Internal Consistency and Stability of the CANTAB Neuropsychological Test Battery in Children
The Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) is a computerassessed
test battery widely use in different populations. The internal consistency and one-year
stability of CANTAB tests were examined in school-aged children. Two hundred-thirty children
(57% girls) from 5 schools in the Jyväskylä school district in Finland participated in the study in
spring 2011. The children completed the following CANTAB tests: a) visual memory (Pattern
Recognition Memory [PRM] and Spatial Recognition Memory [SRM]), b) executive function
(Spatial Span [SSP], Stockings of Cambridge [SOC], and Intra-Extra Dimensional Set Shift
[IED]), and c) attention (Reaction Time [RTI] and Rapid Visual Information Processing [RVP]).
Seventy-four children participated in the follow-up measurements (64% girls) in spring 2012.
Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was used to estimate the internal consistency of the
nonhampering test, and structural equation models were applied to examine the stability of these
tests. The reliability and the stability could not be determined for IED or SSP because of the
nature of these tests. The internal consistency was acceptable only in the RTI task. The one-year
stability was moderate-to-good for the PRM, RTI, and RVP. The SSP and IED showed a
moderate correlation between the two measurement points. The SRM and the SOC tasks were
not reliable or stable measures in this study population. For research purposes, we recommend
using structural equation modeling to improve reliability. The results suggest that the reliability
and the stability of computer-based test batteries should be confirmed in the target population
before using them for clinical or research purposes.
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
American Psychological Association
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Psychological Assessment
- Syväoja, H., Tammelin, T. H., Ahonen, T., Räsänen, P., Tolvanen, A., Kankaanpää, A., & Kantomaa, M. (2015). Internal Consistency and Stability of the CANTAB Neuropsychological Test Battery in Children. Psychological Assessment, 27(2), 698-709.
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