Firstbeat Hyvinvointianalyysin hyödyt ja ongelmat työterveyshuollossa
Tomi Mertanen (2015). Firstbeat Hyvinvointianalyysin hyödyt ja ongelmat työterveyshuollossa. Terveystieteiden laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Liikuntalääketieteen pro gradu tutkielma, 54 sivua, 6 liitettä.
Firstbeat Hyvinvointianalyysi on terveydenhuollon ja liikunta-alan ammattilaisille kehitetty menetelmä, jonka avulla voidaan arvioida stressiä, palautumista, työn kuormittavuutta, liikunnan terveys- ja kuntovaikutuksia sekä elämäntapariskejä. Hyvinvointianalyysi perustuu sykevälivaihtelun mittaamiseen ja analysoinnissa huomioidaan myös sykkeen ja hengitysfrekvenssin vaihtelut ja maksimihapenkulutus. Sykevälivaihtelun ja stressin yhteyttä on tutkittu melko paljon ja niillä on todettu olevan yhteys. On myös tutkimusnäyttöä yhteydestä stressioireiden ja Hyvinvointianalyysilla osoitetun stressin välillä. Hyvinvointianalyysin hyötyjä ja ongelmakohtia työterveysasiakkaiden kokemana ei ole aiemmin juurikaan tutkittu. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, ovatko työterveysasiakkaat hyötyneet menetelmästä, mikä on Hyvinvointianalyysin yhteys työkyvyn paranemiseen ja minkä verran analyysiin osallistuneet ovat tehneet hyvinvointia tukevia muutoksia. Lisäksi selvitettiin, mitä ongelmia Firstbeat Hyvinvointianalyysin toteutukseen liittyy työterveysasiakkaiden kokemana.
Aineisto kerättiin Terveystalon työterveysasiakkailta, joille oli tehty Firstbeat Hyvinvointianalyysi 1.9.2013-31.3.2014. Menetelmänä oli kyselytutkimus, postikyselyt lähetettiin 5.5.2014-30.5.2014. Kyselyitä lähetettiin 558 kappaletta ja tutkimusjoukoksi tuli 141 henkilöä. Hyvinvointianalyysin hyötyjä selvitettiin 10 muuttujan avulla ja tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin IBM SPSS Statistics 20 –ohjelmalla. Analysoinnissa käytettiin prosenttijakaumaa, itsenäisten otosten t-testiä ja Pearsonin korrelaatiota.
Työterveysasiakkaat kokevat Firstbeat Hyvinvointianalyysin olevan hyödyllinen menetelmä stressinhallinnan ja palautumisen tukemisessa ja menetelmällä on yhteys myös koettuun työkyvyn paranemiseen. Prosentuaalisesti eniten vastaajista koki hyötyneensä päivän aikana esintyvien taukojen merkityksen tiedostamisessa (97.2%) ja vähiten fyysisen kunnon parantamisessa (83,0%). Keskiarvoltaan korkeimman arvosanan sai yöunen aikana tapahtuvan palautumisen merkityksen tiedostaminen (4.16±.97) ja matalimman palautuminen fyysisestä rasituksesta (2.73±1.05). Neljännes vastaajista koki työkykynsä parantuneen ja vain 0.7 % heikentyneen. Eniten hyvinvointia tukevia muutoksia tehtiin rentoutumiseen ja lepoon liittyen (3.18±1.00) ja vähiten muihin harrastuksiin liittyen (2.51±.97). Eniten menetelmään liittyviä ongelmia koettiin Terveystalon toimintamallin selkeyteen liittyen (2.34±1.21) ja vähiten mittarinkäyttöön liittyen (1.37±.79).
