More similarities than differences among elite music students in jazz, folk music and classical genre – Personality, practice habits, and self-rated music-related strengths and weaknesses
The aim of the study was to investigate a) if music students have a unique personality profile, and b) if music students in different genres differ in practice habits and musical self-image. Participants were music students in different music genres (n=96; jazz n=31, folk music n=33, classical genre n=32) from two conservatories in Sweden. Results indicated that music students differed significantly from students in psychology on agreeableness and openness. Students in classical genre practiced significantly more hours per week than students in jazz and folk music. Students in folk music practiced the most days per week in ensemble outside the school curriculum. A thematic analysis followed of the students’ descriptions of their strengths and weaknesses related to their musical development. Five main themes were identified; Learning, Interpretation, Playing Technique, Group Playing and Psychosocial Aspects. The metaphor of Musical Self-image was chosen as an appropriate overall description of the themes. Of the five themes, Learning was the most frequently mentioned theme by the students. In summary, the personality profile of music students differed only moderately to the control group. In addition, music students were more similar than different regarding practice habits and musical self-image.
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ESCOM 2009 : 7th Triennial Conference of European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music