Työntekijän omavastuu työhyvinvoinnin osatekijänä
Työhyvinvoinnin tutkimus on ollut hyvin työuupumus- ja stressikeskeistä, mutta viime aikoina ratkaisuja työssä jaksamiseen on alettu etsiä työntekijän voimaantumisesta ja elämänhallinnan taitojen kehittämisestä. Tutkimuksia työntekijän omavastuun osuudesta työhyvinvoinnissa on julkaistu kuitenkin vain vähän. Tutkimusidea työntekijän omavastuusta työhyvinvoinnin osatekijänä syntyi tämän huomion pohjalta. Tutkimus tarkastelee työntekijän omavastuun osuutta ja merkitystä työhyvinvoinnissa. Tutkimuksen avulla on haluttu löytää uudenlaista näkökulmaa työhyvinvointiin ja ennen kaikkea sen kehittämiseen.
Tutkimus on laadullinen; aineisto on kerätty eri ammattiryhmiin kuuluvien työntekijöiden (n=13) yksilöllisinä teemahaastatteluina (litteroitua haastattelutekstiä 110 sivua) ja analysoitu teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana oli Antonovskyn salutogeeninen, terveyslähtöinen, teoria. Tutkimusta ohjasi myös Juhani Ilmarisen kehittämän työhyvinvointimallin peruselementtejä sisältävä Keskinäinen työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Varman työhyvinvointiympyrä, jonka mukaan työhyvinvointi jakautuu kuuteen eri osa-alueeseen: johtaminen, osaaminen, motivaatio, työyhteisö, terveys ja elämäntilanne.
Työntekijöiden omavastuun osuus korostui erityisesti osaamisen ja siihen liittyvän työn hallinnan osa-alueella erilaisina käytännön ratkaisuina selviytyä työn vaatimuksista mahdollisimman hyvin. Oppimis- ja ratkaisuhalukkuus uusien haasteiden edessä, töiden organisointi ja rajaaminen, aikataulutus ja priorisointi olivat esimerkiksi tällaisia keinoja selviytymiseen. Näiden työn hallinnan keinojen omavastuullinen käyttö auttoi työntekijöitä jaksamaan työssään paremmin, mikä ilmensi omavastuun merkitystä työhyvinvoinnille.
Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että työtekijöiden omavastuullisuus auttoi heitä jaksamaan nykyisessä, hektisessä työkulttuurissa. Tulevaisuudessa tarvittaisiin kuitenkin työn hallinnan ja itsensä johtamisen koulutusta kaikille työntekijäryhmille. Haastattelutilanne tarjosi työntekijöille tilaisuuden reflektoida ja vapaasti analysoida omaa suhtautumistaan työhönsä. Haastateltavat kokivat tämän voimaannuttavana. Työpaikan kehityskeskusteluja tulisikin kehittää siten, että keskusteluun sisällytettäisiin uusi, kyseessä olevan tutkimushaastattelun tyyppinen, työntekijän voimaantumista tukeva keskusteluosuus, joka tarjoaisi työntekijälle mahdollisuuden aiempaa paremmin sisäistää itseohjautuvuuden ja omavastuun merkityksen työhyvinvoinnin ylläpitämisessä.
Research on occupational well-being has been very burnout- and stress-centered, but solutions for coping with work have lately been sought in employees’ empowerment and the development of their life management skills. There have, however, been few studies on the influence of an employee’s self-responsibility on occupational well-being. This observation forms the basis for studying self-responsibility as a factor in occupational well-being. The study focuses on the role and meaning of an employee’s self-responsibility in occupational well-being and its purpose is to find a novel perspective into occupational well-being and especially its development. The study is a qualitative one; the data were collected from individual thematic interviews of employees in different occupations (n=13, 110 pages of transcribed interviews) and analyzed with theory-driven content analysis. Antonovsky’s salutogenic, i.e. health-based, theory has formed the starting point of the study. The occupational well-being circle containing the basic elements of an occupational well-being model, developed by Juhani Ilmarinen for the employment pension insurance company Varma, has also guided the study. The circle is divided into six sub-fields: management, know-how, motivation, working community, health and life situation. The role of employees’ self-responsibility was especially noticeable in the sub-field of know-how and the related mastery of work skills and manifested as various practical solutions for coping with the requirements of work as well as possible. For example, willingness to learn and solve problems when faced with new challenges, organizing and outlining work, and scheduling and prioritizing were among the resources used for coping. Self-responsibility for making use of these means helped employees to better cope with their work, which demonstrated the importance of self-responsibility for occupational well-being. To conclude, employees’ self-responsibility helped them cope with the modern, hectic work culture. However, training for all employee groups in work management and controlling their own work will be needed in the future. Interviews offered employees a chance to reflect on and freely analyze their own attitudes to work. This was experienced as empowering by the interviewees. Consequently, development discussions at work should be further developed in such a way that they would include a new discussion-type section, resembling our research interview and supporting employee empowerment, in order to offer them an opportunity to internalize the meaning of self-guidance and self-responsibility in maintaining occupational well-being.
Research on occupational well-being has been very burnout- and stress-centered, but solutions for coping with work have lately been sought in employees’ empowerment and the development of their life management skills. There have, however, been few studies on the influence of an employee’s self-responsibility on occupational well-being. This observation forms the basis for studying self-responsibility as a factor in occupational well-being. The study focuses on the role and meaning of an employee’s self-responsibility in occupational well-being and its purpose is to find a novel perspective into occupational well-being and especially its development. The study is a qualitative one; the data were collected from individual thematic interviews of employees in different occupations (n=13, 110 pages of transcribed interviews) and analyzed with theory-driven content analysis. Antonovsky’s salutogenic, i.e. health-based, theory has formed the starting point of the study. The occupational well-being circle containing the basic elements of an occupational well-being model, developed by Juhani Ilmarinen for the employment pension insurance company Varma, has also guided the study. The circle is divided into six sub-fields: management, know-how, motivation, working community, health and life situation. The role of employees’ self-responsibility was especially noticeable in the sub-field of know-how and the related mastery of work skills and manifested as various practical solutions for coping with the requirements of work as well as possible. For example, willingness to learn and solve problems when faced with new challenges, organizing and outlining work, and scheduling and prioritizing were among the resources used for coping. Self-responsibility for making use of these means helped employees to better cope with their work, which demonstrated the importance of self-responsibility for occupational well-being. To conclude, employees’ self-responsibility helped them cope with the modern, hectic work culture. However, training for all employee groups in work management and controlling their own work will be needed in the future. Interviews offered employees a chance to reflect on and freely analyze their own attitudes to work. This was experienced as empowering by the interviewees. Consequently, development discussions at work should be further developed in such a way that they would include a new discussion-type section, resembling our research interview and supporting employee empowerment, in order to offer them an opportunity to internalize the meaning of self-guidance and self-responsibility in maintaining occupational well-being.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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