Nuorten nukkumistottumusten yhteys ylipainoon : WHO-koululaistutkimus
Nuorten nukkumistottumusten yhteys ylipainoon 13- ja 15-vuotiailla nuorilla. WHO-Koululaistutkimus.
Hyttinen Jonna Kristiina
Terveyskasvatuksen Pro Gradu –tutkielma
Jyväskylän yliopisto, Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta, terveystieteiden laitos
Sivuja 77, liitteitä 1
Tämän Pro Gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää 13- ja 15-vuotiaiden tyttöjen ja poikien kouluviikon yöunen pituuden yhteyttä ylipainoon. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin unirytmin yhteyttä ylipainoon. Tavoitteena oli myös saada tietoa nuorten nukkumistottumuksista sekä kouluviikolla että viikonloppuisin.
Tutkimus perustui vuoden 2010 WHO-Koululaistutkimuksen aineistoon, josta analysoitiin 13- ja 15-vuotiaiden (n=4260) taustatietoihin, unen pituuteen sekä painoon ja pituuteen liittyvät kysymykset. Tutkimusongelmien selvittämiseksi käytettiin frekvenssijakaumia, ristiintaulukointia, χ2-testiä, riippumattomien otosten t-testiä sekä binääristä logistista regressioanalyysiä.
Suurin osa nuorista nukkui 7,5–8,5 tuntia yössä silloin, kun seuraavana päivänä oli koulupäivä. 15-vuotiaat nukkuivat lyhyempiä yöunia kuin 13-vuotiaat. Viikonloppuisin kaikki nuoret nukkuivat keskimäärin kaksi tuntia enemmän kuin arkena. Suurimmalla osalla nuorista oli epäsäännöllinen unirytmi ja tämä oli vielä yleisempää tyttöjen kuin poikien keskuudessa. Ylipainoisuus vaihteli sukupuolesta ja iästä riippuen 11–20 %:n välillä poikien ollessa tyttöjä yleisemmin ylipainoisia. Kouluviikon yöunen pituus oli yhteydessä ylipainoon 13- ja 15-vuotiailla pojilla, mutta ei tytöillä. Unirytmi ei ollut yhteydessä ylipainoon 13- ja 15-vuotiailla pojilla ja tytöillä. Ylipainoa selittivät logistisessa regressioanalyysissa nuorempi ikä, sukupuolena poika sekä enintään seitsemän tunnin yöunet arkena.
Yläkoulun alkaessa on terveystiedon opetuksessa painotettava unen merkitystä hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Epäsäännöllisen unirytmin yleisyyden ja mittavien terveyshaittojen takia nuoret tulisi saada ymmärtämään säännöllisen unirytmin olevan yhteydessä elämänlaatuun. Ylipaino oli yleistä tässäkin tutkimuksessa. Koulu ja vanhemmat voivat yhteistyössä vaikuttaa nuorten ylipainon kehittymiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan terveyskasvatusta suunniteltaessa tulee huomioida sukupuolittaiset erot sekä ottaa huomioon myös nuorten ikä.
Asiasanat: Nuoret, unen pituus, unirytmi, ylipaino
Association with sleep habits and overweight among 13- and 15-year-old adolescents. The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. Hyttinen Jonna Kristiina Master´s thesis of health education University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, Department of Health Sciences 2014 Pages 77, appendixes 1 The purpose in this master thesis was to investigate length of sleep at school week and its association with overweight among girls and boys aged 13 and 15 years. In addition, sleep-wake rhythm and its association with overweight were also observed in this study. The aim was also to explore sleep habits both at school week and weekends. The data was based on the Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study from 2010. The questions related to demographics, length of sleep, as well as weight and length of 13 and 15 year old boys and girls (n=4260) were analysed using this data. Frequency distributions, crosstabulations, χ2-test, independent samples t-test and binary logistic regression analysis were used to solve the research problems. The most of adolescents slept 7,5–8,5 hours at night if next day was a school day. 15-year olds slept generally less than 13-year olds adolescents. Adolescents slept on average two hours more at weekends than at weekdays. The most of adolescents had irregular sleep-wake rhythm and it was more common among girls. Depending on sex and age, overweight differed from 11 to 20 %, boys being overweight more often than girls. Length of sleep at school week was associated with overweight among 13- and 15-year old boys, but not among girls. Sleep-wake rhythm was not associated with overweight among 13- and 15-year old boys and girls. Logistic regression analysis revealed that younger age, being a male and sleeping at most seven hours were increasing the likelihood for overweight. In the beginning of secondary school health education teaching have to highlight significance of sleep to well-being. Because an irregular sleep is so common and it leads to serious health problems, it’s important to get adolescents understand that regular sleep is associated with quality of life. Overweight was common also in this study. School and parents can together influence development of overweight among adolescents. According to this study gender and age of adolescent have to take into account when planning health education. Keywords: Adolescents, length of sleep, sleep-wake cycle, overweight
Association with sleep habits and overweight among 13- and 15-year-old adolescents. The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. Hyttinen Jonna Kristiina Master´s thesis of health education University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, Department of Health Sciences 2014 Pages 77, appendixes 1 The purpose in this master thesis was to investigate length of sleep at school week and its association with overweight among girls and boys aged 13 and 15 years. In addition, sleep-wake rhythm and its association with overweight were also observed in this study. The aim was also to explore sleep habits both at school week and weekends. The data was based on the Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study from 2010. The questions related to demographics, length of sleep, as well as weight and length of 13 and 15 year old boys and girls (n=4260) were analysed using this data. Frequency distributions, crosstabulations, χ2-test, independent samples t-test and binary logistic regression analysis were used to solve the research problems. The most of adolescents slept 7,5–8,5 hours at night if next day was a school day. 15-year olds slept generally less than 13-year olds adolescents. Adolescents slept on average two hours more at weekends than at weekdays. The most of adolescents had irregular sleep-wake rhythm and it was more common among girls. Depending on sex and age, overweight differed from 11 to 20 %, boys being overweight more often than girls. Length of sleep at school week was associated with overweight among 13- and 15-year old boys, but not among girls. Sleep-wake rhythm was not associated with overweight among 13- and 15-year old boys and girls. Logistic regression analysis revealed that younger age, being a male and sleeping at most seven hours were increasing the likelihood for overweight. In the beginning of secondary school health education teaching have to highlight significance of sleep to well-being. Because an irregular sleep is so common and it leads to serious health problems, it’s important to get adolescents understand that regular sleep is associated with quality of life. Overweight was common also in this study. School and parents can together influence development of overweight among adolescents. According to this study gender and age of adolescent have to take into account when planning health education. Keywords: Adolescents, length of sleep, sleep-wake cycle, overweight
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Master thesis
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