Lukiolaisten osallistumisen motiivit ja kokemukset Vanhat Tanssit -kurssista ja -tapahtumasta
Mirka Kanerva 2015. Lukiolaisten osallistumisen motiivit ja kokemukset Vanhat Tanssit - kurssista ja -tapahtumasta. Liikuntakasvatuksen laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto. Liikuntapedagogiikan pro gradu -tutkielma, 76 sivua, 5 liitettä.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää lukiolaisten kokemuksia lukion Vanhat Tanssit -kurssista ja -tapahtumasta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan oppilaiden osallistumisen syitä lukion Vanhat Tanssit -kurssille sekä tutkitaan lukiolaisten syitä jättäytyä pois Vanhat Tanssit -kurssilta. Vertailussa ovat myös tyttöjen ja poikien Vanhat Tanssit -kurssille osallistumisen ja poisjättäytymisen motiivit.
Tutkimukseen osallistui 156 oppilasta kahdesta turkulaisesta lukiosta. Tutkimukseen osallistuneista oppilaista 57 %:a oli tyttöjä ja 43 %:a oli poikia. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin joulukuussa 2013 ja keväällä 2014 tutkittavilta oppilailta henkilökohtaisesti kyselylomakkeilla. Taustatietojen lisäksi kyselylomake sisälsi mittareita, joilla selvitettiin oppilaiden osallistumissyitä Vanhat Tanssit -kurssille, Vanhat Tanssit -kurssin ja -tapahtuman merkityksiä oppilaille sekä oppilaiden poisjättäytymissyitä Vanhat Tanssit -kurssilta. Vanhat Tanssit -kurssin ja -tapahtuman merkitysten mittarin tuottama tieto tiivistettiin faktorianalyysin avulla kuuteen uuteen faktoriin. Muodostettujen faktoreiden luotettavuuden tarkasteluun käytettiin Cronbachin alfakertoimia sekä Pearsonin tulomomenttikorrelaatiokertoimia. Aineisto analysoitiin riippumattomien otosten t-testin ja Mann Whitneyn u-testin avulla.
Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan pääasialliset syyt osallistua Vanhat Tanssit -kurssille olivat hieno juhla sekä lukion perinne. Muita tärkeitä osallistumissyitä Vanhat Tanssit - kurssille olivat ajanvietto kavereiden kanssa, kurssin erilaisuus sekä itse Vanhat Tanssit -tapahtuma ja sen oheistoiminta. Tytöt pitivät hienoa juhlaa, ajanviettoa kavereiden kanssa, halua oppia tanssimaan vanhoja tansseja, aiemmin nähtyä esitystä sekä tähtenä oloa tärkeäm- pinä syinä osallistua Vanhat Tanssit -kurssille kuin pojat. Tyttöjä pyydettiin poikia useammin mukaan Vanhat Tanssit -kurssille. Pojilla taas parinsaannin helppous ja kiinnostus vastakkaiseen sukupuoleen motivoivat tyttöjä enemmän osallistumaan Vanhat Tanssit -kurssille. Tutkimustulosten mukaan merkittävimpiä syitä olla osallistumatta Vanhat Tanssit -kurssille olivat, että oppilas ei pidä tapahtumaa tärkeänä ja tanssitapahtuma ei kiinnosta oppilasta. Vanhat Tanssit -kurssin ja -tapahtuman tärkeimmät merkitykset oppilaille olivat vanhojen tanssien oppiminen, ryhmään kuuluminen ja ryhmätyöskentelytaitojen oppiminen.
