What about cultural policy? : interdisciplinary perspectives on culture and politics
Main Authors
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Miten kulttuuripolitiikka pitäisi nykyään ymmärtää? Kulttuuripolitiikka on kohdannut viime vuosikymmeninä uusia haasteita. Alan polttavimmat kysymykset liittyvät kulttuurisen toimintaympäristön rajaamiseen ja sitä koskeviin kiistoihin. Näiden muutosten rinnalla elävät myös perinteiset kulttuuripolitiikan ydinalueet, taiteet ja näiden keskinäiset rajanvedot. Teos antaa lukijalle kattavan yleiskuvan kulttuuripolitiikan nykykeskusteluista.
Kirjan toimittajista YTT Miikka Pyykkönen toimii lehtorina ja FM, YTM Sakarias Sokka assistenttina Jyväskylän yliopiston kulttuuripolitiikan maisteriohjelmassa. YTM Niina Simanainen työskentelee amanuenssina Jyväskylän yliopiston yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitoksella.For decades, cultural policy in Western societies has been focusing on the arts predominantly in national contexts. After the WWII, this approach has faced inflation and cultural policy has become increasingly understood more diverse and international in its scope. Since the 1960’s, broader definitions of culture brought along new demands for formulating cultural policies and new questions have been influencing cultural policy research.
This book considers cultural policy as a discipline and a policy sector. It contributes to the present discussions on cultural policy by grasping current empirical topics, conceptual multiplicity and the thematic characteristics of cultural policy research. The emphasis is on the interdisciplinary nature of cultural policy research. Concepts of culture and cultural policy gain various interpretations and meanings. If culture is understood as a multidimensional and unfixed entity, what is the principal logic behind cultural policy? Can it be formulated from a certain understanding of culture or should it be elaborated with the reference to all the heterogeneous elements it covers?
This edition brings together diverse views that resonate with the cry for awareness of the multitude of the practices, discourses and actors that form cultural policies. The authors of the texts are top-level scholars of cultural policy studies in Finland, in the Nordic Countries and Europe. This volume is, above all, a cultural policy text book, but it is also aimed at researchers and professionals of the cultural fields, and for all those interested in culture and politics.
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