Vesivoimistelun vaikutus reumaa sairastavan fyysiseen toimintakykyyn ja kipuun
Eri potilasryhmien kuntoutuksessa käytetään laajalti vedessä tapahtuvaa harjoittelua, jolla on tutkimuksien mukaan fyysistä toimintakykyä parantava vaikutus. Reumaa sairastavien ihmisten fyysisen toimintakyvyn tukeminen on tärkeää ja vesivoimistelu on yksi tärkeimmistä hoitokeinoista. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoitus oli selvittää kaksi kuukautta kestävän ryhmämuotoisen vesivoimisteluharjoittelun aiheuttamia muutoksia reumaa sairastavien naisten fyysiseen toimintakykyyn ja tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön kipuun.
Tutkimukseen osallistui 19 reumaa sairastavaa 64–84 -vuotiasta naista, jotka jaettiin vesivoimisteluryhmään (n=10) ja vertailuryhmään (n=9). Vesivoimisteluryhmä osallistui ohjattuun vesivoimisteluun kerran viikossa kahdeksan viikon ajan puoli tuntia kerrallaan. Vesivoimistelu koostui 10 minuutin alkulämmittelyosuudesta, joka aloitettiin rauhallisesti kehoa lämmittävien perusliikkeiden avulla, ja 15 minuuttia kestävästä koko kehon lihaskunto-osuudesta. Harjoittelun lopussa venyteltiin viisi minuuttia. Vertailuryhmä jatkoi elämäänsä ilman, että liikunnallisia tottumuksia muutettiin tuona aikana. Tutkimus oli kontrolloitu seurantatutkimus ja ryhmät muodostettiin vapaaehtoisuuden perusteella.
Kaikille tutkittaville tehtiin fyysisen toimintakyvyn ja tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön kivun mittaukset ennen ja jälkeen interventiojakson. Fyysistä toimintakykyä mitattiin tasapaino-, tuolilta ylösnousu-, puristusvoima- ja 10 metrin kävelytestillä. Subjektiivista kivun esiintyvyyttä ja voimakkuutta arvioitiin VAS -kipujanalla ja kyselylomakkeella. Aineisto analysoitiin SPSS 20 - ohjelmalla ja tuloksia esiteltiin frekvensseillä, prosenteilla, keskiarvoilla ja keskihajonnoilla. Intervention aikana tapahtunutta muutosta tarkasteltiin Mann-Whitney U -testillä.
Tutkimusryhmät olivat taustamuuttujiltaan samankaltaisia, eivätkä alkumittauksissa eronneet toisistaan. Vesivoimisteluharjoittelun seurauksena tasapaino parani (p=.001) enemmän kuin vertailuryhmällä. Muiden mitattujen muuttujien osalta vesivoimisteluryhmän muutokset eivät eronneet vertailuryhmän muutoksista. Ryhmien sisäisissä vertailuissa huomattiin, että vesivoimisteluryhmäläiset paransivat tasapainoaan (p=.01) ja alaraajojen lihasvoimaa (p=.02) harjoittelun aikana. Liikkuvuudessa, kipujen esiintyvyydessä ja voimakkuudessa ei tapahtunut merkitseviä muutoksia. Vertailuryhmän tuloksissa ei tapahtunut tilastollisesti merkitseviä muutoksia.
Fyysisestä toimintakyvystä saadut tulokset tukevat oletusta, että ryhmässä tapahtuvalla vesivoimistelulla on positiivisia vaikutuksia reumaa sairastavien naisten fyysiseen toimintakykyyn ja erityisesti tasapainoon. Vaikka tulokset osoittavatkin intervention aikana tapahtuneen selvää edistymistä, liittyy tähän tutkimukseen useita tutkimusmenetelmällisiä ongelmia. Sen vuoksi ei tulosten perusteella voi tehdä yleistettäviä johtopäätöksiä vesivoimistelun vaikutuksista reumaa sairastavien fyysiseen toimintakykyyn ja tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön oireisiin.
