Recent Submissions

  • Models of musical similarity 

    Wiggins, Geraint (2007)
      I attempt to align and compare the various papers in this Discussion Forum and to draw some general conclusions from them. Because the range of papers is so broad, it is not possible to compare them in detail, and so the ...
  • Motivic matching strategies for automated pattern extraction 

    Lartillot, Olivier; Toiviainen, Petri (2007)
       This article proposes an approach to the problem of automated extraction of motivic patterns in monodies. Different musical dimensions, restricted in current approaches to the most prominent melodic and rhythmic features ...
  • Melodic similarity as a determinant of melody structure 

    Ahlbäck, Sven (2007)
     This paper presents an approach to the analysis of melodic similarity as a determinant of melody structure, which has been applied successfully as a computational system of analysis for the prediction of segmental structure ...
  • Melodic and contextual similarity of folk song phrases 

    Eerola, Tuomas; Bregman, Micah (2007)
       Various models of melodic similarity have been proposed and assessed in perceptual experiments. Contour and pitch content variables haven been favoured although music-theoretical and statistical variables have also been ...
  • Modelling experts notions of melodic similarity 

    Müllensiefen, Daniel; Frieler, Klaus (2007)
       In this article we show that a subgroup of music experts has a reliable and consistent notion of melodic similarity, and that this notion can be measured with satisfactory precision. Our measurements enable us to model ...
  • Transportation distances and human perception of melodic similarity 

    Veltkamp, Remco C.; Wiering, Frans; Typke, Rainer (2007)
        This article describes how transportation distances such as the Earth Mover s Distance can be used for measuring melodic similarity for notated music. We represent music notation as weighted point sets in a two-dimensional ...
  • On comparing edit distance and geometric frameworks in content-based retrieval of symbolically encoded polyphonic music 

    Lemström, Kjell; Pienimäki, Anna (2007)
       This paper deals with content-based music retrieval (CBMR) of symbolically encoded polyphonic music. It is one of the key issues in the field of music information retrieval. Due to extensive research, there are already ...
  • Themes as prototypes: Similarity judgments and categorization tasks in musical contexts 

    Ziv, Naomi; Eitan, Zohar (2007)
       Similarity judgments and corresponding categorizations often differ, as the former does not predict the latter (Keil, 1989). Prototype-based models suggest that categorization emphasizes features which distinguish ...
  • Social dimensions of melodic identity, cognition, and association 

    Selfridge-Field, Eleanor (2007)
      While music researchers are interested in developing tools for automatically culling related melodies and psychologists seek a clearer understanding of how people learn, recognize, and remember melodies, musicological ...
  • Intensity changes and perceived similarity: Inter-parametric analogies 

    Eitan, Zohar; Granot, Roni Y. (2007)
    Music theorists and psychologists have described diverse musical processes in terms of changes (increase or decrease) in intensity . This paper examines the hypothesis that analogous intensity changes in different musical ...
  • Similarity relations in listening to music: How do they come into play? 

    Deliège, Irène (2007)
    In this essay, similarity relations in the perception of music are studied on the basis of two different standpoints. The first is said to be external and studies comparisons between distinct and autonomous musical entities, ...
  • Editorial 

    Toiviainen, Petri (2007)
    The concept of similarity is central to perception. It underlies processes such as object recognition, comparison, memory retrieval, classification, problem solving, and inductive reasoning, which are crucial to much of ...