Trust, autonomy and safety at integrated network- and family-oriented model for co-operation : a qualitative study
Jukka Piippo käsittelee väitöskirjassaan psykiatrisia hoitomuotoja syventyen potilaan, tämän sosiaalisen verkoston sekä hoitojärjestelmän välisen yhteistyön merkitykseen.- Psykiatrisen hoidon yhteydessä tapahtuva ihmisten välisten suhteiden hoitaminen tuottaa luottamusta ja turvallisuutta. Näin kokevat niin potilaat, omaiset kuin hoitohenkilökuntakin, Piippo kertoo.Piipon mukaan oireiden ja sairauden hoitaminen ei välttämättä olekaan asia, johon psykiatrisessa hoidossa tulee ensisijaisesti keskittyä. Ajatus siitä, että ihmisen mielenterveyden ongelmat asuvat ihmisen psykologisissa rakenteissa tai välittäjäaineiden epäsuotuisassa toiminnassa, on kyseenalainen.Tutkimus osoittaa, että ihmisten välisten suhteiden hoitaminen kasvattaa luottamusta ja turvallisuutta, mikä puolestaan johtaa potilaan autonomian kokemukseen. Kun suhteet ovat kunnossa, huomataan että oireet tai sairaus eivät olekaan enää samankaltaisia kuin aikaisemmin.- Ihmisen mielenterveys vahvistuu ihmisten välisiä suhteita hoidettaessa. Ihmissuhteiden hoitamisen ja potilaan autonomian tulisikin olla psykiatrisessa hoidossa nykyistä keskeisempää, Piippo suosittaa.- Jos ihmissuhteita hoidetaan, niin silloin myös oireiden ja sairauden hoitaminen voi tulla tarpeenmukaisemmaksi. Kaiken hoidon, niin psykiatrisen kuin somaattisenkin, tulisi olla tarpeenmukaista. Onkin tärkeä kysyä, kuinka hoito todella saadaan tarpeenmukaiseksi, Piippo painottaa.Piipon mukaan potilaan epäluottamus hoitojärjestelmään ja hoitavaan henkilökuntaan kehittyy, jos potilas kokee itsensä ulkopuoliseksi omassa hoitoprosessissaan.- Kun potilas kokee olevansa hoitohenkilökunnan toimenpiteiden kohde ja hänen hoitonsa perustuu yleistettyihin tapoihin, rutiineihin ja traditioihin, luottamuksen kehittyminen on vaikeaa. Potilaan tulisi kokea itsensä aktiiviseksi toimijaksi ja asiantuntijaksi, Piippo korostaa.Avoimuuden ja toisten erilaisen ajatustavan ja -kulun ymmärtäminen on myös keskeistä luottamuksen, autonomian ja turvallisuuden kehittymisessä. Avoimuus perustuu rehellisyyteen ja varsinkin hoitohenkilökunnan kykyyn puhua omista hoitoon liittyvistä ajatuksistaan tavalla, joka ei loukkaa potilasta tai hänen omaisiaan.- Hoidon ja hoitomenetelmien suunnittelussa täytyisi pyrkiä kuulemaan niin potilasta kuin hänen läheisiään. Heidän ajatuksensa on otettava vakavasti. Voi käydä niinkin, että hoitavan henkilökunnan ajatukset ja toimet tulevat kritiikin kohteeksi, Piippo huomauttaa.Tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus, joka perustuu moniongelmaisten potilaiden haastatteluihin. Kaikki haastatellut potilaat ovat henkilöitä joiden mielenterveyden voidaan katsoa pettäneen tai särkyneen.
This research is based on three Studies which were aimed to explore 1. psychiatric patients’ experiences concerning Network- and Family oriented treatment model, 2. development of trust in two different treatment contexts, 3. significance of relatives’ participation in treatment process for patients, relatives and members of the patients’ multiprofessional treatment team. General starting points of the research are 1. reform concerning psychiatry realized in Sweden during 1990 2. development of Need-Adapted Approach in Finland. This research is connected to still ongoing research and development concerning psychiatric treatment and care in the Nordic countries.The theoretical frame of this research is the theory of Need-Adapted Approach including the theory of therapeutic system. According to theory of the therapeutic system, all sides participating in treatment process are reciprocally influencing each others actions and thoughts. The philosophical frame of this research is the idea of relations between people either as subject-object relation or subject-subject relation as described by Buber. Material for this research was collected in Västerås, Sweden (Study I and II) and at Jorvi hospital Out-patient clinic and out-patient clinic at Keropudas hospital in Western-Lapland (Study III). The analysis of the tape recorded and video recorded material is done according to Grounded Theory.The first Study was aimed to explore the patients’ experiences concerning Network- and Family oriented treatment model. The model was based on co-operation between the patient, relatives and staff members in psychiatry and social services. According to the findings in Study I the experiences were divided to positive, negative and ambivalent categories. The core categories of Study I were trust, mistrust and honesty. The second Study was a specified study concerning development of trust in two different treatment contexts, Network- and Family oriented context and traditional context. Material used was the same as in Study I. According to the findings, both contexts make development of trust, as well as mistrust, possible between the patient and personnel. Study III was aimed to explore signification of relatives’ active participation in treatment process for the patients, the relatives them selves and members of the patients’ multiprofessional treatment team. The core category of Study III was safety. The findings show that shared discussions in which relations are treated created experience and feeling of safety for all sides.
This research is based on three Studies which were aimed to explore 1. psychiatric patients’ experiences concerning Network- and Family oriented treatment model, 2. development of trust in two different treatment contexts, 3. significance of relatives’ participation in treatment process for patients, relatives and members of the patients’ multiprofessional treatment team. General starting points of the research are 1. reform concerning psychiatry realized in Sweden during 1990 2. development of Need-Adapted Approach in Finland. This research is connected to still ongoing research and development concerning psychiatric treatment and care in the Nordic countries.The theoretical frame of this research is the theory of Need-Adapted Approach including the theory of therapeutic system. According to theory of the therapeutic system, all sides participating in treatment process are reciprocally influencing each others actions and thoughts. The philosophical frame of this research is the idea of relations between people either as subject-object relation or subject-subject relation as described by Buber. Material for this research was collected in Västerås, Sweden (Study I and II) and at Jorvi hospital Out-patient clinic and out-patient clinic at Keropudas hospital in Western-Lapland (Study III). The analysis of the tape recorded and video recorded material is done according to Grounded Theory.The first Study was aimed to explore the patients’ experiences concerning Network- and Family oriented treatment model. The model was based on co-operation between the patient, relatives and staff members in psychiatry and social services. According to the findings in Study I the experiences were divided to positive, negative and ambivalent categories. The core categories of Study I were trust, mistrust and honesty. The second Study was a specified study concerning development of trust in two different treatment contexts, Network- and Family oriented context and traditional context. Material used was the same as in Study I. According to the findings, both contexts make development of trust, as well as mistrust, possible between the patient and personnel. Study III was aimed to explore signification of relatives’ active participation in treatment process for the patients, the relatives them selves and members of the patients’ multiprofessional treatment team. The core category of Study III was safety. The findings show that shared discussions in which relations are treated created experience and feeling of safety for all sides.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research