Control and management of multi-access wireless networks
Eero Wallenius tutki väitöskirjassaan langattomiin monipääsy- ja monipalveluverkkoihin liittyviä kysymyksiä. Hän selvitti 3/4G ja WLAN -verkkojen palvelun laadun laskutuksen säätöä ja hallintaa sekä esitti laskutus- ja säätömalleja analyysien ja simulointien avulla.Palvelun laadun ja laskutuksen suhdetta on jo aikaisemmin tutkittu. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat helposti sovellettavissa langattomiin 3/4G ja WLAN -verkkoihin. Wallenius tutki myös tilaajan hyväksymissuhdetta palvelun hinnoitteluun. Hän esitti operaattorien tarpeisiin luodun hallintamallin verkkopalvelujen hinnoitteluun ja käyttöön verkon kuormituksen säädöllä. Hän loi myös dynaamisen mallin verkkopalvelujen hinnoittelun optimointiin tilaajan kaistanleveyden, viiveen ja pakettihukan suhteen.
This work studies multiple network QoS pricing, control and management issues concerning the 3/4G and WLAN network environments. Most of the work is based upon analysis of the different simulations and the corresponding results. The relationship between QoS and pricing has been studied widely, and it can feasibly be applied in a wireless networks and especially wireless telecom networks, as part of the subscriber billing rationale. Also the customer acceptance versus QoS and overall service pricing has been researched.A model for a network featuring QoS based control - incorporating different network quality affecting factors such as throughput, delay and packet dropping - as well as providing for an optimized pricing of services in 3G networks, is presented. Related to this, a Policy Based network management model for the management of 3/4G networks, is also introduced together with its underlying management language model, which is XML based.This work will provide several answers to the questions, which often arise in connection with QoS dependent control, management and pricing of 3G and 4G networks. The most important items are the studies of the relationship between user acceptance of the services and the relations to service pricing, effects and model of Call Admission Control in QoS management, 3G and WLAN Interworking QoS model and simulation studies. Research about Policy Based Management of 3/4G networks reveals the future ideas and methods for the management of large tele- and data-com systems and networks. Some of the provided answers should also however be viewed as intermediate results of currently ongoing research programs, which will continue after the publication of this research thesis.
This work studies multiple network QoS pricing, control and management issues concerning the 3/4G and WLAN network environments. Most of the work is based upon analysis of the different simulations and the corresponding results. The relationship between QoS and pricing has been studied widely, and it can feasibly be applied in a wireless networks and especially wireless telecom networks, as part of the subscriber billing rationale. Also the customer acceptance versus QoS and overall service pricing has been researched.A model for a network featuring QoS based control - incorporating different network quality affecting factors such as throughput, delay and packet dropping - as well as providing for an optimized pricing of services in 3G networks, is presented. Related to this, a Policy Based network management model for the management of 3/4G networks, is also introduced together with its underlying management language model, which is XML based.This work will provide several answers to the questions, which often arise in connection with QoS dependent control, management and pricing of 3G and 4G networks. The most important items are the studies of the relationship between user acceptance of the services and the relations to service pricing, effects and model of Call Admission Control in QoS management, 3G and WLAN Interworking QoS model and simulation studies. Research about Policy Based Management of 3/4G networks reveals the future ideas and methods for the management of large tele- and data-com systems and networks. Some of the provided answers should also however be viewed as intermediate results of currently ongoing research programs, which will continue after the publication of this research thesis.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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Jyväskylä studies in computing