An attempt to enhance neurogenesis of mdx mice via aerobic exercise and myostatin inhibition
Duchennen lihasdystrofia (DMD) on perinnöllinen sairaus, jonka esiintyvyys on noin 1/3600
poikavauvasta. Siihen liittyy lihasten heikkoutta, rappeutumista ja kognitiivista vajavaisuutta. Taudin aiheuttaa mutatoitunut geeni dystrophiini proteiinille. On esitetty, että kognitiivinen vajavaisuus johtuu taudin vaikutuksesta ehkäistä neurogeneesiä. Neurogeneesi on prosessi, joka jatkuvasti synnyttää uusia hermosoluja pääasiallisesti subventikulaari alueella ja hippokampuksen dentate gyruksella. Hoitoa ja parannusta tautiin tutkitaan yleensä mdx-hiirillä, joiden taudin etiologia on riittävän lähellä ihmisten tautia. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy pyrkimykseen vaikuttaa mdx-hiirten neurogeneesiin aerobisen liikunnan ja myostatiinin estäjän välityksellä. Myostatiinin estäjä lisää nisäkkäiden lihaskasvua. Tutkimuksella on kolme pääfokusta: 1. Vaikuttaako aerobinen
harjoittelu mdx-hiirten neurogeneesiin? 2. Vaikuttavatko kasvaneet lihakset mdx-hiirten
neurogeneesiin? 3. Vaikuttavatko aerobinen liikunta ja kasvaneiden lihasten yhteisvaikutus mdx-hiirten neurogeneesiin? Lisäksi myostatiinin estäjän vaikutusta juoksemisvalmiuteen arvioitiin.
Myostatiinin ehkäisy vaikutti juoksemiseen lyhentämällä juoksumatkoja kokeen alkupuolella.
Vastoin odotuksia lasketuista jakautuvista uusien hermosolujen lukumääristä ei löytynyt
tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja ryhmien välillä. Liikunta, suuret lihakset tai niiden yhdistelmä eivät tämän tutkimuksen mukaan ole riittäviä tai tarpeeksi vaikuttavia tekijöitä muuttamaan mdx-hiirten neurogeneesiä. Toinen mahdollinen syy erojen löytymättömyyteen solujen lukumääristä voi olla, että tauti ei ollut vaikuttanut mdx-hiirten neurogeneesiin.
Duchenne`s muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an inherited disorder that occurs with 1 out of every 3600 male infants. It involves muscular weakness, dystrophy and cognitive dysfunction. The disorder is caused by a defective gene for dystrophin protein. It has been hypothesized that cognitive deficit occurs because DMD downregulates patients´ neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is a process where new brain cells are continuously generated at subventicular zone and dentate gyrus of hippocampus. Cures for DMD are mainly researched with mdx mice. Etiology of the mdx is close enough to that of patients with DMD. This research focuses on an attempt to enhance the neurogenesis of mdx mice via aerobic exercise and myostatin inhibition. Myostatin inhibition enhances mammals’ muscle growth. Research has three main focus: 1. Does aerobic exercise enhance neurogenesis in mdx mice? 2. Do bigger muscles enhance neurogenesis in mdx mice? 3. Does aerobic exercise with bigger muscles enhance neurogenesis in mdx mice? Also the effect of myostatin blocking on running readiness was examined. Myostatin inhibition affected running by decreasing running distances compared to pbs treated runners at the beginning of the experience. Against expectations there where no significant differences in proliferating new born cell count between any of the groups. It seems to be that neither exercise nor bigger muscles or their combination are factors that are sufficient or efficient enough to affect the neurogenesis of mdx mice. The other reasons for not finding any differences between cell counts could be that the neurogenesis of the mdx mice was not affected by the disease.
Duchenne`s muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an inherited disorder that occurs with 1 out of every 3600 male infants. It involves muscular weakness, dystrophy and cognitive dysfunction. The disorder is caused by a defective gene for dystrophin protein. It has been hypothesized that cognitive deficit occurs because DMD downregulates patients´ neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is a process where new brain cells are continuously generated at subventicular zone and dentate gyrus of hippocampus. Cures for DMD are mainly researched with mdx mice. Etiology of the mdx is close enough to that of patients with DMD. This research focuses on an attempt to enhance the neurogenesis of mdx mice via aerobic exercise and myostatin inhibition. Myostatin inhibition enhances mammals’ muscle growth. Research has three main focus: 1. Does aerobic exercise enhance neurogenesis in mdx mice? 2. Do bigger muscles enhance neurogenesis in mdx mice? 3. Does aerobic exercise with bigger muscles enhance neurogenesis in mdx mice? Also the effect of myostatin blocking on running readiness was examined. Myostatin inhibition affected running by decreasing running distances compared to pbs treated runners at the beginning of the experience. Against expectations there where no significant differences in proliferating new born cell count between any of the groups. It seems to be that neither exercise nor bigger muscles or their combination are factors that are sufficient or efficient enough to affect the neurogenesis of mdx mice. The other reasons for not finding any differences between cell counts could be that the neurogenesis of the mdx mice was not affected by the disease.
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Master thesis
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