Emootiot, ihon sähkönjohtavuus ja sisäinen puhe pariterapian yhteisessä naurun hetkessä
Tutkimuksemme tarkoituksena oli tutkia monitoimijaisen vuorovaikutuksen ei-kielellisiä sekä kielellisiä piirteitä luonnollisissa pariterapiaolosuhteissa. Tutkimuksemme oli osa Jyväskylän yliopiston Relationaalinen mieli monitoimijaisten terapiadialogien muutoshetkissä -tutkimusprojektia, joka kuuluu Suomen Akatemian rahoittamaan Ihmisen mieli (MIND) -tutkimusohjelmaan. Tutkimushenkilöitä olivat keski-ikäinen pariskunta ja heidän kaksi terapeuttiaan. Tutkimuksessamme huomio kohdistui yhteen yhteiseen naurun hetkeen, johon liittyi FaceReader-ohjelman mukaan kaikilla tutkimushenkilöillä emotionaalisia kasvonilmeitä Stimulated Recall -haastatteluissa. Tutkimme tämän merkityksellisen hetken sisältämää sisäistä puhetta istunnon jälkeisellä Stimulated Recall -haastattelulla. Stimulated Recall -haastattelun aikana ilmenneitä emootioita havainnoitiin tietokonepohjaisella FaceReader-ohjelmalla. Lisäksi tutkimme autonomisen hermoston reaktioita istunnon ja Stimulated Recall -haastattelun aikana tutkimalla ihon sähkönjohtavuuden vasteita. Merkityksellinen hetki sisälsi ihon sähkönjohtavuuden synkroniaa terapiaistunnossa, mutta Stimulated Recall -haastattelun aikana kyseiseen hetkeen liittyvät fysiologiset muutokset, havaitut emootiot ja kielelliset reaktiot paljastivat eroavuuksia tutkimushenkilöiden, erityisesti terapeuttien näkökulmien välillä. Terapeutti 2 kiinnitti puheessaan huomiota ennemmin miesasiakkaaseen ja parisuhteen vuorovaikutuksen problematiikkaan, kun taas terapeutti 1 koki hetken positiivisemmin ja keskittyi erityisesti naisasiakkaan näkökulmaan. Näemme, että monitoimijaisissa vuorovaikutustilanteissa erilaiset näkökulmat täydentävät toisiaan auttaen molempia asiakkaita tulemaan kuulluiksi.
The aim of our study was to explore nonverbal and verbal features in multi-actor interaction within natural therapy setting. Our study was part of the “The Relational Mind in Events of Change in Multi-actor Therapeutic Dialog” research project, conducted in the University of Jyväskylä and it was part of the Research program on the Human Mind, financed by the Academy of Finland. Participants of the study were a middle aged couple and their two therapists. We focused on a moment of mutual laughter, which was the only moment in Stimulated Recall interviews where FaceReader found emotional expressions from all the participants. We investigated participants’ inner voices during this moment by organizing Stimulated Recall interviews shortly after the therapy session. Emotions aroused during the Stimulated Recall interview were analyzed by using FaceReader program. In addition we investigated reactions of the autonomic nervous system by measuring the electrodermal activity during the therapy session and the Stimulated Recall interviews. The meaningful moment included synchrony in the electrodermal activity during the therapy session but later during the Stimulated Recall interviews synchronicity was not found to be so strong. Differences were observed in the reactions of the autonomic nervous systems, facial emotions and verbal reactions of the participants, particularly between the therapists. Therapist 2 paid more attention to the male client and to the interaction between the spouses, whereas therapist 1 concentrated more on the positive sides of the moment and to the female client’s point of view. We concluded that the perspective of therapist 2 was mainly related to processing the problematic issues of the relationship, while therapist 1 interpreted the moment positively tuned. We think that the different viewpoints in multi-actor interaction may enable both clients’ perspectives to be taken into account.
The aim of our study was to explore nonverbal and verbal features in multi-actor interaction within natural therapy setting. Our study was part of the “The Relational Mind in Events of Change in Multi-actor Therapeutic Dialog” research project, conducted in the University of Jyväskylä and it was part of the Research program on the Human Mind, financed by the Academy of Finland. Participants of the study were a middle aged couple and their two therapists. We focused on a moment of mutual laughter, which was the only moment in Stimulated Recall interviews where FaceReader found emotional expressions from all the participants. We investigated participants’ inner voices during this moment by organizing Stimulated Recall interviews shortly after the therapy session. Emotions aroused during the Stimulated Recall interview were analyzed by using FaceReader program. In addition we investigated reactions of the autonomic nervous system by measuring the electrodermal activity during the therapy session and the Stimulated Recall interviews. The meaningful moment included synchrony in the electrodermal activity during the therapy session but later during the Stimulated Recall interviews synchronicity was not found to be so strong. Differences were observed in the reactions of the autonomic nervous systems, facial emotions and verbal reactions of the participants, particularly between the therapists. Therapist 2 paid more attention to the male client and to the interaction between the spouses, whereas therapist 1 concentrated more on the positive sides of the moment and to the female client’s point of view. We concluded that the perspective of therapist 2 was mainly related to processing the problematic issues of the relationship, while therapist 1 interpreted the moment positively tuned. We think that the different viewpoints in multi-actor interaction may enable both clients’ perspectives to be taken into account.
Main Authors
Bachelor thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
Aineistoon pääsyä on rajoitettu tekijänoikeussyistä. Aineisto on luettavissa Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjaston arkistotyöasemalta. Ks. https://kirjasto.jyu.fi/fi/tyoskentelytilat/laitteet-ja-tilat.