis in sport pedagogy, 66 pp., 3 appendicies. The aim of this study was to examine the level of endurance performance in middle aged men and women with intellectual disabilities (ID) in relation to general population and to common Finnish healthenhancing physical activity recommendations. The changes in the level of en-durance over a period of seven years in adults with ID were also examined. The results of two walking tests that were completed simultaneously were compared to explore their correlation when measuring adults with ID. The walking tests compared were the UKK institute 2 kilo-metre walking test and the Rockport 1 mile walking test. The data for the current study consists of 67 adults with mildly or moderately ID. The middle age for the participants were 36,8 (±1,9) in 1996 and 43,9 (±1,8). The participants completed the UKK walking test in 1996 and 2003. In UKK walking test participants heart rate and time that he needed to complete the test was taken after 2 kilometre walk. Time, heart rate, gender, age and body mass index defined the fitness index. During the UKK walking test the time for the 1 mile walking test was taken after 1 mile (1,61 km). Time to complete the 1 mile walking test and the participants weight defined the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). The results of the study show that the level of endurance is significantly lower in developmen-tally disabled adults than in general population. It is also significantly lower than is generally healthenhancing physical activity recommendations. In addition to low endurance, over-weight and obesity were common in the developmentally disabled adults. There were no statistically significant changes in the level of endurance from 1996 to 2003. Also there were no statistically significant differences in the means of the results for the two walking tests. There was a strong correlation between the two tests on a group level (r=.87). The results support the earlier research indicating that developmentally disabled adults have lower levels of endurance than nondisabled population. The results suggest a need to increase the health and physical activity consultation to improve endurance in developmentally disabled adults. The one mile walking test is thought to be reliable in measuring endurance in men with ID, but there are no results for reliability of UKK walking test when measuring people with ID. The current study suggests that the UKK walking test produces similar results as the one mile test. The research of the suitability of the UKK walking test for people with ID should be continued. There is also need for research about possibilities to shorten walking distances in walking tests, when walking tests would be more suitable for people with ID.
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Master thesis
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