Geographic personal data, its privacy protection and prospects in a location-based service environment
Jouni Markkula on väitöskirjatyössään tutkinut paikkaan liitettävien henkilöitä koskevien tietojen keräämisen ja hyödyntämisen mahdollisuuksia niin, että samalla otetaan huomioon henkilöiden yksityisyyden suojan turvaaminen. Tällaisia henkilöpaikkatietojen hyödyntämis-mahdollisuuksia syntyy esimerkiksi matkapuhelinteknologian kehittymisen myötä. Henkilöpaikkatiedot ovat hyödyllisiä ja yleisesti arvokkaita. Esimerkiksi SARS-keuhkokuumetartunnan saaneiden kotiosoitetietojen perusteella voitaisiin piirtää kartta sairauden levinneisyydestä vaikka koko maapallolla. Mutta jos yksittäisten SARS tartunnan saaneiden henkilöiden osoitteet julkaistaisiin kaikkien tietoon, se loukkaisi vahvasti henkilön perustuslaillista yksityisyyden suojaa, puhumattakaan muista mahdollisista seurauksista. Sekä viranomaiset että yritykset keräävät henkilöpaikkatietoja, ja näiden tietojen turvallisesta käytöstä hyötyvät sekä yksityiset henkilöt että koko yhteiskunta.
During the last few decades the applications and utilisation of geographic data have widened and increased steadily. This expansion has followed on from the possibilities provided by the development in information technology. The advancement in telecommunications technology in the recent years has supported and accelerated the progress. The previously professional geographic applications area is now widening to the extent of services for the public at large. Geographic personal data forms a significant content in many geographic information applications and services. However, its collection and utilisation is restricted by the privacy protection requirement. This study tackles the questions of geographic personal data in current and future applications and services. The topics handled cover privacy protection and statistical disclosure control, geographic information systems and data utilisation in location-based services, new mobile service environments, collection and application of dynamic geographic personal data, and its possibilities and restrictions in future mobile environments. The contributions of the study include a specific analysis and solutions related the above mentioned research topics, involving constructive and methodological development as well as empirical testing. The statistical disclosure control problem of geographic population data is analysed and a method for solving it, called Local Restricted Imputation (LRI), is developed and tested. The new mobile Location-Based Services (LBS) environment and its geographic data handling possibilities is studied and tested in the form of a pilot system. The future prospects of dynamic geographic personal data are studied in the form of outlined Dynamic Geographic Data Service (DGDS). In handling the essential questions related to geographic personal data in various forms, the study presents a consistent view of its utilisation in present and future geographic data services and applications.
During the last few decades the applications and utilisation of geographic data have widened and increased steadily. This expansion has followed on from the possibilities provided by the development in information technology. The advancement in telecommunications technology in the recent years has supported and accelerated the progress. The previously professional geographic applications area is now widening to the extent of services for the public at large. Geographic personal data forms a significant content in many geographic information applications and services. However, its collection and utilisation is restricted by the privacy protection requirement. This study tackles the questions of geographic personal data in current and future applications and services. The topics handled cover privacy protection and statistical disclosure control, geographic information systems and data utilisation in location-based services, new mobile service environments, collection and application of dynamic geographic personal data, and its possibilities and restrictions in future mobile environments. The contributions of the study include a specific analysis and solutions related the above mentioned research topics, involving constructive and methodological development as well as empirical testing. The statistical disclosure control problem of geographic population data is analysed and a method for solving it, called Local Restricted Imputation (LRI), is developed and tested. The new mobile Location-Based Services (LBS) environment and its geographic data handling possibilities is studied and tested in the form of a pilot system. The future prospects of dynamic geographic personal data are studied in the form of outlined Dynamic Geographic Data Service (DGDS). In handling the essential questions related to geographic personal data in various forms, the study presents a consistent view of its utilisation in present and future geographic data services and applications.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Jyväskylä studies in computing