Finnish energy policy trends 1995-2013 : a policy orientation towards the low carbon future?
Climate change is a very topical issue which requires urgent actions from the international
climate change regime and from the nation states inside the regime. At the moment, the
global economy is still relying heavily on the traditional energy sources. In order to
mitigate the growing pressure of the climate change, a technology modernization which
relies on the alternative energy sources is a must.
This research examines if the Finnish energy policy trends have been manifesting a policy
orientation towards the low carbon future during the time period of 1995-2013 and whether
these trends have been in tune with the global climate change regime. The data for this
research was collected from the Conventions that Finland has made with the other nation
states between the years 1995 to 2013. The selected time period provided 39 findings
which were analyzed with the help of the inductive content analysis.
The research revealed that the most important Finnish energy policy trends were
environmental sustainability and climate change, technology modernization, regional
cooperation and reconstruction of governance which all manifested a policy orientation
towards the low carbon future, although the transformation process was not very fast by its
nature. In addition, the biggest want of the climate change regime i.e. climate change
mitigation and biggest need of the regime i.e. de-carbonization of the energy sector, were
both very much visible in the results. This suggests that the Finnish energy policies have
been mostly in tune with the international regime, albeit the fact that the issue of the decarbonization
is far more complex by its nature and more research work related to the area
is needed.
Main Author
Master thesis
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