ESCOM 2009

ESCOM 2009 : 7th Triennial Conference of European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music will bring together the leading researchers from different areas of music cognition. The conference is organized by the Department of Music at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The conference will consist of invited keynote lectures, workshops, paper and poster sessions, and symposia arranged around specific themes. For more information please see the conference home page.
Recent Submissions
Coping styles of music teachers
(2009)The previous findings have shown that musicians as well as music teachers differ in personality characteristics from the general population. There are strong indications that musicians are exposed to numerous stressful ... -
Do Physiological Responses and Personality Traits Relate to Auditory Perceptual Learning in Musicians and Non-Musicians?
(2009)Peripheral nervous system can influence learning and memory functions by increasing the activity level (‘arousal’) of the system with increasing task difficulty. Several studies show that musicians discriminate auditory ... -
Tune recognition from melody, rhythm and harmony
(2009)Earlier studies have shown that listeners recognise familiar tunes. With tunes that are manipulated in some way, melody has been shown to be more important for recognition than rhythm. The present study examined the ... -
The keyboard as a part of visual, auditory and kinesthetic processing in sight-reading at the piano
(2009)Sight-reading at the piano requires coordination of multiple modalities—visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Visual feedback (obtained by looking at the keyboard and the fingers) is usually regarded as one means by which ... -
Embodied Experience and Communicative Intentions of the Singing Performer
(2009)Theories of Embodied Cognition assert that simulation mechanisms underlie inter-subjective communication. On this basis we posit that by solely assessing only visual component of a performance, a naïve audience could make ... -
Pitch salience in chords of harmonic complex tones
(2009)Parncutt (1993) estimated the salience of the 12 chroma in chords of octave-complex tones (OCTs, Shepard tones). In each trial, listeners rated how well an OCT went with a preceding chord. The conventional root tended to ... -
Postural entrainment by vocal effort in singing and speech
(2009)This study assesses the interaction of the postural control system and the production of expressive vocal behavior during speech and singing. In particular, we focus on the head, whose motions have been implicated for both ... -
Psychological and physiological influences in chord progression including the prohibitions
(2009)Harmony is one of three major elements in the music. Harmonics are the basic theory of composition. There are several kinds of prohibitions in relation to the chord progression in the rules of Harmonics. When composers ... -
Music preferences as signs of who we are - Personality and social factors
(2009)Recent research shows that music preferences can be summarized by four dimensions and these dimensions are associated with certain personality characteristics, analyzed according to the five factor theory of personality. ... -
Analysis of corporal gestures in dance students’ improvisations as a response to controlled musical parameters
(2009)This study addresses the lack of a theoretical basis in dance piano accompaniment music geared towards dance. We study which musical features are perceptually most relevant and prompt specific dance movements and gestures, ... -
Influence of linguistic rhythm on individual compositional style in 19th century French and German art song
(2009)This study extends prior research on the influence of linguistic rhythm on musical rhythm to 19th-century French and German art songs. Results indicate that the measurement of rhythmic variability used in prior studies, ... -
Grammar types in language explain tone sequence processing in music
(2009)In this ERP study, linear and center-embedded musical sequences are built according to two artificial grammar types in language, named finite state grammar (FSG) and phrase structure grammar (PSG). The aim is to prove if ... -
Variations of the perception of mood and tension of music excerpts depending on the visual context
(2009)We study the influence that image features may have on music tension and liveliness perception. 72 music excerpts from different genres and periods were selected, and 72 still shots were taken from different animation ... -
The Relationship between Auditory Imagery and Musical Synchronization Abilities in Musicians
(2009)Musical ensemble performance requires precise action coordination. To maintain synchrony in the presence of expressive tempo variations, musicians presumably anticipate the sounds that will be produced by their co-performers ... -
Playing with delayed auditory feedback
(2009)This paper presents a study where the effect of a delayed acoustic feedback is researched with 10 professional musicians performing four different pieces of piano music. The influence of a delayed auditory feedback on the ... -
Cross-domain mapping processes in the perception of post tonal music
(2009)Theories of embodied cognition state that knowledge is built by means of cross-domain mapping processes between different domains of experience. Recent research informs about the presence of mapping processes in the reception ... -
A Psychoacoustic Model of Harmonic Cadences - A Preliminary Report
(2009)This report presents a psychoacoustically derived computational model of the perceived distance between any two major or minor triads, the degree of activity created by any given pair of triads, and the cadential effectiveness ... -
Musical aptitude and foreign language learning skills - neural and behavioral evidence about their connections
(2009)Perceiving music and language seems to depend upon subtle and accurate auditory processing skills. Could music and language also share common neural resources? Possible interaction between music and speech memory systems ... -
Musical Self-Concept - Presentation of a Multi-Dimensional Model and Its Empirical Analyses
(2009)Research on the specific domain of musical self-concept was so far exclusively concerned with musically active subjects (such as performers, music teachers, students, or singing children). In contrast, the starting base ... -
How does children’s music making affect language and communication?
(2009)Low educations achievement is a risk to become socially excluded. What can music education contribute to children’s education? There is increasing evidence that children benefit from regular and playful musical stimulations ...