Towards a comprehensive theory of musical emotions : a multidimensional research approach and some empirical findings
Musiikin tunnevaikutukset ovat hyvin moniulotteinen ilmiö, jota muokkaavat musiikin ominaisuuksien lisäksi muun muassa yksilölliset erot ja musiikin kuuntelun konteksti, Kari Kallinen havaitsi väitöstutkimuksessaan.Musiikin tunnevaikutuksiin liittyy monia osatekijöitä, kuten musiikin ominaisuudet, esimerkiksi musiikin tyyli ja rakenne sekä musiikkia kuuntelevan yksilön ominaisuudet, esimerkiksi persoonallisuus ja musiikkimaku. Myös musiikin kuuntelun sosiaaliset ja muut kontekstit tuovat oman vaikutuksensa. Tunteet itsessään muodostuvat myös useasta erilaisesta komponentista kuten subjektiivisesta (esimerkiksi ärtymys), ekspressiivisestä (ärtynyt ilme) ja fysiologisesta (kohonnut pulssi) komponentista.Kallinen tarkasteli yhtenä ensimmäisistä musiikin tutkijoista sekä tunteiden eri komponenttien että tunnevaikutusten osatekijöiden suhteita kokonaisvaltaisesta näkökulmasta. Hän tarkasteli ja kontrolloi lähes kaikkia osatekijöitä joko yksittäisissä osatutkimuksissa tai vertailemalla eri osatutkimuksia. Kallisen kehittämä ns. moniulotteinen tutkimuslähestymistapa koostui mittareista, joilla voitiin rekisteröidä tunteen eri komponentteja esimerkiksi psykofysiologisten mittausten avulla. Hän rakensi tutkimusasetelmia, joissa musiikin tunnevaikutusten eri osatekijöitä voitiin tarkastella esimerkiksi tarkastelemalla yksilöllisiä eroja ja muuntelemalla musiikin rakennetta.Moniulotteinen tutkimuslähestymistapa tuottaa mielenkiintoista ja entistä tarkempaa tutkimustietoa musiikin tunnevaikutuksista ja niissä vaikuttavista eri osatekijöistä. Tietoa voidaan soveltaa ja hyödyntää mm. musiikin terapiakäytössä, mediakäytössä, käytettäessä musiikkia taustamusiikkina sekä uusia innovatiivisia musiikkisovelluksia kehitettäessä, vaikkapa musiikin emotionaalisiin ominaisuuksiin ja vaikutuksiin perustuvan hakukoneen suunnittelussa.
The present work summarizes the results of a series of experiments that focused on the emotional effects of music per se, in particular background music onother activities such as reading or listening to news messages, as well as on the potential moderating influence of various individual difference variables on therelationship of music with emotional responses. We defined emotions as processes that are influenced by various interactive components, such as musical attributes (e.g., tempo, harmony, musical genre), individual attributes(e.g., musical preferences, personality), and contextual attributes (e.g., music in connection with everyday activities or multimodal information). In order tocontrol the various factors related to musical emotions, we proposed a multidimensional research approach, which consists of (a) measuring subjective responses, psychophysiological responses, and various traits, and (b) examining the relationships between the musical, individual, and contextual attributes thatmay influence emotions. The results suggest, for example, that music is a multidimensional phenomenon, and that musical emotions are heterogeneous and hierarchical. The results also suggest that music often arouses emotionsthat are very similar to the ones it is evaluated as being expressive of. We also found that the interaction between personality and musical stimuli can usually be explained by similarity-attraction. That is, people are attracted to persons or media stimuli similar to their own personality. The results also suggest that the interaction between (background) music and some other stimuli (e.g., reading)can usually be explained by mood congruency (i.e., individuals preferentially process emotional stimuli that are emotionally congruent with each other and/or with their current mood state). In sum, the multidimensional research approach seems to produce many interesting results that are presumably more precise than those yielded by previous research on emotional effects of music.However, it should be acknowledged that more research is needed to understand the functions of different components of musical emotions.
The present work summarizes the results of a series of experiments that focused on the emotional effects of music per se, in particular background music onother activities such as reading or listening to news messages, as well as on the potential moderating influence of various individual difference variables on therelationship of music with emotional responses. We defined emotions as processes that are influenced by various interactive components, such as musical attributes (e.g., tempo, harmony, musical genre), individual attributes(e.g., musical preferences, personality), and contextual attributes (e.g., music in connection with everyday activities or multimodal information). In order tocontrol the various factors related to musical emotions, we proposed a multidimensional research approach, which consists of (a) measuring subjective responses, psychophysiological responses, and various traits, and (b) examining the relationships between the musical, individual, and contextual attributes thatmay influence emotions. The results suggest, for example, that music is a multidimensional phenomenon, and that musical emotions are heterogeneous and hierarchical. The results also suggest that music often arouses emotionsthat are very similar to the ones it is evaluated as being expressive of. We also found that the interaction between personality and musical stimuli can usually be explained by similarity-attraction. That is, people are attracted to persons or media stimuli similar to their own personality. The results also suggest that the interaction between (background) music and some other stimuli (e.g., reading)can usually be explained by mood congruency (i.e., individuals preferentially process emotional stimuli that are emotionally congruent with each other and/or with their current mood state). In sum, the multidimensional research approach seems to produce many interesting results that are presumably more precise than those yielded by previous research on emotional effects of music.However, it should be acknowledged that more research is needed to understand the functions of different components of musical emotions.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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Jyväskylä studies in humanities