Tasatyönnön biomekaniikan vertailu lumella hiihdon ja tasatyöntöergometrin välillä : ylävartalon aerobisen kapasiteetin testin kehittäminen
Tasatyöntöaiheisia tutkimuksia maastohiihdosta löytyy paljon (Holmberg ym. 2005, Lindinger ym. 2009), mutta käytössä olevia ylävartalon aerobisen kapasiteetin testejä ei ole. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli vertailla lumella tehtävää tasatyöntösuoritusta ergometrillä suoritettavaan tasatyöntöön. Lisäksi selvitettiin kehitetyn ergometrillä suo-ritettavan ylävartalon aerobisen testin toimivuutta. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin voima-muuttujia, syklin rakennetta, lihasaktiivisuuksia sekä fysiologisia muuttujia lumella hiihdon ja ergometrilla suoritettavan tasatyönnön välillä.
Tutkimuksen koehenkilöt (n = 10) olivat kansallisen tai kansainvälisen tason hiihtäjiä, jotka osallistuivat mittauksiin kahtena päivänä (hiihtotesti ja ergometritesti) kolmen vii-kon välein. Molemmat päivät sisälsivät lyhyitä submaksimaalisia ja maksimaalisia suo-rituksia sekä kestävyystestin ergometrillä (Concept 2 Skiergo) tai 6 km:n kilpailusuori-tuksen tasatyöntöä hiihtämällä. Hiihtosuorituksessa käytettiin normaaleja sauvoja, joihin molempiin oli asennettu voiman mittauslaite (Velomat, Saksa). Lisäksi lihasaktiivisuudet mitattiin ylä- ja alavartalosta kahdeksasta eri lihasryhmästä EMG-puvulla (Myontec, Suomi).
Maksimaalisia nopeuksia vertailtaessa yhteen sykliin käytetty aika oli ergometrillä 17,1 % pidempi (P<0.05). Suurimmaksi osaksi tämä ero johtui 26,8 % pidemmästä työntö-ajasta (P<0.01). Syklin pituus oli ergometrillä 11,6 % lyhyempi (P<0.05). Maksimino-peudella ero voimantuotossa ergometrin ja hiihdon välillä oli pelkästään impulssivoi-massa, ja siinä ergometrillä tuotettiin 28,5 % enemmän voimaa (P<0.05). Lihasaktiivi-suudet olivat ergometrillä pääosin pienempiä, mutta aktivoitumisjärjestys, väsyminen ja aktiivisuuksien kestot olivat hyvin lähellä toisiaan.
Tutkimuksen päälöydöksiä olivat, että 1) ergometrillä absoluuttiset työntöajat ovat pi-tempiä vastaavissa nopeuksissa kuin lumella hiihdettäessä, ja 2) ergometrillä vartalon li-hasten parempi hyödyntäminen oli yhteydessä suurempiin maksiminopeuksiin.
Testissä käytössä ollut ergometrin kuormitusmalli todettiin käyttökelpoiseksi, mutta pieniä tarkennuksia muokattiin testin kokonaisuuteen. Ergometritestin hyvää soveltu-vuutta lajiharjoitteluun osoittavat sekä lihasaktiivisuudet että testin väsytysvaikutus. Syklin rakenteessa, voimantuotoissa kuin lihasaktiivisuuksissa voidaan todeta nouseva-tehoisen ergometritestin aiheuttaneen hyvin samankaltaisen väsymyksen kuin tasatyön-tökilpailun.
Many studies exist about double poling in cross country skiing (Holmberg et. al. 2005, Lindinger et. al. 2009), but there is no upper body aerobic capacity test. The main idea of the current study was to compare double poling on snow with double poling using an ergometer. In addition, the usability of an experimentally developed upper body ergom-eter test was analyzed. Comparisons are made between power variables, muscle activi-ties and physiological variables. The subjects of the study were ten elite (national or international level) cross country skiers and all subjects took part in two measuring days (skiing measurements and er-gometer measurements). The time between measurements was three weeks. Both days included short submaximal and maximal performances either done skiing on snow or with ergometer. The measurements also included either an endurance test done with an ergometer or a 6 km double poling competition in ski tunnel. Concept 2 Skiergo with force sensors (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) was used in the ergometer test. Normal poles with constructed force measurement systems (Velomat, Germany) were used dur-ing skiing. Muscle activities from upper and lower body were measured by an EMG shirt and tights. (Myontec, Finland). When comparing maximal speeds between the ergometer and skiing, the cycle time was 17.1 % longer in ergometer (p<0.05) and 26.8 % longer poling time explained this dif-ference (p<0.01). Cycle length was 11,6 % lower in the ergometer (p<0.05). There was a significant difference only in impulse force between the ergometer and skiing when us-ing maximal speeds. The impulse force was 28.5 % higher in the ergometer (p<0.05). Muscle activities were lower with the ergometer, but muscle activation order, fatigue and muscle activation durations were quite similar. The main findings of the current study were that 1) the poling times measured as its ab-solute values were longer in all speeds in the ergometer than in skiing on snow and 2) better using of torso muscles was in relation with higher maximal speeds when using the ergometer. Based on the results the upper body capacity test used in the present study can be re-garded suitable, but small changes were considered in the test. The quite similar muscle activities and fatigue loading between the ergometer and skiing suggest that the ergome-ter is a good method for sports specific cross country ski training. When comparing cy-cle characteristics, force production and muscle activities it can be suggested that the ergometer test led to very similar fatigue as on snow during double poling competition.
Many studies exist about double poling in cross country skiing (Holmberg et. al. 2005, Lindinger et. al. 2009), but there is no upper body aerobic capacity test. The main idea of the current study was to compare double poling on snow with double poling using an ergometer. In addition, the usability of an experimentally developed upper body ergom-eter test was analyzed. Comparisons are made between power variables, muscle activi-ties and physiological variables. The subjects of the study were ten elite (national or international level) cross country skiers and all subjects took part in two measuring days (skiing measurements and er-gometer measurements). The time between measurements was three weeks. Both days included short submaximal and maximal performances either done skiing on snow or with ergometer. The measurements also included either an endurance test done with an ergometer or a 6 km double poling competition in ski tunnel. Concept 2 Skiergo with force sensors (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) was used in the ergometer test. Normal poles with constructed force measurement systems (Velomat, Germany) were used dur-ing skiing. Muscle activities from upper and lower body were measured by an EMG shirt and tights. (Myontec, Finland). When comparing maximal speeds between the ergometer and skiing, the cycle time was 17.1 % longer in ergometer (p<0.05) and 26.8 % longer poling time explained this dif-ference (p<0.01). Cycle length was 11,6 % lower in the ergometer (p<0.05). There was a significant difference only in impulse force between the ergometer and skiing when us-ing maximal speeds. The impulse force was 28.5 % higher in the ergometer (p<0.05). Muscle activities were lower with the ergometer, but muscle activation order, fatigue and muscle activation durations were quite similar. The main findings of the current study were that 1) the poling times measured as its ab-solute values were longer in all speeds in the ergometer than in skiing on snow and 2) better using of torso muscles was in relation with higher maximal speeds when using the ergometer. Based on the results the upper body capacity test used in the present study can be re-garded suitable, but small changes were considered in the test. The quite similar muscle activities and fatigue loading between the ergometer and skiing suggest that the ergome-ter is a good method for sports specific cross country ski training. When comparing cy-cle characteristics, force production and muscle activities it can be suggested that the ergometer test led to very similar fatigue as on snow during double poling competition.
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Master thesis
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