Masennuksen pariterapian vaikuttavuuden erot tutkimusyksiköiden välillä ja niitä välittävät tekijät
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää masennuksen pariterapian vaikuttavuuden eroja tutkimusyksiköiden välillä ja niitä välittäviä tekijöitä. Näitä tavoitteita varten tutkittiin myös, onko pariterapia vaikuttavaa masennuksen hoidossa. Tutkimusyksiköiden välisiä eroja pariterapian tuloksellisuudessa on tutkittu vain vähän. Lisäksi tekijöitä, jotka välittävät tutkimusyksiköiden välisiä eroja masennuksen pariterapian tuloksellisuudessa ei ole ilmeisesti tutkittu. Kuitenkin masennuksen pariterapian tuloksellisuutta on tutkittu ja sen on todettu olevan tuloksellista (Kung, 2000). Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin Länsi-Pohjan ja Pohjois-Savon tutkimusyksiköiden välisiä eroja masennuksen hoidon ja masennuksen pariterapian vaikuttavuudessa kahden vuoden seurannan aikana. Lisäksi tutkittiin, välittävätkö demografiset, yksilölliset sekä suhteisiin, terapiaan ja terapeuttiin liittyvät tekijät tutkimusyksiköiden välisiä eroja masennuksen pariterapian vaikuttavuudessa. Tutkimus on osa Dialogiset ja narratiiviset prosessit (DINADEP) masennuksen pariterapiassa -projektia, joka toteutettiin vuosina 2005–2011 kolmessa sairaanhoitopiirissä. Tutkimuksen lopullinen aineisto koostui 46 tutkittavasta. Masennusoireita mitattiin Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)- ja Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)-mittareilla. Analyysimenetelminä olivat Mann-Whitney U-testi, toistettujen mittausten varianssianalyysi (ANOVA) ja mediaattorimallit. Tutkimuksen mukaan pariterapia oli vaikuttavaa masennuksen hoidossa koko aineistolla ja Länsi-Pohjan tutkimusyksikössä verrattuna yleisiin masennuksen lieventymistä kuvaaviin raja-arvoihin. Pariterapian vaikuttavuuteen liittyen havaittiin, ettei se eronnut tavanomaisen hoidon vaikuttavuudesta. Selvitettäessä tutkimusyksiköiden välisiä eroja masennuksen hoidon vaikuttavuudessa Länsi-Pohjan tutkimusyksikössä masennuksen todettiin laskevan enemmän kuin Pohjois-Savon tutkimusyksikössä sekä BDI- että HDRS-mittareilla mitattuna. Masennuksen hoito sisälsi sekä pariterapian että tavanomaisen hoidon. Kuitenkin tutkittaessa eroja pariterapian vaikuttavuudessa havaittiin, että tutkimusyksiköt erosivat toisistaan vain BDI-mittarin suhteen. Länsi-Pohjassa BDI-mittarin arvot laskivat enemmän kuin Pohjois-Savossa. Välittäviä tekijöitä tarkasteltaessa ainoastaan psykoterapian kesto ja yleisen toimintakyvyn taso välittivät tutkimusyksiköiden välisiä eroja masennuksen pariterapian vaikuttavuudessa. Tutkimuksen mukaan tutkimusyksiköiden välillä on havaittavissa eroja pariterapian vaikuttavuudessa. Lisäksi on löydettävissä eroja välittäviä tekijöitä. Hyödyntämällä tietoa tutkimusyksiköiden välisistä eroista ja niihin vaikuttavista tekijöistä on mahdollista löytää toimivia hoitokäytäntöjä, joiden avulla voidaan kehittää masennuksen pariterapiaa.
The aim of this study was to investigate the differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy for depression and the factors that mediate those differences. For these aims it was also examined whether couple therapy is effective in the treatment of depression. The differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy have been studied only little. In addition, it seems that factors that mediate the differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy for depression have not been studied. However, the effectiveness on couple therapy for depression has been studied and it has been found to be effective (Kung, 2000). In this study the differences between two research units in Northern Savo and Western Lapland were examined regarding the effectiveness of depression treatment and the effectiveness of couple therapy for depression during two-year follow-up. Furthermore, it was studied whether the demographic and individual factors and factors associated with relationships, therapy and therapist mediate the differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy for depression. This study is part of Dialogical and Narrative Processes in Couple Therapy for Depression (DINADEP) project that was conducted in 2005-2011 in mental health outpatient clinics in three hospital districts. The final data of this study consisted of 46 participants. Depressive symptoms were measured with Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Hamilton Depression Scale (HDRS). The statistical methods used were Mann-Whitney U test, Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and mediation models. Couple therapy for depression was found to be effective in this study when examined with entire data and also in Western Lapland. It was also discovered that the effectiveness of couple therapy does not differ from the effectiveness of treatment-as-usual. When the differences between research units in the effectiveness of depression treatment were studied, BDI and HDRS scores were found to decrease more in Western Lapland than in Northern Savo. The depression treatment included both couple therapy and treatment-as-usual. However, when the differences in effectiveness of couple therapy were examined it was discovered that the research units differed only in BDI scores. The BDI scores decreased more in Western Lapland than in Northern Savo. When the mediating factors were studied, only the duration of psychotherapy and ability to function mediated the differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy for depression. This study suggests that differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy can be discovered. Also factors that mediate the differences can be found. When the information about differences between research units and factors that have an influence on them is used, it is possible to found useful treatment practices that can be used when developing couple therapy for depression.
The aim of this study was to investigate the differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy for depression and the factors that mediate those differences. For these aims it was also examined whether couple therapy is effective in the treatment of depression. The differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy have been studied only little. In addition, it seems that factors that mediate the differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy for depression have not been studied. However, the effectiveness on couple therapy for depression has been studied and it has been found to be effective (Kung, 2000). In this study the differences between two research units in Northern Savo and Western Lapland were examined regarding the effectiveness of depression treatment and the effectiveness of couple therapy for depression during two-year follow-up. Furthermore, it was studied whether the demographic and individual factors and factors associated with relationships, therapy and therapist mediate the differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy for depression. This study is part of Dialogical and Narrative Processes in Couple Therapy for Depression (DINADEP) project that was conducted in 2005-2011 in mental health outpatient clinics in three hospital districts. The final data of this study consisted of 46 participants. Depressive symptoms were measured with Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Hamilton Depression Scale (HDRS). The statistical methods used were Mann-Whitney U test, Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and mediation models. Couple therapy for depression was found to be effective in this study when examined with entire data and also in Western Lapland. It was also discovered that the effectiveness of couple therapy does not differ from the effectiveness of treatment-as-usual. When the differences between research units in the effectiveness of depression treatment were studied, BDI and HDRS scores were found to decrease more in Western Lapland than in Northern Savo. The depression treatment included both couple therapy and treatment-as-usual. However, when the differences in effectiveness of couple therapy were examined it was discovered that the research units differed only in BDI scores. The BDI scores decreased more in Western Lapland than in Northern Savo. When the mediating factors were studied, only the duration of psychotherapy and ability to function mediated the differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy for depression. This study suggests that differences between research units in the effectiveness of couple therapy can be discovered. Also factors that mediate the differences can be found. When the information about differences between research units and factors that have an influence on them is used, it is possible to found useful treatment practices that can be used when developing couple therapy for depression.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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