Interspecific interactions and selection on secondary sexual characters in damselflies
Lajienvälinen aggressiivisuus voi selittää immenkorentokoiraiden seksuaaliominaisuuden koossa havaittavaa vaihtelua, toteaa Katja Tynkkynen väitöskirjatyössään. Sekundaarisien seksuaaliominaisuuksien, kuten koiraslintujen kirkkaan värityksen, on tulkittu olevan seurausta seksuaalivalinnasta. Koiraat, joilla on suurempi tai upeampi seksuaaliominaisuus saavat yleensä muita suuremman lisääntymismenestyksen, minkä seurauksena seksuaaliominaisuuksiin kohdistuu positiivista suuntaavaa valintaa. Näin voi tapahtua esimerkiksi naaraan valinnan seurauksena tai koska suuren tai upean seksuaaliominaisuuden omaavat koiraat menestyvät paremmin koiraiden välisessä kilpailussa. Lajiensisäisten vuorovaikutusten lisäksi seksuaaliominaisuuksien evoluutioon voivat vaikuttaa lajienväliset vuorovaikutukset, esimerkiksi lajienvälisen risteytymisen välttäminen ja lajienvälinen aggressiivisuus.
Interspecific interactions related to species recognition can cause selection and affect the evolution of secondary sexual characters. Such interactions include for example avoidance of maladaptive hybridization and interspecific aggression. In this thesis, I focus especially on interspecific aggression and on selection which it may cause on sexual characters of the damselfly, Calopteryx splendens. Males of C. splendens have pigmented wing spot as a sexual character in the middle of their wings. Large-spotted C. splendens males resemble another species Calopteryx virgo, males of which have almost completely pigmented wings. I observed character displacement in C. splendens males such that the wing spot size decreased with increasing relative abundance of C. virgo. Territorial C. virgo males reacted more aggressively and from greater distance towards large- than small-spotted C. splendens males. This suggests that the character displacement may have evolved because of the interspecific aggression arising from mistaken species recognition. Interspecific aggression causes negative survival selection on wing spot size of C. splendens males. In addition, interspecific aggression leads to interspecific territoriality in which large-spotted C. splendens males seem to have reduced ability to obtain or keep a territory. Reduced territory holding ability may have negative effects on mating success of large-spotted C. splendens males. This is because in contrast to other studies with Calopteryx species, in wild sympatric populations females did not mate with large-spotted males. My results clearly show that interspecific aggression is able to cause selection on sexual characters and thus has potential to affect the evolution of secondary sexual characters.
Interspecific interactions related to species recognition can cause selection and affect the evolution of secondary sexual characters. Such interactions include for example avoidance of maladaptive hybridization and interspecific aggression. In this thesis, I focus especially on interspecific aggression and on selection which it may cause on sexual characters of the damselfly, Calopteryx splendens. Males of C. splendens have pigmented wing spot as a sexual character in the middle of their wings. Large-spotted C. splendens males resemble another species Calopteryx virgo, males of which have almost completely pigmented wings. I observed character displacement in C. splendens males such that the wing spot size decreased with increasing relative abundance of C. virgo. Territorial C. virgo males reacted more aggressively and from greater distance towards large- than small-spotted C. splendens males. This suggests that the character displacement may have evolved because of the interspecific aggression arising from mistaken species recognition. Interspecific aggression causes negative survival selection on wing spot size of C. splendens males. In addition, interspecific aggression leads to interspecific territoriality in which large-spotted C. splendens males seem to have reduced ability to obtain or keep a territory. Reduced territory holding ability may have negative effects on mating success of large-spotted C. splendens males. This is because in contrast to other studies with Calopteryx species, in wild sympatric populations females did not mate with large-spotted males. My results clearly show that interspecific aggression is able to cause selection on sexual characters and thus has potential to affect the evolution of secondary sexual characters.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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Jyväskylä studies in biological and environmental science