The school leadership views on the impact of the national school feeding programme in Ghana : the case study of Adumanu M/A and Ayaasi D/A primary schools
This study seeks to investigate the school leadership views on the impact of the Ghana
National School Feeding Programme (GNSFP). The qualitative methodology was
utilized. The data were collected with semi-structured focus group interviews in two
primary schools. The informants were members of the five leadership groups of each
Thematic coding and network analysis were used to answer the three research questions.
The results reveal that the school feeding programme has a positive impact on
school enrolment, attendance and retention as well as heath issues such as the nutrition
quality improving cognitive skills, and minimizing HIV/Aids. Further, the results
show that the programme motivates the students, improves families` savings and reduces
absenteeism among students. Different from several other countries with school
feeding programmes, the GNSFP does not apply deworming and food supplements
like vitamins. There were also negative effects accompanied by the enrolment, attendance
and retention such as overcrowding, poor supervision, marking of pupils` exercises,
lack of furniture and classrooms.
Some findings were not previously mentioned in the literature: First, school leaders
enjoyed the meals free of charge. Second, the school attendance was motivated by
physical punishment, teachers‟ motivation and professional competencies. Lastly,
absenteeism was caused by child labour.
The study recommends a further research on the impacts of the GNSFP in other districts,
disciplinary action as a means to induce attendance and the issue of child labour.
Main Author
Master thesis
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