Liikuntaharrastus iäkkäänä - kohortti- ja seuruututkimus iäkkäiden liikunnasta
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää ikääntyvien yli 65-vuotiaiden henkilöiden liikun-nan harrastamista ja siinä tapahtuvia muutoksia kohortti- ja seuruututkimuksen avulla. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin sosiaalisen ja fyysisen lähiympäristön yhteyttä iäkkäiden henkilöiden fyysiseen ak-tiivisuuteen ja liikuntaharrastukseen. Tutkimus on osa Jyväskylässä vuosina 1988–2004 toteutet-tua Ikivihreät – projektia.
Aineisto kerättiin strukturoidulla haastattelulla. Kohorttihaastatteluihin osallistui 80 % (n=362) 65–69-vuotiasta jyväskyläläistä vuonna 1988, 79 % (n=320) vuonna 1996 ja 73 % (n=292) vuonna 2004. Seuruuaineisto kerättiin vuonna 1988 vuosina 1914–23 syntyneiltä kotona asuvilta jyväskyläläisiltä ja samoilta henkilöiltä vuonna 1996 ja 2004. Ensimmäiseen haastatteluun osal-listui 81 % (n=635), toiseen haastatteluun 87 % (n=410) ja kolmanteen vuoden 2004 seuruuhaas-tatteluun 82 % (n=199) kohdejoukosta.
Liikuntaharrastuksen useus ja intensiteetti lisääntyi ja liikuntaharrastus monipuolistui 65–69-vuotiailla nuorilla eläkeläisillä verrattaessa aikaisempia kohorttiryhmiä viimeiseen kohorttiryh-mään. Vuonna 2004 sellaiset henkilöt, joilla oli liikkumisvaikeuksia, liikkuivat useammin ja monipuolisemmin kuin vastaavat henkilöt vuonna 1988. Vuonna 2004 ne 65–69 –vuotiaat henki-löt, joilla oli liikkumiskyvyn ongelmia (portaiden nousu) harrastivat liikuntaa ohjatuissa ryhmis-sä useammin kuin henkilöt, joilla oli liikkumiskykyvaikeuksia vuonna 1988. Kiinnostuksen puu-te oli kaikkina kolmena tutkimusvuonna suurin este ohjatun liikunnan harrastamiselle 65–69 -vuotiailla tutkituilla.
Seuruututkimuksen aikana, tutkittaessa samoja henkilöitä 1988, 1996 ja 2004, liikunnan harras-tamisen intensiteetti ja eri liikuntamuotojen harrastaminen vähenivät molemmilla sukupuolilla. Vain ohjatun liikunnan harrastaminen lisääntyi miehillä seuruun loppuvaiheessa. Huono tervey-dentila mainittiin vuonna 2004 sekä liikunnan harrastamisen yleisenä esteenä että ohjatun liikun-nan esteenä aikaisempaa useammin. Liikuntaa erittäin tärkeänä pitävien naisten osuus väheni seuruun aikana, kun taas miehet pitivät liikuntaa erittäin tärkeänä vielä seuruun loppuvaiheessa. Seuruun aikana kuolleet olivat harrastaneet liikuntaa vähemmän alkututkimuksen aikana vuonna 1988 kuin muut tutkitut.
Tulokset osoittavat, että nuorten eläkeläisten liikuntaharrastus oli yleisempää ja liikkumiskyky parempi vuonna 2004 kuin 16 vuotta aikaisemmin vuonna 1988. Iän lisääntyessä liikuntaharras-tus väheni ja muutti muotoaan; kotivoimistelun ja kävely säilyivät harrastetuimpina liikuntamuo-toina ja ohjatuissa liikuntaryhmissä käyminen lisääntyi miehillä vielä kahdeksankymmenen ikä-vuoden jälkeenkin.
Sosiaalisilla suhteilla ja kodin muutostöillä oli yhteys ikääntyvien liikunnan harrastamiseen. Tut-tavapiirin laajuus oli yhteydessä kävelyn ja intensiiviseen liikunnan harrastamiseen. Turvalaittei-ta oli asennettu useammin niille henkilöille, jotka eivät harrastaneet liikuntaa (p=0.012).