ABSTRACT Tomi Mertanen (2015). Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment – its Benefits and Problems in Occupational Healthcare Services. Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, (Sports and Exercise Medicine) Master’s thesis, 54 pages, 6 appendices. Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment is a method developed for professional use in the fields of healthcare and physical education. It is a tool used for evaluating stress factors, sufficiency of recovery, quality of sleep as well as health and fitness effects of physical activity. Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment is based on heart rate variability measurement. Heart rate, ventilation frequency and maximum oxygen consumption are also taken into consideration. There is an association between heart rate variability and work stress, and there is some evidence of association between stress symptoms and stress indicated by Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment. The benefits and problems experienced by clients using the assessment in occupational healthcare have not been investigated. The purpose of this study was to find out how occupational healthcare clients experienced the benefits and problems of this method. Furthermore, what kind of lifestyle-related changes they have done and if they experienced that their work ability is better after Firstbeat Lifestyle assessment. The data was collected from Terveystalo occupational health care clients who participated in Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment between 1st of October 2013 and 31st of March 2014. A survey was mailed to 558 clients between 5th of May and 30th of May 2014. The final sample size was 141. The benefits were determined using 10 variables, lifestyle-related changes using five variables and problems usin six variables. Working ability was found using one question. The data was analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 20software using percentage distribution, independent samples t-test and Pearson correlation. Occupational healthcare clients seemed to benefit from Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment in stress-control and recovery and there was an association between Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment and work ability improvement. The largest percentage was found becoming aware of the significance of daytime recovery breaks most beneficial (97.2% of clients) and improving physical condition least beneficial (83.0% of clients). On average, clients found becoming aware of the significance of sleep in recovery most beneficial (4.16±.97) and recovery from physical strain least beneficial (2.73±1.05) (scale: 1-5, 1=not beneficial, 5=very beneficial). Almost fourth of clients experienced improvement in work ability and only 0.7% experienced a decline The most common problems were related to the clarity of Terveystalo´s operation model in Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessments (2.34±1.21), and the least problems were in using the heart rate variability meter (1.37±.79) (scale 1-5, 1= no problems, 5=very much problems).
ABSTRACT Tomi Mertanen (2015). Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment – its Benefits and Problems in Occupational Healthcare Services. Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, (Sports and Exercise Medicine) Master’s thesis, 54 pages, 6 appendices. Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment is a method developed for professional use in the fields of healthcare and physical education. It is a tool used for evaluating stress factors, sufficiency of recovery, quality of sleep as well as health and fitness effects of physical activity. Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment is based on heart rate variability measurement. Heart rate, ventilation frequency and maximum oxygen consumption are also taken into consideration. There is an association between heart rate variability and work stress, and there is some evidence of association between stress symptoms and stress indicated by Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment. The benefits and problems experienced by clients using the assessment in occupational healthcare have not been investigated. The purpose of this study was to find out how occupational healthcare clients experienced the benefits and problems of this method. Furthermore, what kind of lifestyle-related changes they have done and if they experienced that their work ability is better after Firstbeat Lifestyle assessment. The data was collected from Terveystalo occupational health care clients who participated in Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment between 1st of October 2013 and 31st of March 2014. A survey was mailed to 558 clients between 5th of May and 30th of May 2014. The final sample size was 141. The benefits were determined using 10 variables, lifestyle-related changes using five variables and problems usin six variables. Working ability was found using one question. The data was analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 20software using percentage distribution, independent samples t-test and Pearson correlation. Occupational healthcare clients seemed to benefit from Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment in stress-control and recovery and there was an association between Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment and work ability improvement. The largest percentage was found becoming aware of the significance of daytime recovery breaks most beneficial (97.2% of clients) and improving physical condition least beneficial (83.0% of clients). On average, clients found becoming aware of the significance of sleep in recovery most beneficial (4.16±.97) and recovery from physical strain least beneficial (2.73±1.05) (scale: 1-5, 1=not beneficial, 5=very beneficial). Almost fourth of clients experienced improvement in work ability and only 0.7% experienced a decline The most common problems were related to the clarity of Terveystalo´s operation model in Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessments (2.34±1.21), and the least problems were in using the heart rate variability meter (1.37±.79) (scale 1-5, 1= no problems, 5=very much problems).
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Master thesis
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