Effects of enhancing UV-B irradiance on the behaviour, survival and metabolism of coregonid larvae
FM Olli Ylönen tutki työssään mitä haittavaikutuksia lisääntyvällä UV-B säteilyn määrällä voi olla taloudellisesti tärkeimpien sisävesien kalalajiemme, siian ja muikun, kannalta. Haitallisen UV-B säteilyn määrä on lisääntynyt viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana maan pinnalla ja veden alla, ja sen ennustetaan lisääntyvän vielä noin vuoteen 2050 asti.Tutkimukset osoittivat selvästi, että kalat pystyvät välttelemään korkeita UV-B säteilyn tasoja sekä laboratoriossa että järvessä. UV-B säteilyn vaikutukset muikun ja siian poikasiin ovat siis tulevaisuudessakin vähäiset.Ylösen tutkimukset keskittyivät poikasvaiheeseen, koska suojaavan väripigmentin puuttuessa tai sen ollessa vasta kehittymässä kalat ovat herkimpiä UV-säteilyn vaikutuksille. Lisäksi siikakalojen poikaset uivat kuoriuduttuaan muutaman viikon ajan aivan lähellä veden pintaa ja voivat näin altistua UV-B säteilylle.Kasvatuskokeissa nykyisillä tai ennustetuilla UV-B tasoilla ei ollut vaikutusta siian ja muikun poikasten kasvuun, kuolleisuuteen tai ravinnonkulutukseen. Tosin UV-altistus yhdistettynä stressikäsittelyyn hidasti hieman kasvua. Korkea UV-B altistus (noin kaksinkertainen nykyisiin maksimiarvoihin verrattuna) tappoi 70 % siianpoikasista ja alensi kasvua kahden viikon aikana.Täysin uusi tulos oli, että korkea UV-B altistus alensi siian ja muikun poikasten maksimihapenkulutusta. Sen aleneminen kohdistui erityisesti ruuansulatuksen hapenkulutukseen. Koeakvaarioissa käyttämämme vesi oli kuitenkin hyvin kirkasta, ja DNA-vaurioita korjaavan UV-A säteilyn taso oli paljon alhaisempi kuin luonnossa. Siksi laboratoriokokeissa saadut tulokset ovat dramaattisempia kuin mitä luonnonolosuhteissa on odotettavissa.
Anthropogenically-caused stratospheric ozone depletion has increased UV-B irradiance in the Earth’ s atmosphere and under water. The latest results suggest that a further 20-50 % increase in erythemal UV doses can be expected in northern latitudes over coming decades. This work evaluates the effects of enhanced UV-B irradiance on coregonid larvae. The study species, vendace and whitefish, have a clear, positive phototactic response after hatching that makes them potentially susceptible to UV exposure. Thus, the behaviour of larvae was studied to find out whether larvae were able to avoid high UV-B exposure despite their tendency to stay in the most illuminated depth zone. The results suggest that UV radiation plays an important role in the regulation of vertical distribution of vendace larvae in Finnish lakes. The most important factor in UV avoidance behaviour is suggested to be cumulative UV-B dose. The survival, growth and food consumption of coregonid larvae were not affected by present or predicted erythemal UV-B doses, but high UV-B exposure for two weeks produced low survival of whitefish larvae with high individual variation. High UV-B exposure also decreased the maximum metabolic rate and the metabolic scope of coregonid larvae and disturbed oxygen consumption of the digestive system in whitefish larvae, but the mechanism remains unclear. In the field, direct effects of UV-B radiation on larval coregonids will be negligible. However, some indirect effects, such as increased predation risk and reduced growth rate, can occasionally be expected.
Anthropogenically-caused stratospheric ozone depletion has increased UV-B irradiance in the Earth’ s atmosphere and under water. The latest results suggest that a further 20-50 % increase in erythemal UV doses can be expected in northern latitudes over coming decades. This work evaluates the effects of enhanced UV-B irradiance on coregonid larvae. The study species, vendace and whitefish, have a clear, positive phototactic response after hatching that makes them potentially susceptible to UV exposure. Thus, the behaviour of larvae was studied to find out whether larvae were able to avoid high UV-B exposure despite their tendency to stay in the most illuminated depth zone. The results suggest that UV radiation plays an important role in the regulation of vertical distribution of vendace larvae in Finnish lakes. The most important factor in UV avoidance behaviour is suggested to be cumulative UV-B dose. The survival, growth and food consumption of coregonid larvae were not affected by present or predicted erythemal UV-B doses, but high UV-B exposure for two weeks produced low survival of whitefish larvae with high individual variation. High UV-B exposure also decreased the maximum metabolic rate and the metabolic scope of coregonid larvae and disturbed oxygen consumption of the digestive system in whitefish larvae, but the mechanism remains unclear. In the field, direct effects of UV-B radiation on larval coregonids will be negligible. However, some indirect effects, such as increased predation risk and reduced growth rate, can occasionally be expected.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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Jyväskylä studies in biological and environmental science