Hyvä fyysinen terveys, läheiset ihmiset ja fyysisen aktiivisuuden mahdollistava ympäristö lisää-vät iäkkäiden ihmisten liikuntaharrastusta sekä edistävät kotona selviytymistä. Sekä ajassa tapah-tuvat muutokset että ihmisen vanhetessa tapahtuvat muutokset tulee huomioida, kun suunnitel-laan iäkkäiden ihmisten fyysistä aktiivisuutta.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the participation of older people, i.e. over 65-year-olds, in physical exercise activities, as well as changes in their exercise habits, by means of a cohort and follow-up study. A further objective of the study was to examine the connection be-tween the immediate social and physical environment and the physical activity and exercise hab-its of older people. The material for the study is part of the Ikivihreät/Evergreen project carried out in Jyväskylä in the years 1988–2004. The data was collected by conducting structured interviews. Of the cohort study of 65-69 –year-old target group 80% (n=362) participated in the cohort interviews in 1988, 79% (n=320) in 1996 and 73% (n=292) in 2004. The follow-up material was collected in 1988 from Jyväskylä residents born in 1914–23 and living at home and from the same persons in 1996 and 2004. Of the follow-up target group 81% (n=635) participated in the first interview, 87% (n=410) in the second and 82% (n=199) in the third follow-up interview in 2004. The frequency and intensity of exercise, increasing diversity of exercise and the number of peo-ple practising gymnastics at home increased among young pensioners (65–69-year-olds) when comparing earlier cohort groups with the last cohort. In 2004 those people who had mobility problems exercised more often and in a wider range of exercise forms than the corresponding group in 1988. Those who had problems relating to their mobility (climbing stairs) exercised less and only for performing essential chores. Lack of interest was the main obstacle to participating in organised exercise among 65–69-year-olds in all the three study years. During the follow-up study, which studied the same persons in 1988, 1996 and 2004, the intensi-ty of participation in exercise and the range of exercise practised decreased for both sexes. Only participation in organised exercise by men increased during the follow-up period. Poor health was mentioned in 2004 more often than before, both as an obstacle to participating in exercise in general and as an obstacle to participating in organised exercise. The proportion of women who considered exercise very important fell significantly during the follow-up while men considered exercise very important even at the end of the follow-up period. Those who died during the fol-low-up period had been involved in exercise less during the initial study in 1988 than the other subjects. The results showed that young pensioners exercised more frequently and their mobility was bet-ter in 2004 than 16 years earlier in 1988. Their participation in exercise decreased with age and changed its form; home gymnastics and walking remained popular, while participation in organ-ised exercise groups increased among and among men even after their 80th year. Social factors, e.g. having a wide circle of friends, and environment at home were also some factors affecting the intensity of participation in exercise in old age. Good physical health, close relations with family and friends and an environment that is condu-cive to physical activity all help to increase older people’s participation in exercise and help them to cope at home. Changes, both those brought by changing times and those brought by age-ing should be considered when planning physical activities for older people.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the participation of older people, i.e. over 65-year-olds, in physical exercise activities, as well as changes in their exercise habits, by means of a cohort and follow-up study. A further objective of the study was to examine the connection be-tween the immediate social and physical environment and the physical activity and exercise hab-its of older people. The material for the study is part of the Ikivihreät/Evergreen project carried out in Jyväskylä in the years 1988–2004. The data was collected by conducting structured interviews. Of the cohort study of 65-69 –year-old target group 80% (n=362) participated in the cohort interviews in 1988, 79% (n=320) in 1996 and 73% (n=292) in 2004. The follow-up material was collected in 1988 from Jyväskylä residents born in 1914–23 and living at home and from the same persons in 1996 and 2004. Of the follow-up target group 81% (n=635) participated in the first interview, 87% (n=410) in the second and 82% (n=199) in the third follow-up interview in 2004. The frequency and intensity of exercise, increasing diversity of exercise and the number of peo-ple practising gymnastics at home increased among young pensioners (65–69-year-olds) when comparing earlier cohort groups with the last cohort. In 2004 those people who had mobility problems exercised more often and in a wider range of exercise forms than the corresponding group in 1988. Those who had problems relating to their mobility (climbing stairs) exercised less and only for performing essential chores. Lack of interest was the main obstacle to participating in organised exercise among 65–69-year-olds in all the three study years. During the follow-up study, which studied the same persons in 1988, 1996 and 2004, the intensi-ty of participation in exercise and the range of exercise practised decreased for both sexes. Only participation in organised exercise by men increased during the follow-up period. Poor health was mentioned in 2004 more often than before, both as an obstacle to participating in exercise in general and as an obstacle to participating in organised exercise. The proportion of women who considered exercise very important fell significantly during the follow-up while men considered exercise very important even at the end of the follow-up period. Those who died during the fol-low-up period had been involved in exercise less during the initial study in 1988 than the other subjects. The results showed that young pensioners exercised more frequently and their mobility was bet-ter in 2004 than 16 years earlier in 1988. Their participation in exercise decreased with age and changed its form; home gymnastics and walking remained popular, while participation in organ-ised exercise groups increased among and among men even after their 80th year. Social factors, e.g. having a wide circle of friends, and environment at home were also some factors affecting the intensity of participation in exercise in old age. Good physical health, close relations with family and friends and an environment that is condu-cive to physical activity all help to increase older people’s participation in exercise and help them to cope at home. Changes, both those brought by changing times and those brought by age-ing should be considered when planning physical activities for older people.
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Licentiate thesis
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