Matemaattisen ongelmanratkaisutaidon opettaminen peruskoulussa : ongelmanratkaisukurssin kehittäminen ja arviointi
Henry Leppäaho selvitti tutkimuksessaan, kuinka oppilaiden ongelmanratkaisutaitoa voidaan kehittää peruskoulussa. Pelkästään ongelmanratkaisustrategioiden opettaminen auttaa vain vähän itse ongelmanratkaisukykyä. Strategioiden opettaminen on kuitenkin hyödyllistä, koska oppilaat tarvitsevat keinoja ja malleja ongelmatehtävien ratkaisemiseen. Tällä tavoin myös voidaan vähentää oppilaiden epävarmuutta ja parantaa heidän asennettaan matemaattista ongelmanratkaisua kohtaan.Leppäaho loi oppimisympäristön, jonka hän toteutti koulussa ongelmanratkaisukurssina. Se sisälsi tuntisuunnitelmat, tehtävät ja materiaalin, joiden avulla ongelmanratkaisun opetus integroitiin matematiikkaan, äidinkieleen ja kirjallisuuteen, käsityöhön, kuvataiteeseen sekä ympäristö- ja luonnontieteeseen.Opetuksessa keskeisenä tavoitteena oli opettaa tutkimusta varten kehitetty ongelmanratkaisustrategia, ratkaisukarttamenetelmä, oppilaille työkaluksi ongelmatehtävien ratkaisuun. Menetelmän tarkoituksena on, että oppilas oppisi kokoamaan ja kirjoittamaan ongelmatehtävästä muistiinpanot, joiden avulla tehtävä on mahdollista ratkaista.Oppimisympäristö osoittautui tuloksekkaaksi. Koeryhmänä toimi yksi kuudes luokka. Kontrolliryhmänä toimivat kaksi saman koulun rinnakkaista kuudetta luokaa. Molemmat ryhmät suorittivat alku- ja loppukokeen. Kokeiden välissä koeryhmä osallistui Leppäahon opetuksessa 30 oppituntia sisältäneelle matemaattiselle ongelmanratkaisukurssille. Alkukokeessa koeryhmä menestyi vajaan pisteen verran heikommin kuin kontrolliryhmä. Loppukokeessa koeryhmän kokonaistulos oli reilut 8 pistettä (25,3 %) parempi kuin kontrolliryhmän tulos. Tilastollisesti ryhmien välinen ero oli loppukokeessa erittäin merkitsevä.
This thesis describes the teaching of mathematical problem solving by means of a designed problem solving course in the Finnish comprehensive school. The intention was to create a learning environment through the course that develops pupils’ mathematical problem solving skills. The study uses design research as the directive research method. The data were collected by assessing the teaching intervention, interviewing pupils and through quasi-experimental design. Conclusions were drawn on the basis of triangulation of the qualitative and quantitative results. The experimental group consisted of 17 pupils and the control group of 35. They used a similar textbook on which the designed course was based. Both groups took part in a pre- and post-test and delayed test. The main research results, which are iterative and are capable of being further developed, were: 1) The design procedure of a viable problem solving course itself for use in grade 6. The teaching of the problem solving skill was possible by integrating thirty lessons, including mathematics, mother tongue, natural sciences, art and crafts. 2) A concrete outcome of the design process was created and published as a textbook, which is now available to teachers. 3) According to the empirical results the created learning environment was productive. In the pre-test the groups were equally good, but in the post-test the experimental group was statistically better than the control group. There is no statistically significant difference between the groups in the delayed test administered 18 months after the post-test, although the experimental group’s result was still 14.7% better. According to the interviews the motivation of the experimental group improved during the problem solving course.
This thesis describes the teaching of mathematical problem solving by means of a designed problem solving course in the Finnish comprehensive school. The intention was to create a learning environment through the course that develops pupils’ mathematical problem solving skills. The study uses design research as the directive research method. The data were collected by assessing the teaching intervention, interviewing pupils and through quasi-experimental design. Conclusions were drawn on the basis of triangulation of the qualitative and quantitative results. The experimental group consisted of 17 pupils and the control group of 35. They used a similar textbook on which the designed course was based. Both groups took part in a pre- and post-test and delayed test. The main research results, which are iterative and are capable of being further developed, were: 1) The design procedure of a viable problem solving course itself for use in grade 6. The teaching of the problem solving skill was possible by integrating thirty lessons, including mathematics, mother tongue, natural sciences, art and crafts. 2) A concrete outcome of the design process was created and published as a textbook, which is now available to teachers. 3) According to the empirical results the created learning environment was productive. In the pre-test the groups were equally good, but in the post-test the experimental group was statistically better than the control group. There is no statistically significant difference between the groups in the delayed test administered 18 months after the post-test, although the experimental group’s result was still 14.7% better. According to the interviews the motivation of the experimental group improved during the problem solving course.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research