Puun pienpolton hiukkaspäästöjen vähentäminen sähkösuodattimella : sähkösuodattimen erotustehokkuus ja vaikutus hiukkasten tuhka-hiili-suhteeseen
Biomassan poltto tuottaa pienhiukkasia, joilla on todettu olevan haitallisia terveys- ja ilmastovaikutuksia. Pienpoltto, erityisesti puun panospoltto, tuottaa usein runsaasti kaasumaisia ja hiukkasmaisia epätäydellisen palamisen päästöjä matalalla emissiokorkeudella. Kasvihuonekaasujen vähentämisvelvoitteet ovat Suomessa lisänneet uusiutuvan energian käyttöä energian tuotannossa ja biomassan pienpolttoa. Samaan aikaan puun pienpolton hiukkaspäästöjä ollaan rajoittamassa lainsäädännöllisin keinoin ja kansainvälisillä sopimuksilla.
Tämä opinnäytetyö toteutettiin osana PAPU – panospoltto puhtaaksi-hanketta, jonka yhteydessä kehitettiin puun pienpolton hiukkaspäästöjen puhdistamiseen tarkoitettu sähkösuodatin. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka tehokkaasti hankkeen yhteydessä kehitetty sähkösuodatin vähentää pelletin pienpoltossa muodostuvia hiukkaspäästöjä ja kuinka sähkösuodatin muuttaa pelletin pienpolton palamishiukkasten tuhka-hiili-suhdetta. Hiukkasten lukumääräpitoisuudet ja kokoluokitellut massapitoisuudet mitattiin rinnakkaisella koejärjestelyllä sähköisellä liikkuvuusanalysaattorilla ja alipaineimpaktorilla. Hiukkasten hiilipitoisuus analysoitiin CO2-analysaattorilla, ionipitoisuus ionikromatografilla ja metallipitoisuus ICP-MS:llä. Sähkösuodattimen erotustehokkuus 15 kV:n jännitteellä ja yli 2,0 mA:n virralla 7 % savukaasun jäännöshappipitoisuudella hiukkasten lukumääräpitoisuudelle oli 0,87 ja massapitoisuudelle 0,81. 5 % savukaasun jäännöshappipitoisuudella erotustehokkuus hiukkasten lukumääräpitoisuudelle oli 0,78 ja massapitoisuudelle 0,76. Hiukkaspäästöjen tuhka-hiili-suhde 7 % savukaasun jäännöshappipitoisuudella ilman sähkösuodatusta oli 3,5:1 ja suodatuksen jälkeen 0,36:1 sekä 5 % savukaasun jäännöshappipitoisuudella ilman suodatusta 4,3:1 ja suodatuksen jälkeen 1:1.
The combustion of biomass is a significant source of fine particles, which are known to have adverse health and climate effects. Small scale combustion, especially batch combustion of wood, is an important source of particulate and gaseous emissions because of the smouldering combustion conditions with low stack heights. Obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have favored renewable fuels in energy production and small scale combustion of biomass in Finland. At the same time the particulate emissions from small scale wood combustion are restricted by a legislative way and international agreements. This study was carried out as part of PAPU research project. During the project an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) for particulate emissions from small scale wood-fired heating units was developed. The objective of this study was to find out the total particle removal efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator. In addition, the aim was to determine the effect of the electrostatic precipitator on the ash/carbon ratio of particulate emission from small scale wood combustion. The particle number emissions and size-distributed mass concentrations were measured in a parallel set-up using a differential mobility analyzer and a low pressure impactor. The carbon, ion, and metal concentrations of the particles were analyzed using a CO2 analyzer, an ion chromatography, and an ICP-MS, respectively. It was found that at the flue gas oxygen concentration of 7 % the total ESP number collection efficiency was 0.87 and mass collection efficiency was 0.81 at voltage 15 kV and corona current over 2.0 mA. At the flue gas oxygen concentration of 5 % the total number collection efficiency was 0.78 and mass collection efficiency was 0.76. The ash/carbon ratio of the particulate emission was 3.5:1 without ESP and 0.36:1 after ESP at the flue gas oxygen concentration of 7 %. At the oxygen concentration of 5 % the ash/carbon ratio was 4.3:1 without ESP and 1:1 after ESP.
The combustion of biomass is a significant source of fine particles, which are known to have adverse health and climate effects. Small scale combustion, especially batch combustion of wood, is an important source of particulate and gaseous emissions because of the smouldering combustion conditions with low stack heights. Obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have favored renewable fuels in energy production and small scale combustion of biomass in Finland. At the same time the particulate emissions from small scale wood combustion are restricted by a legislative way and international agreements. This study was carried out as part of PAPU research project. During the project an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) for particulate emissions from small scale wood-fired heating units was developed. The objective of this study was to find out the total particle removal efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator. In addition, the aim was to determine the effect of the electrostatic precipitator on the ash/carbon ratio of particulate emission from small scale wood combustion. The particle number emissions and size-distributed mass concentrations were measured in a parallel set-up using a differential mobility analyzer and a low pressure impactor. The carbon, ion, and metal concentrations of the particles were analyzed using a CO2 analyzer, an ion chromatography, and an ICP-MS, respectively. It was found that at the flue gas oxygen concentration of 7 % the total ESP number collection efficiency was 0.87 and mass collection efficiency was 0.81 at voltage 15 kV and corona current over 2.0 mA. At the flue gas oxygen concentration of 5 % the total number collection efficiency was 0.78 and mass collection efficiency was 0.76. The ash/carbon ratio of the particulate emission was 3.5:1 without ESP and 0.36:1 after ESP at the flue gas oxygen concentration of 7 %. At the oxygen concentration of 5 % the ash/carbon ratio was 4.3:1 without ESP and 1:1 after ESP.
Main Author
Master thesis
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