Musiikkipiratismi 2010-luvun nuorten keskuudessa - erityispiirteet ja neutralisaatiot
Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin 2010-luvun nuorten harjoittamaa
musiikkipiratismia soveltamalla Gresham Sykesin ja David Matzan neutralisaatioteoriaa.
Tutkielman keskiössä oli kysymys siitä, pitävätkö niin kutsuttuun Z-sukupolveen
kuuluvat tämän päivän nuoret musiikki- tai muuta Internet-piratismia
eettisesti kestävänä toimintamallina. Erityisen kiinnostuksen kohteina
olivat neutralisaatioteorian käsitteistöön kuuluvat neutralisaation tekniikat ja
niiden käyttö musiikkipiratismin yhteydessä. Tutkielmassa sovellettiin laadullista
tutkimusotetta: tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin kirjallisuuskatsausta ja
puolistrukturoituja haastatteluja.
Tutkimuksen perusteella Z-sukupolvi tunnistaa piratismiin liittyvät eettiset
ja taloudelliset ongelmat. Haastateltavien puheissa esiintyi myös neutralisaation
tekniikoita, joista kaikkein tunnusomaisimpia olivat ”väite normaaliudesta”,
”uhrin kieltäminen” ja ”oikeutus vertailusta”. Huomioitavaa oli ”vahingon
kieltämisen” harvinaisuus. Kokonaisuutena arvioiden neutralisaatiot esiintyivät
hieman aiemmista tutkimuksista poikkeavalla tavalla. Havaintojen perusteella
voidaan sanoa, että Sykesin ja Matzan neutralisaatioteoria osoittautui
toimivaksi menetelmäksi myös Z-sukupolven piratismin tutkimukseen.
Haastateltavien vastausten perusteella tunnistettiin erilaisia piraattityyppejä.
Osa vastaajista latasi pääosin muita sisältöjä kuin musiikkia, sillä musiikin
laillinen tarjonta oli heidän mielestään hyvällä tasolla. Toiset taas latasivat yksinomaan
musiikkia, eivätkä olleet valmiita käyttämään rahaa ainakaan Internetissä
toimiviin digitaalisen musiikin palveluihin. Näiden vastaajatyyppien
erot näkyivät osaltaan myös käytetyissä neutralisaation tekniikoissa, mutta pidemmälle
menevien johtopäätösten tekemiseksi ja toimivien piratismia ehkäisevien
strategioiden löytämiseksi aihetta tulisi tutkia myös määrällisesti. Tutkimuksen
havaintojen perusteella paras keino piratismin vastaisessa taistelussa
on palveluiden jatkuva kehittäminen.
In this Master's Thesis, music piracy among the youth of the 2010's was studied by applying Gresham Sykes and David Matza's neutralization theory. A key question in the thesis was whether the so called Generation Z youths view online piracy as an ethically sound form of behavior. Of particular interest were techniques of neutralization and their uses in dealings with music piracy. The study was conducted with qualitative research approach: applied methodologies included a literature review and semi-structured interviews. According to the study, Generation Z youths identify the ethical and economic problems of music piracy. Techniques of neutralization were also used, albeit in a different manner than in studies conducted among older individuals. The most characteristic of the employed techniques was “claim of normalcy”, with “denial of victim” and “justification by comparison” also appearing frequently. “Denial of injury” was notable for its infrequent usage. Based on these findings, the study confirms that neutralization theory can be applied to Generation Z music piracy research. Different types of pirates were identified after analyzing the interview data. Some respondents downloaded mainly non-music content, and felt that online music services had eliminated the need to pirate music. Others, however, were strictly music pirates and had little to no interest in downloading other content types or using money online. The groups appeared to differ slightly in their usage of neutralizations, but this issue has to be confirmed by quantitative studies. Quantitative approach on Generation Z is also needed for designing effective piracy-deterring strategies. According to this study, the most effective way to deter piracy is the continuous development of services.
In this Master's Thesis, music piracy among the youth of the 2010's was studied by applying Gresham Sykes and David Matza's neutralization theory. A key question in the thesis was whether the so called Generation Z youths view online piracy as an ethically sound form of behavior. Of particular interest were techniques of neutralization and their uses in dealings with music piracy. The study was conducted with qualitative research approach: applied methodologies included a literature review and semi-structured interviews. According to the study, Generation Z youths identify the ethical and economic problems of music piracy. Techniques of neutralization were also used, albeit in a different manner than in studies conducted among older individuals. The most characteristic of the employed techniques was “claim of normalcy”, with “denial of victim” and “justification by comparison” also appearing frequently. “Denial of injury” was notable for its infrequent usage. Based on these findings, the study confirms that neutralization theory can be applied to Generation Z music piracy research. Different types of pirates were identified after analyzing the interview data. Some respondents downloaded mainly non-music content, and felt that online music services had eliminated the need to pirate music. Others, however, were strictly music pirates and had little to no interest in downloading other content types or using money online. The groups appeared to differ slightly in their usage of neutralizations, but this issue has to be confirmed by quantitative studies. Quantitative approach on Generation Z is also needed for designing effective piracy-deterring strategies. According to this study, the most effective way to deter piracy is the continuous development of services.
Main Author
Master thesis
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