Tunnustus, subjektiviteetti ja inhimillinen elämänmuoto : tutkimuksia Hegelistä ja persoonien välisistä tunnustussuhteista
Tunnustus, sen antaminen, saaminen ja sen puute ovat tärkeitä jokaisen yksilön elämässä: me haluamme ja tarvitsemme tunnustusta toisiltamme. Heikki Ikäheimon filosofinen väitöstutkimus selvittää, mistä tunnustuksessa on kyse ja miksi sen antaminen sekä saaminen koetaan niin tärkeäksi. Tunnustuksella (saks. Anerkennung, engl. recognition) ei tässä yhteydessä tarkoiteta syyllisyyksien, syntien jne. tunnustamista (lat. confessio), vaan toisiin persooniin kohdistuvia tunnustusasenteita: rakastamista, kunnioittamista ja arvostamista. Itsensä rakastaminen, kunnioittaminen ja arvostaminen ovat psyykkisiä perusresursseja, joita ilman tyydyttävä elämä on mahdotonta. - Ilman kokemusta siitä, että toiset rakastavat minua, on vaikea rakastaa itseään. Ilman kokemusta siitä että toiset kunnioittavat minua, on vaikea kunnioittaa itseään. Ilman kokemusta siitä, että toiset arvostavat minua, on vaikea arvostaa itseään, Ikäheimo summeeraa.
This work consists of nine articles and an appendix containing a Finnishtranslation of the chapter ‘Phenomenology’ in Hegel’s Encyclopaedia ofPhilosophical Sciences (1830). Articles 1-4 are scholarly in their character andarticles 5-8 systematical philosophy. Article 9 is a book-review that is thematicallyconnected to the other articles.The scholarly articles discuss Hegel’s philosophy with an emphasis on thetheme of concreteness and finitude of subjectivity, and the role of interpersonalrecognition (Anerkennung) in its constitution. A wholly new approach to Hegel’sEncyclopedia philosophy of subjective spirit (1830) is presented, whereintersubjectivity is revealed, contrary to earlier interpretations and widely sharedprejudices, to be a central constituent of subjectivity and of objectivity in Hegel’slate system.The common theme in the systematical articles (5-8) is recognition(Anerkennung). Compared to the importance given to the theme of recognition inthe discussions in political and social theory during the last decades, very littleattention has been paid to the basic conceptual questions. In the articles, thequestion what is recognition is posed. Since the word ‘recognition’ has multiplemeanings that are usually confused in the theoretical discussions, these meaningsare separated as three distinct concepts and renamed as ‘identification’, ‘acknow-ledgement’ and ‘recognition’. The precise meanings of these are discussed.Various types of recognitive attitudes (love, respect and esteem) are analysed ina synthetic manner, that allows the differences and similarities of these attitudesto be seen. Genus of the recognitive attitudes – taking another being as a person– is proposed and necessary conditions for recognitive attitudes to add up torecognition proper are presented. The connection of the recognitive attitudes tothe dimensions of self-relation of persons (self-love, self-respect, self-esteem) isdiscussed.
This work consists of nine articles and an appendix containing a Finnishtranslation of the chapter ‘Phenomenology’ in Hegel’s Encyclopaedia ofPhilosophical Sciences (1830). Articles 1-4 are scholarly in their character andarticles 5-8 systematical philosophy. Article 9 is a book-review that is thematicallyconnected to the other articles.The scholarly articles discuss Hegel’s philosophy with an emphasis on thetheme of concreteness and finitude of subjectivity, and the role of interpersonalrecognition (Anerkennung) in its constitution. A wholly new approach to Hegel’sEncyclopedia philosophy of subjective spirit (1830) is presented, whereintersubjectivity is revealed, contrary to earlier interpretations and widely sharedprejudices, to be a central constituent of subjectivity and of objectivity in Hegel’slate system.The common theme in the systematical articles (5-8) is recognition(Anerkennung). Compared to the importance given to the theme of recognition inthe discussions in political and social theory during the last decades, very littleattention has been paid to the basic conceptual questions. In the articles, thequestion what is recognition is posed. Since the word ‘recognition’ has multiplemeanings that are usually confused in the theoretical discussions, these meaningsare separated as three distinct concepts and renamed as ‘identification’, ‘acknow-ledgement’ and ‘recognition’. The precise meanings of these are discussed.Various types of recognitive attitudes (love, respect and esteem) are analysed ina synthetic manner, that allows the differences and similarities of these attitudesto be seen. Genus of the recognitive attitudes – taking another being as a person– is proposed and necessary conditions for recognitive attitudes to add up torecognition proper are presented. The connection of the recognitive attitudes tothe dimensions of self-relation of persons (self-love, self-respect, self-esteem) isdiscussed.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research