Diaries of family workers: empowerment and working with families with children
[Introduction] The renewal of the family services and the developing of new kinds of functional
structures are seen as a challenge for social policy in Finland. In the past few years
there has been an increase in projects and new services with different working
methods for supporting families with children. Many projects still concentrate on corrective
work although preventive services should be emphasized more. It has been
argued that the existing structure of services does not entirely correspond with the
service needs of families with children. The reform of the municipal and service structure
has made the development of the preventive services and different projects an
even more topical issue. This in turn has underlined the importance of studying these
kinds of project-based services. Family work is one of the models that support families
with children. [Continues, please see the article]
Main Author
Book part
Publication in research information system
Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education, University of Helsinki, Kotka Unit
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201401231121Use this for linking
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Is part of publication
Empowering Social Work : Research & Practice
- Rautio, S. (2013). Diaries of family workers: empowerment and working with families with children. In M. Törrönen, O. Borodkina, V. Samoylova, & E. Heino (Eds.), Empowering Social Work : Research & Practice (pp. 158-170). Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education, University of Helsinki, Kotka Unit. https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/41105
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