Mirka Kanerva 2015. Upper Secondary School student`s motives to participate in the new seniors ball and their experience of the course. Department of Sports Sciences, University of Jyväskylä. Master’s thesis in Sport Pedagogy, 76 pages, 5 appendicies. The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of upper secondary school students and their experience of the new seniors ball and course. The new seniors ball is an event where school ́s new seniors perform traditional old styled dances for example Viennese Waltz. Up- per secondary schools offer this course, in which physical education teachers teach old styled dances for the students. Students have two months time to learn all the dances (about 10-12), which will be performed at the event. This study examines the reasons of students to take part in the new seniors ball course and also the reasons why students do not participate. I also compared and made closer analyses of the reasons for girls and boys to participate or not to participate. 156 students from two upper secondary schools, located in Turku participated. The group consisted 57 % of girls and 43 % of boys. The study material was collected in December 2013 and during the spring 2014. The personal questionnaire form consisted background infor- mation of each student and indicators that measured student ́s reasons to participate on the new seniors ball course and experience and significance of the course. One indicator meas- ured student ́s reasons not to participate to the new seniors ball course. I reduced the infor- mation of the students ́ experience and significance indicator with factor analyses. Factor analyses introduced six new factors. Reliability of the factors was measured by Cronbach ́s alpha and by Pearson product-moment correlation. The statistics were analysed with inde- pendent samples t-test and Mann Whitney ́s u-test. The main finding of this study was the tradition, students want to continue the long-standing tradition and participate in the new seniors course and event. The second important reason to participate was the elegancy of the event. Students participate in the new seniors ball course to meet and spend time with their friends. The course is also very different from the other upper secondary school courses making it attractive for the students. The new seniors ball event and all other related activities give further reasoning to participate. The elegance of the event and being with friends were more important reasons for girls to participate than for boys. Girls also appreciated more than boys the possibility to learn to dance, previous year ́s performance and being the star for one evening. Girls were asked to join the course more of- ten than boys. Boys thought that getting a partner for the course was easier for them than for girls. Interaction with the opposite sex motivated more boys than girls to take part in the course. Students that did not take part in the new seniors ball course did not think the course or the event to be of importance for them. The main findings were that students learned to dance old styled dances, they belonged to a group and they learned to work within the group.
Mirka Kanerva 2015. Upper Secondary School student`s motives to participate in the new seniors ball and their experience of the course. Department of Sports Sciences, University of Jyväskylä. Master’s thesis in Sport Pedagogy, 76 pages, 5 appendicies. The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of upper secondary school students and their experience of the new seniors ball and course. The new seniors ball is an event where school ́s new seniors perform traditional old styled dances for example Viennese Waltz. Up- per secondary schools offer this course, in which physical education teachers teach old styled dances for the students. Students have two months time to learn all the dances (about 10-12), which will be performed at the event. This study examines the reasons of students to take part in the new seniors ball course and also the reasons why students do not participate. I also compared and made closer analyses of the reasons for girls and boys to participate or not to participate. 156 students from two upper secondary schools, located in Turku participated. The group consisted 57 % of girls and 43 % of boys. The study material was collected in December 2013 and during the spring 2014. The personal questionnaire form consisted background infor- mation of each student and indicators that measured student ́s reasons to participate on the new seniors ball course and experience and significance of the course. One indicator meas- ured student ́s reasons not to participate to the new seniors ball course. I reduced the infor- mation of the students ́ experience and significance indicator with factor analyses. Factor analyses introduced six new factors. Reliability of the factors was measured by Cronbach ́s alpha and by Pearson product-moment correlation. The statistics were analysed with inde- pendent samples t-test and Mann Whitney ́s u-test. The main finding of this study was the tradition, students want to continue the long-standing tradition and participate in the new seniors course and event. The second important reason to participate was the elegancy of the event. Students participate in the new seniors ball course to meet and spend time with their friends. The course is also very different from the other upper secondary school courses making it attractive for the students. The new seniors ball event and all other related activities give further reasoning to participate. The elegance of the event and being with friends were more important reasons for girls to participate than for boys. Girls also appreciated more than boys the possibility to learn to dance, previous year ́s performance and being the star for one evening. Girls were asked to join the course more of- ten than boys. Boys thought that getting a partner for the course was easier for them than for girls. Interaction with the opposite sex motivated more boys than girls to take part in the course. Students that did not take part in the new seniors ball course did not think the course or the event to be of importance for them. The main findings were that students learned to dance old styled dances, they belonged to a group and they learned to work within the group.
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Master thesis
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