USA Patriot Actin parlamentaarisen käsittelyn retorinen analyysi Yhdysvaltain edustajainhuoneessa
Tutkielmani tarkoituksena on tarkastella vuoden 2001 syyskuun 11. terroristi-iskuja
seuranneen USA Patriot Actin parlamentaarista käsittelyä ja laista käytyjä debatteja
Yhdysvaltain kongressin edustajainhuoneessa lokakuussa 2001. Tehtäväni on selvittää
retorista analyysia käyttäen miten Patriot Actia edustajainhuoneessa puolustettiin ja
vastustettiin, ottaen huomioon lain poliittisen ja historiallisen kontekstin. Yhdysvallat
joutui vuonna 2001 poikkeukselliseen tilanteeseen. Syyskuun terrori-iskujen kaltaista
hyökkäystä Yhdysvaltoja vastaan ei ollut tehty sitten Pearl Harborin vuonna 1941.
Vastauksena kriisiin Yhdysvaltain hallitus esitti kongressille hyväksyttäväksi Patriot Actin,
joka on saanut osakseen kritiikkiä sen vaikutuksesta yksilönvapauksille ja perustuslaille.
Tutkimuksessa keskeiseksi nousevat lainsäädännön puolustajien asettamat kielelliset
raamit. Kielellisillä raameilla pyritään luomaan kuva todellisuudesta, jonka pohjalta
päätökset tulee tehdä. Patriot Actin tapauksessa luotiin kuva sotatilasta, jossa Patriot Act
nähtiin ratkaisuna tulevien iskujen estämiseksi, ja vastaavasti lain hylkääminen johtaisi
uusiin, kenties entistä pahempiin iskuihin. Jos vastustus hyväksyy premissin sotatilasta, on
sen hyväksyttävä myös se todellisuuden tulkinta, että lain vastustus johtaa uusiin iskuihin.
Näin vastustus joutui argumentaatiossaan kiertämään puolustuksen asettamat kielelliset
raamit sotatilasta, vastustajien tukeutuessa vahvasti amerikkalaisiin poliittisiin pyhimyksiin
ja perimmäisiin ideaaleihin, sekä historiallisten esimerkkien avulla kyseenalaistamaan
tilanteen ainutlaatuisuus. Tutkielmani tuloksista on nähtävissä, että Patriot Actista
keskusteltaessa abstrakti vapauden käsite ei ole argumenttina riittävä voittamaan
konkreettiseen turvallisuuden tunteeseen vetoavaa argumentointia.
The purpose of this paper is to examine parliamentary procedures and debates of USA Patriot Act in the United States House of Representatives after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Using the method of rhetorical analysis, my goal is to find out how the Patriot Act legislation was defended and opposed, taking into consideration the political and historical context surrounding the legislation. United States faced a very new kind of situation in September 2001. Last incident of this magnitude was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. United States government responded to 9/11 by introducing the USA Patriot Act to the Congress. The legislation has since faced criticism for its effects on individual rights and the constitution. An essential aspect of this study is the use of linguistic frames. Linguistic frames are used to create an image of reality to base future decisions on. The reality created around the Patriot Act was one of state-of-war, in which the Patriot Act legislation was seen as the solution to prevent future attacks, while rejecting the legislation would undoubtably lead to another even more destructive attack. If Patriot Act's opponents choose to accept the premise of state-of-war they also accept the interpretation of the reality in which rejecting the legislation would lead to another strike against the United States. Thus, the opponents of Patriot Act had to try to circumvent the frames set by proponents of the legislation. In doing so, the opponents of the Patriot Act based their arguments in the Founding Fathers and the fundamental political ideals of the United States. Historical examples were also used to deny the uniqueness of the situation. As a conclusion, I argue that when discussing USA Patriot Act the abstract concept of freedom is not strong enough argument to overcome arguments based on concrete desire for security.
The purpose of this paper is to examine parliamentary procedures and debates of USA Patriot Act in the United States House of Representatives after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Using the method of rhetorical analysis, my goal is to find out how the Patriot Act legislation was defended and opposed, taking into consideration the political and historical context surrounding the legislation. United States faced a very new kind of situation in September 2001. Last incident of this magnitude was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. United States government responded to 9/11 by introducing the USA Patriot Act to the Congress. The legislation has since faced criticism for its effects on individual rights and the constitution. An essential aspect of this study is the use of linguistic frames. Linguistic frames are used to create an image of reality to base future decisions on. The reality created around the Patriot Act was one of state-of-war, in which the Patriot Act legislation was seen as the solution to prevent future attacks, while rejecting the legislation would undoubtably lead to another even more destructive attack. If Patriot Act's opponents choose to accept the premise of state-of-war they also accept the interpretation of the reality in which rejecting the legislation would lead to another strike against the United States. Thus, the opponents of Patriot Act had to try to circumvent the frames set by proponents of the legislation. In doing so, the opponents of the Patriot Act based their arguments in the Founding Fathers and the fundamental political ideals of the United States. Historical examples were also used to deny the uniqueness of the situation. As a conclusion, I argue that when discussing USA Patriot Act the abstract concept of freedom is not strong enough argument to overcome arguments based on concrete desire for security.
Main Author
Master thesis
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