Liikeanalyysi masentuneiden ja ei-masentuneiden musiikista havaitsemien perustunteiden ilmaisusta liikkeessä
Leinonen, Outi (2013). Liikeanalyysi masentuneiden ja ei-masentuneiden musiikista havait-semien perustunteiden ilmaisusta liikkeessä. Liikuntakasvatuksen laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto, liikuntapedagogiikan pro gradu -tutkielma, 67 s., 2 liitettä.
Tunteet, niiden säätely ja tarkoituksenmukainen ilmaisu ovat yhteydessä ihmisen kokonais-valtaiseen hyvinvointiin. Mielenterveyshäiriöistä kärsivillä on usein vaikeuksia tunneviestin-nässä. Esimerkiksi masentuneilla on vaikeuksia tunnistaa ja ilmaista tunteita. Masennus on yksi suurimpia kansanterveydellisiä ongelmia Suomessa, etenkin nuorilla. Nuoruusiässä puh-jennut masennus vaikuttaa pitkälle nuoren tulevaisuuteen kielteisesti. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten masennus ja aiempi tanssiharrastus vaikuttavat musiikista ha-vaittujen perustunteiden ilmaisuun liikkeessä.
Tutkimukseen osallistui 21 kliinisesti masentunutta ja 21 tervettä kontrolliryhmäläistä, 18–60 -vuotiasta keski-suomalaista aikuista. Tutkittavia pyydettiin ilmaisemaan liikkeellä musiikista havaitsemaansa tunnetta. Musiikkikatkelmia oli 15, joista kukin ilmensi yhtä viidestä perus-tunteesta (viha, pelko, ilo, suru, hellyys). Liike taltioitiin liikekaappausohjelmalla ja siitä ero-tettiin erilaisia liikeominaisuuksia numeeriseen muotoon. Liikeominaisuuksista analyysiin sisällytin keskivartalon nopeuden ja kiihtyvyyden, käsien ja jalkojen etäisyydet toisistaan, kokonaisuudessaan kuljetun matkan pituuden sekä käytetyn liikkumisalueen suuruuden. Tilas-tollisena menetelmänä käytin monimuuttujaista varianssianalyysia.
Tulokset osoittivat, että masentuneet liikkuvat hitaammin, vähäenergisemmin, passiivisemmin ja ylipäätään vähemmän kuin ei-masentuneet osallistujat. Masennukselle tyypilliset oireet, kuten pysähtyneisyys ja motorinen hidastuminen näkyivät masentuneiden liikeilmaisussa. Masentuneiden ja kontrolliryhmäläisten liikkeet erosivat etenkin vihan, ilon ja pelon ilmai-suissa, joita molemmat ryhmät ilmaisivat nopeammilla ja runsaammilla liikkeillä verrattuna suruun ja hellyyteen. Aiempi tanssiharrastus ei juurikaan muuttanut masennuksen vaikutusta liikkeeseen. Tulokset osoittavat, että kyky ilmaista tunteita liikkeessä on yhteydessä mielen-terveyteen. Ymmärrystä kehon ja mielenterveyden yhteydestä sovelletaan kehomenetelmiin perustuvissa terapioissa, ja sitä tulisi hyväksikäyttää yhä runsaammin terveyden edistämis-työssä myös muualla, kuten koululiikunnassa. Tämän mahdollistamiseksi mielen ja kehon yhteyttä tulisi tutkia jatkossa yhä perusteellisemmin.
Leinonen, Outi (2013). Movement analysis of depressed and non-depressed persons express-ing emotions through spontaneous movement to music. Department of Physical Education, University of Jyväskylä, Master’s thesis, 67 pp.. 2 appendices. Emotional skills are central to mental well-being, and individuals suffering from even mild forms of mental illness often demonstrate impairments in their emotional functioning. Clini-cally depressed individuals, for example, tend to suffer from diminished emotion recognition and expression abilities, while non-depressed individuals are able to express emotions, moods and emotional states both consciously and subconsciously, even through bodily movement alone. Here, I investigate how depression affects expression of emotions perceived in music through spontaneous movement. Twenty-one clinically depressed individuals and 21 non-depressed controls aged 18-60 were presented with 15 short (1 min) music excerpts. Each excerpt represented one of five basic emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear and tenderness), and participants were asked to ex-press the emotion they perceived through spontaneous movement. Movement data was col-lected using a motion-capture system, which tracked 30 body-mounted markers at 120 fps. After each excerpt, participants were asked several qualitative questions, such as which emo-tion they perceived in the music, and how strongly they felt it. Six movement features, includ-ing speed mean and std., acceleration mean and std., distance between hands and feet, and finally use of space, were computationally extracted from the movement data. The effect of Depression, Felt Emotion and Dance as a Hobby on the movement features was investigated by Multivariate Analysis of Variance. The results revealed that the typical symptoms of depression, such as slowness, passiveness and closed postures, were also seen in the bodily expressions of emotions. The groups dif-fered especially in expressions of anger, happiness and fear, which in both groups were ex-pressed through faster, more accelerated movements and higher amount of movements com-pared to expressions of sadness and tenderness. The previous dance as a hobby didn’t change the effect of depression on the movement expressions. This study suggests that the ability to express emotions through movement is related to mental health. Understanding of body-mind relation is applied in body techniques used in therapies and should be increasingly applied by practitioners working in the area of health promotion, such as physical educators. Still further study is required to enable and facilitate this advancement.
Leinonen, Outi (2013). Movement analysis of depressed and non-depressed persons express-ing emotions through spontaneous movement to music. Department of Physical Education, University of Jyväskylä, Master’s thesis, 67 pp.. 2 appendices. Emotional skills are central to mental well-being, and individuals suffering from even mild forms of mental illness often demonstrate impairments in their emotional functioning. Clini-cally depressed individuals, for example, tend to suffer from diminished emotion recognition and expression abilities, while non-depressed individuals are able to express emotions, moods and emotional states both consciously and subconsciously, even through bodily movement alone. Here, I investigate how depression affects expression of emotions perceived in music through spontaneous movement. Twenty-one clinically depressed individuals and 21 non-depressed controls aged 18-60 were presented with 15 short (1 min) music excerpts. Each excerpt represented one of five basic emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear and tenderness), and participants were asked to ex-press the emotion they perceived through spontaneous movement. Movement data was col-lected using a motion-capture system, which tracked 30 body-mounted markers at 120 fps. After each excerpt, participants were asked several qualitative questions, such as which emo-tion they perceived in the music, and how strongly they felt it. Six movement features, includ-ing speed mean and std., acceleration mean and std., distance between hands and feet, and finally use of space, were computationally extracted from the movement data. The effect of Depression, Felt Emotion and Dance as a Hobby on the movement features was investigated by Multivariate Analysis of Variance. The results revealed that the typical symptoms of depression, such as slowness, passiveness and closed postures, were also seen in the bodily expressions of emotions. The groups dif-fered especially in expressions of anger, happiness and fear, which in both groups were ex-pressed through faster, more accelerated movements and higher amount of movements com-pared to expressions of sadness and tenderness. The previous dance as a hobby didn’t change the effect of depression on the movement expressions. This study suggests that the ability to express emotions through movement is related to mental health. Understanding of body-mind relation is applied in body techniques used in therapies and should be increasingly applied by practitioners working in the area of health promotion, such as physical educators. Still further study is required to enable and facilitate this advancement.
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Master thesis
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