Heuristiikkojen käyttö hyvien toteutuksien löytämiseksi peleistä
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli soveltaa peliarviointimenetelmiä hyvin to-
teutettujen elementtien löytämiseksi peleistä. Menetelmäksi valittiin heuristinen ar-
viointi. Esimerkkipeliksi valittiin Dota 2. Esimerkkipelin arviointiin ei löytynyt so-
pivaa heuristiikkakokoelmaa. Tämän takia muodostettiin uusi kokoelma poimien
heuristiikkoja kolmesta eri peliheuristiikkakokoelmasta. Tuloksina löydettiin useita
hyviä toteutuksia Dota 2:sta.
The goal of this research was to apply game evaluation methods to find effective elements from games to inspire and help design. Applied method was heu- ristic evaluation. Dota 2 was selected as an example game. No suitable collections for evaluating the example game was found. To execute the evaluation, a new collection of heuristics was created by combining three different game heuristic collections. As a result, various effective elements were found.
The goal of this research was to apply game evaluation methods to find effective elements from games to inspire and help design. Applied method was heu- ristic evaluation. Dota 2 was selected as an example game. No suitable collections for evaluating the example game was found. To execute the evaluation, a new collection of heuristics was created by combining three different game heuristic collections. As a result, various effective elements were found.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201506172367Use this for linking