Maksimaalisen hapenottokyvyn arviointi bioimpedanssianalyysin ja sen antamien muuttujien avulla
Ihmisen kestävyyskunnon merkittävin mitattava suure on maksimaalinen hapenotto
(VO2max). Maksimaalista hapenottokykyä on yritetty arvioida monilla eri menetelmillä.
Tämän Pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää voidaanko
bioimpedanssianalyysin avulla ennustaa maksimaalista hapenottoa nuorilla vaihtelevan
kuntotaustan omaavilla varusmiehillä. Lisäksi haluttiin myös selvittää voidaanko nonexercise-menetelmissä käytettyjen muuttujien kuten fyysisen aktiivisuuden, BMI:n,
kehon rasvaprosentin ja painon avulla parantaa bioimpedanssin avulla tehdyn
maksimaalisen hapenoton arvion tarkkuutta.
Tutkimukseen osallistui 59 alokasta (keski-ikä 19.1 ± 0.3 vuotta) Kainuun Prikaatin
viestikomppanian tammikuun 2006 saapumiserästä. Tutkittavilta kartoitettiin
kyselytutkimuksella oma arvio fyysisestä aktiivisuudesta kahdeksanportaisella
asteikolla, mitattiin maksimaalinen hapenotto suoralla menetelmällä ja heille tehtiin
bioimpedanssianalyysi. Mittaukset suoritettiin alokaskauden alussa yhden viikon
Bioimpedanssimittaus suoritettiin kuudella eri taajuudella, joista 500 kHz ja 1 MHz
osoittautuivat tilastollisesti merkitseviksi korrelaatioanalyysissä maksimaalisen
hapenoton kanssa (p<0.05). Bioimpedanssianalyysin avulla mitatulla rasvaprosentilla ja fyysisen aktiivisuuden arviolla pystyttiin ennustamaan maksimaalista hapenottoa 70.6 prosentin selitysasteella. Muilla lisämittaustuloksilla ei ollut ennustearvoa parantavaa vaikutusta. Rasvaprosentti ja kehon bioimpedanssi ovat toisistaan riippuvaisia suureita, mikä sulki bioimpedanssin pois lopullisesta ennustemallista.
Tutkimustuloksissa keskimääräinen maksimaalinen hapenottotulos oli 43 ml/kg/min,
mikä on alle ikäluokan keskimääräiseksi arvioidun tulostason. Maksimaalinen
hapenotto poikkesi tutkittavilla enemmän keskimääräisestä kuin fyysisen aktiivisuuden
keskiarvo. Tämä vaikeutti tutkimustulosten yleistämistä väestötasolle.
Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, ettei tutkimusten tulosten perusteella voida osoittaa
bioimpedanssianalyysin yksinään tuovan apua maksimaalisen hapenoton VO2max
arviointiin ainakaan fyysiseltä aktiivisuudeltaan vaihtelevassa väestössä.
ABSTRACT Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is seen as the most significant measurement of human endurance capacity. VO2max has been predicted with various methods. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if VO2max could be predicted with the help of bioimpedance analysis from young male conscripts with versatile physical activity backgrounds. Also the aim was to examine if non-exercise model variables like physical activity, BMI, percentage body fat or body weight could improve the estimate of VO2max received by bioimpedance analysis. Fiftynine conscripts (age 19.1 ± 0.3 years) from Kainuu Pricade Signal Corps January 2006 class participated in this study. The participants evaluated their own physical activity with Jackson’s assessment by a questionnaire and their maximal oxygen uptake was measured with direct test. Also the bioimpedance analysis was made. The study was made early during basic training period within one week. Bioimpedance analyses were performed to all participants with six frequencies, and results with frequencies 500 kHz and 1 MHz were proven to correlate significantly with VO2max (p<0.05). Percentage body fat received from bioimpenance analysis and the physical activity assessment score could predict VO2max up to 70.6 percent. Other measured values did not enhance the accuracy of the prediction. Bioimpedance as a score and the bioimpedance derived physical variables are dependent from each other and consecuently they excluded the bioimpedance from the final prediction equation of VO2max. The results showed mean VO2max to be 43 ml/kg/min, which is lower than the estimated average level in that agegroup. VO2max deviated more from the average than the assessed physical activity score. This made the extrapolations to population difficult. In conclusion, the results showed that the bioimpedance analysis alone cannot predict the VO2max reliably in population with variable physical activity backgrounds.
ABSTRACT Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is seen as the most significant measurement of human endurance capacity. VO2max has been predicted with various methods. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if VO2max could be predicted with the help of bioimpedance analysis from young male conscripts with versatile physical activity backgrounds. Also the aim was to examine if non-exercise model variables like physical activity, BMI, percentage body fat or body weight could improve the estimate of VO2max received by bioimpedance analysis. Fiftynine conscripts (age 19.1 ± 0.3 years) from Kainuu Pricade Signal Corps January 2006 class participated in this study. The participants evaluated their own physical activity with Jackson’s assessment by a questionnaire and their maximal oxygen uptake was measured with direct test. Also the bioimpedance analysis was made. The study was made early during basic training period within one week. Bioimpedance analyses were performed to all participants with six frequencies, and results with frequencies 500 kHz and 1 MHz were proven to correlate significantly with VO2max (p<0.05). Percentage body fat received from bioimpenance analysis and the physical activity assessment score could predict VO2max up to 70.6 percent. Other measured values did not enhance the accuracy of the prediction. Bioimpedance as a score and the bioimpedance derived physical variables are dependent from each other and consecuently they excluded the bioimpedance from the final prediction equation of VO2max. The results showed mean VO2max to be 43 ml/kg/min, which is lower than the estimated average level in that agegroup. VO2max deviated more from the average than the assessed physical activity score. This made the extrapolations to population difficult. In conclusion, the results showed that the bioimpedance analysis alone cannot predict the VO2max reliably in population with variable physical activity backgrounds.
Main Author
Master thesis
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