Acceptance and commitment group therapy for treatment of insomnia
Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaa on käytetty laajasti erilaisten psyykkisten ongelmien hoidossa, niin aikuisilla kuin lapsilla. Viimeaikaisista tutkimuksista HOT:n periaatteiden soveltamisesta nukkumisongelmien ja unettomuuden hoitoon on saatu lupaavia tuloksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää ryhmämuotoisen Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapian vaikutuksia unettomuuden hoidossa.
Tutkimukseen osallistuneista 32 henkilöä kuului koeryhmään ja 33 tutkittavaa kontrolliryhmään. Hoito suoritettiin ryhmämuotoisena terapiana, joka sisälsi yhteensä kuusi kertaa, joista ensimmäinen tehtiin yksilöllisellä puhelinhaastattelulla. Loput viisi istuntoa pidettiin säännöllisesti viikoittain. Osallistujia tutkittiin yhteensä 15 eri testimenetelmällä, jotka keskittyivät uneen, psyykkiseen joustavuuteen sekä fyysiseen ja henkiseen hyvinvointiin. Tulokset analysoitiin käyttäen hyödyksi toistettujen mittausten varianssianalyysia (ANOVA).
Tutkimuksen tuloksena löydettiin merkitsevä ero hoito- ja kontrolliryhmän välillä kuudessa mittarissa. Tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero oli unettomuuden haitta-asteen arviossa, uneen liittyvissä haitallisissa kognitioissa, psykologisessa kärsimyksessä, masennus-, ahdistus-, ja stressioireissa, sekä toiveikkuudessa. Lisäksi koeryhmän sisäisessä tarkastelussa kaikissa mittareissa todettiin tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero ajan suhteen.
Tutkimus osoitti, että Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaan pohjautuva ryhmäinterventio voi olla tehokas keino unettomuuden hoidossa. Esitettyjä tuloksia tulee kuitenkin tulkita maltillisesti johtuen tutkimuksen pitkäaikaisen seurannan puutteesta. Tulevaisuudessa tarvitaankin yhä lisätutkimuksia ja parempien mittareiden kehittämistä unettomuuden prosessien tutkimiseen.
Avainsanat: Hyväksymis- ja Omistautumisterapia, unettomuus, ryhmäterapia
There are variety of populations and problems, including adults and children with common psychological problems where Acceptance and Commitment Therapy has been used. There are also promising pilot studies focusing principles of ACT for the treatment of insomnia. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy for sleep disorders. The sample included a treatment group of 32 participants with chronic sleep disorder and a control group of 33 people. The treatment consisted of six group sessions from which the first one was held individually via phone. The remaining five group sessions were held weekly. Altogether there were 15 tests focusing on participants sleep, psychological flexibility and physical and psychological well-being. Outcomes were done by using repeated analyses of variance (ANOVA). There were significant difference between the treatment and the control group in perceived severity of insomnia, sleep-related dysfunctional cognitions, psychological distress, severity of depressive, anxiety and stress symptoms, and dispositional and state hope over time. Additionally all used measures had significant improvements with scores in the treatment group over a time. The study showed that ACT principles -based group intervention can be effective to treat insomnia. These findings, however, need to be interpreted cautiously, due to lack of long time follow-up. Further research and developing new measures for studying processes of insomnia are still needed. Keywords: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, insomnia, group therapy
There are variety of populations and problems, including adults and children with common psychological problems where Acceptance and Commitment Therapy has been used. There are also promising pilot studies focusing principles of ACT for the treatment of insomnia. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy for sleep disorders. The sample included a treatment group of 32 participants with chronic sleep disorder and a control group of 33 people. The treatment consisted of six group sessions from which the first one was held individually via phone. The remaining five group sessions were held weekly. Altogether there were 15 tests focusing on participants sleep, psychological flexibility and physical and psychological well-being. Outcomes were done by using repeated analyses of variance (ANOVA). There were significant difference between the treatment and the control group in perceived severity of insomnia, sleep-related dysfunctional cognitions, psychological distress, severity of depressive, anxiety and stress symptoms, and dispositional and state hope over time. Additionally all used measures had significant improvements with scores in the treatment group over a time. The study showed that ACT principles -based group intervention can be effective to treat insomnia. These findings, however, need to be interpreted cautiously, due to lack of long time follow-up. Further research and developing new measures for studying processes of insomnia are still needed. Keywords: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, insomnia, group therapy
Main Authors
Master thesis
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