An Observation Framework for Multi-Agent Systems
Kesäniemi, J.; Katasonov, A.; Terziyan, V., "An Observation Framework for Multi-agent Systems," Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, 2009. ICAS '09. Fifth International Conference on , vol., no., pp.336-341, 20-25 April 2009. doi: 10.1109/ICAS.2009.55
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Existing middleware platforms for multi-agent systems
(MAS) do not provide general support for observation. On
the other hand, observation is considered to be an important
mechanism needed for realizing effective and efficient
coordination of agents. This paper describes a
framework called Agent Observable Environment (AOE) for
observation-based interaction in MAS. The framework provides
1) possibility to model MAS components with RDFbased
observable soft-bodies, 2) support for both query and
publish/subscribe style ontology-driven observation, and 3)
ability to restrict the visibility of observable information using
observation rules. Additionally, we report on an implementation
of the framework for the JADE middleware platform,
where AOE is realized as a custom kernel service.
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