Vartalon etutaivutuksen ja kaularangan kuormituksen aiheuttamat muutokset atlantoaksiaalisessa subluksaatiossa nivelreumapotilailla
Merja Kumpulainen (2014). Vartalon etutaivutuksen ja kaularangan kuormituksen aiheuttamat muutokset atlantoaksiaalisessa subluksaatiossa nivelreumapotilailla. Terveystieteiden laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto, fysioterapian pro gradu –tutkielma, 36 s.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää vartalon etutaivutuksen, tukikauluksen käytön ja pään kautta tulevan kaularangan kuormituksen vaikutusta atlantoaksiaaliseen subluksaatioon nivelreumapotilailla.
Tutkimuksessa oli mukana kuusi nivelreumapotilasta, joilla oli radiologisesti todettu instabiili atlantoaksiaalinen subluksaatio. Tutkittavilta otettiin kaularangan röntgenkuvat neutraaliasennossa (referenssiarvo), kaularangan etutaivutuksessa, neutraaliasennossa tukikauluksen kanssa, vartalon etutaivutuksessa, vartalon etutaivutuksessa tukikaulus puettuna ja vartalon etutaivutuksessa tukikaulus puettuna kuormittaen samalla kaularankaa pään ympäri asetetulla yhden kilon painolla. Röntgenkuvista mitattiin atlantoaksiaalinen etäisyys (AAD) ja posteriorinen atlanto-dentaalinen intervalli (PADI).
Atlantoaksiaalinen etäisyys lisääntyi ja posteriorinen atlanto-dentaalinen intervalli pieneni kaularangan fleksioasennossa kaikilla kuudella tutkitulla ja vartalon etutaivutuksessa viidellä kuudesta tutkitusta. Keskimääräinen muutos AAD:ssa oli 3,8 (1,9) mm (p=,005) ja PADI:ssa 3,3 (2,3) mm (p=,015) kaularangan fleksiossa verrattuna neutraaliasentoon. Keskimääräinen muutos AAD:ssa vaihteli välillä 2,5 (1,6) mm (p=,014) vartalon fleksiossa ja 3,3 (1,0) mm (p=,001) vartalon fleksiossa tukikaulus puettuna ja lisäpaino pään päällä. PADI:ssa muutos vaihteli 2,2 (0,8) mm (p=,001) vartalon fleksiossa ja 2,5 (1,0) mm (p=,002) vartalon fleksiossa tukikaulus puettuna. Kaikissa tutkituissa tilanteissa PADI oli yli 14 mm.
Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan tukikaulus ei pysty estämään atlantoaksiaalista subluksaatiota, joka ilmenee vartalon etutaivutuksessa painovoiman vaikutuksesta. Lisäksi, pään kuormittaminen esimerkiksi pyöräilykypärällä tai harjoitteluvastuksella saattaa lisätä subluksaatiota. Huolellinen potilasohjaus, jossa ohjataan toimimaan vartalo ja niska neutraaliasennossa päivittäisissä askareissa on suositeltavaa nivelreumapotilaille, joilla on instabiili anteriorinen atlantoaksiaalinen subluksaatio.
Merja Kumpulainen (2014). Change in the atlantoaxial subluxation in forward trunk leaning and loading the head in rheumatoid arthritis patients with unstable anterior atlantoaxial subluxation; Short Report. Department of health sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Physiotherapy Master’s Thesis, 36 p. Objective: To study the effect of trunk and neck position and loading the head with light weight on atlantoaxial stability with and without a collar rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with unstable anterior atlantoaxial subluxation (aAAS). Methods: Six patients with a mean (SD) age of 56 (6) years and duration of RA of 23 (8) years volunteered for the study. Lateral view radiographs of the cervical spine were taken in the neutral position, in flexion and in neutral upright position with collar. The radiographs were also taken during leaning the trunk 30° forward, leaning trunk 30° forward with collar and leaning trunk 30° forward with collar and loading the head by 1 kilo weight neck in the neutral position. Anterior atlantoaxial subluxation (aAAS) and posterior atlantodental interval (PADI) were measured blinded from the radiographs. Results: The aAAS increased and the PADI decreased during the flexion of cervical spine in all six patients and during forwad leaning of the trunk in five of six patients. The mean (SD) change in the atlantoaxial distance (AAD) was 3,8 (1,9) mm (p=,005) and in the PADI 3,3 (2,3) mm (p=,015) in the cervical flexion compared with the neutral position of neck and trunk (reference value). The mean (SD) change of AAD varied from 2,5 (1,6) mm (p=,014) during forward leaning of trunk and neck neutral position to 3,3 (1,0) mm (p=,001) when having a collar and extra load around the head and in the PADI from 2,2 (0,8) mm (p=,001) during trunk flexion and neck in the neutral position to 2,5 (1,0) mm (p=,002) during forward leaning of trunk with collar in the different trunk leaning positions. During all examined position the PADI was more than 14 mm. Conclusion: During tasks of daily living in the posture with trunk leaned forward the custom made collar may not prevent the atlantoaxial subluxation caused by forward leaning position of the trunk when the gravity pulls the skull downward. Furthermore, the use of certain equipments as a bike helmet or a load during neck exercises may even increase the shift. The careful patient education in which the patients are instructed to keep the whole trunk and neck in the upright position during activities of daily living is recommended in unstable AAS.
Merja Kumpulainen (2014). Change in the atlantoaxial subluxation in forward trunk leaning and loading the head in rheumatoid arthritis patients with unstable anterior atlantoaxial subluxation; Short Report. Department of health sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Physiotherapy Master’s Thesis, 36 p. Objective: To study the effect of trunk and neck position and loading the head with light weight on atlantoaxial stability with and without a collar rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with unstable anterior atlantoaxial subluxation (aAAS). Methods: Six patients with a mean (SD) age of 56 (6) years and duration of RA of 23 (8) years volunteered for the study. Lateral view radiographs of the cervical spine were taken in the neutral position, in flexion and in neutral upright position with collar. The radiographs were also taken during leaning the trunk 30° forward, leaning trunk 30° forward with collar and leaning trunk 30° forward with collar and loading the head by 1 kilo weight neck in the neutral position. Anterior atlantoaxial subluxation (aAAS) and posterior atlantodental interval (PADI) were measured blinded from the radiographs. Results: The aAAS increased and the PADI decreased during the flexion of cervical spine in all six patients and during forwad leaning of the trunk in five of six patients. The mean (SD) change in the atlantoaxial distance (AAD) was 3,8 (1,9) mm (p=,005) and in the PADI 3,3 (2,3) mm (p=,015) in the cervical flexion compared with the neutral position of neck and trunk (reference value). The mean (SD) change of AAD varied from 2,5 (1,6) mm (p=,014) during forward leaning of trunk and neck neutral position to 3,3 (1,0) mm (p=,001) when having a collar and extra load around the head and in the PADI from 2,2 (0,8) mm (p=,001) during trunk flexion and neck in the neutral position to 2,5 (1,0) mm (p=,002) during forward leaning of trunk with collar in the different trunk leaning positions. During all examined position the PADI was more than 14 mm. Conclusion: During tasks of daily living in the posture with trunk leaned forward the custom made collar may not prevent the atlantoaxial subluxation caused by forward leaning position of the trunk when the gravity pulls the skull downward. Furthermore, the use of certain equipments as a bike helmet or a load during neck exercises may even increase the shift. The careful patient education in which the patients are instructed to keep the whole trunk and neck in the upright position during activities of daily living is recommended in unstable AAS.
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