Water exercise is widely used in rehabilitation of different groups of patients. According to several researches water exercise has healing effects on physical condition and abilities. The support of rheumatism patients physical functions is important and one of the most important ways of treatment is water exercise. The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of a two-month long water exercise period on women suffering from rheumatoid. The research was follow-up study and was designed to clarify the effects caused by water exercise to the physical function and musculoskeletal symptoms of female rheumatoid patients. The research involved 19 female rheumatoid patients aged between 64 and 68 years. The patients were divided into two research groups: water exercise group (n= 10) and control group (n= 9). The water exercise group carried out an instructed water exercise once a week for eight weeks, for half an hour at a time. Water exercise consisted of a 10-minute warm up contribution, which began with body warming calm basic movements and a 15 minute full-body strength training component. At the end of the training there was a five minutes muscle stretching. The control group did not make any changes to their physical exercise habits during the time of the study. The study was a controlled intervention study and the groups were formed on a voluntary basis. All patients involved had their physical function and musculoskeletal body pain measured before and after the intervention period. Physical function was measured in the balance-, chair rise up-, grip strength-, and a 10-meter walk tests. Subjective pain prevalence and intensity were assessed by VAS pain scale and a questionnaire. Test result data was analyzed by SPSS 20 software and presented as calculated frequencies, percentages, mean values and standard deviations. The changes observed during the intervention were examined using the Mann-Whitney U -test. The members of each research group were of similar background variables and their initial test results did not significantly differ from each other. During the study the water exercise groups’ results on the balance test improved statistically significantly (p=001) compared to the control group. In comparison within the two groups, it was discovered that the water exercise group members improved their balance during exercise, a statically significant (p=.01), and lower extremity muscle strength almost statistically significant (p=.02). The water exercise groups’ other measured variables did not differ from the control group results: there were no significant changes in mobility, pain prevalence and intensity. The test results of the control group did not significantly change during the research period. Physical functioning results support the hypothesis that group activities water exercise has positive effects on arthritis of the women’s physical function and balance in particular. Even if the results shows a clear progress on results during intervention, the research contains a number of methodical problems. Therefore it is not clear that general conclusions can be made on effects of rheumatism patients physical condition and musculoskeletal system.
Water exercise is widely used in rehabilitation of different groups of patients. According to several researches water exercise has healing effects on physical condition and abilities. The support of rheumatism patients physical functions is important and one of the most important ways of treatment is water exercise. The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of a two-month long water exercise period on women suffering from rheumatoid. The research was follow-up study and was designed to clarify the effects caused by water exercise to the physical function and musculoskeletal symptoms of female rheumatoid patients. The research involved 19 female rheumatoid patients aged between 64 and 68 years. The patients were divided into two research groups: water exercise group (n= 10) and control group (n= 9). The water exercise group carried out an instructed water exercise once a week for eight weeks, for half an hour at a time. Water exercise consisted of a 10-minute warm up contribution, which began with body warming calm basic movements and a 15 minute full-body strength training component. At the end of the training there was a five minutes muscle stretching. The control group did not make any changes to their physical exercise habits during the time of the study. The study was a controlled intervention study and the groups were formed on a voluntary basis. All patients involved had their physical function and musculoskeletal body pain measured before and after the intervention period. Physical function was measured in the balance-, chair rise up-, grip strength-, and a 10-meter walk tests. Subjective pain prevalence and intensity were assessed by VAS pain scale and a questionnaire. Test result data was analyzed by SPSS 20 software and presented as calculated frequencies, percentages, mean values and standard deviations. The changes observed during the intervention were examined using the Mann-Whitney U -test. The members of each research group were of similar background variables and their initial test results did not significantly differ from each other. During the study the water exercise groups’ results on the balance test improved statistically significantly (p=001) compared to the control group. In comparison within the two groups, it was discovered that the water exercise group members improved their balance during exercise, a statically significant (p=.01), and lower extremity muscle strength almost statistically significant (p=.02). The water exercise groups’ other measured variables did not differ from the control group results: there were no significant changes in mobility, pain prevalence and intensity. The test results of the control group did not significantly change during the research period. Physical functioning results support the hypothesis that group activities water exercise has positive effects on arthritis of the women’s physical function and balance in particular. Even if the results shows a clear progress on results during intervention, the research contains a number of methodical problems. Therefore it is not clear that general conclusions can be made on effects of rheumatism patients physical condition and musculoskeletal system.
Main Author
Master thesis
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