Weakly interacting dark matter in walking technicolor theories

Several lines of evidence support the existence of the dark matter in the Universe. In the light of the present observations the particle dark matter, and in particular the WIMP scenario is a very promising alternative to solve the dark matter problem. In this context recent minimal walking techicolor model motivated dark matter models have been studied. The minimal walking techinicolor and the minimal extension of it, which can successfully provide a dynamical origin for the electroweak symmetry breaking as well as the unification of the standard model coupling constants, gives rise to natural dark matter candidates such as fourth family heavy neutrinos and SU(2) adjoint matter. A general model which combines these two dark matter scenarios has been considered here and numerical results and predictions in certain limits have been discussed. In general these models can produce the right amount of dark matter and the dark matter particles are within the reach of upcoming experiments. Thus, if existing, they may be detected in near future. One important side result in this thesis considers the effects of the Majorana phases of mixing particles to the model parameter space. Because of these phases, which are related to the mass eigenvalue positivity of the mixing Majorana states, the general physical parameter space of the model is larger than what usually has been thought. Future studies include a complete Monte Carlo analysis of the parameter space, including all experimental constrains, of the most general 3 × 3 mixing dark matter model introduced in this thesis. Also a formulation of the general Feynman rules for the mixing Majorana particles is one of the immediate research goals.
Main Author
Theses Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-4027-0Use this for linking
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Research report / Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä
In CopyrightOpen Access
