Rethinking visual art practice in relation to well-being : a conceptual analysis
This study examines how the concepts related to visual art practice and
well-being have been used in the arts and academic sectors. Furthermore,
it studies whether it is possible to create a new theoretical and conceptual
framework for research. The research material of the arts and academic sectors
was examined by the methods of critical review and conceptual analysis. The
conceptual analysis led to the following main results: The employment of the
concepts concerning the practice of visual arts was diverse, often overlapping,
and in some respects incoherent. Both the concepts of ‘art’ and ‘well-being’
were mostly used as reasoning with generalizations. This strategy of discourse
was conceptualized as ‘the stated ideal’ of research. A lack of theoretical
frameworks and conceptions in regard to both art research and contemporary
psychology was discovered.
Further study led to the examination of the concepts of subjective well-being
(SWB), psychological well-being (PWB), hedonic and eudaimonic
well-being (EWB), and flow as a subjective, cognitive-affective experience.
A set of relevant conceptions in order to connect the visual art practice with
contemporary psychology was discovered. New interdisciplinary theoretical
and conceptual frameworks were developed. The principal conceptions of
well-being recommended to be applied in research concerning visual art
practice are hedonic and eudaimonic well-being as psychological constructs.
The new conceptual framework for situationalized and contextualized
research takes into consideration the reflective knowledge of art research, and
the theories by Waterman and colleagues, Huta, Getzels and Csikszentmihalyi
in psychology, and Langer and Dewey in aesthetics. The framework consists
of the following conceptions: 1) environment, 2) arts facilitation, 3) arts
participation, 4) art activity, 5) artistic process, and 6) artwork. Several
research aspects of the conceptions are discussed. In addition, an in situ
art workshop research method is introduced. The results provide relevant
theoretical support for a new connection between visual art practice and
eudaimonic and hedonic well-being. Eudaimonic well-being can be enhanced
through the practice of visual arts if the practice is considered as having value,
quality and meaning, opportunities for personal growth and self-expression,
and the activities and engagement are intrinsically motivated. These notions
are conceptualized as the meaningfulness of the visual art practice.
The new frameworks can be used when formulating a research question or
hypothesis, or when selecting methodology. The study can thus benefit the
diverse fields of arts and humanities, practice-based art and design research,
as well as health, social and leisure sciences.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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Published in
Jyväskylä studies in humanities