Transmission of Diplostomum spathaceum between intermediate hosts
FM Anssi Karvonen tutki väitöskirjassaan kalojen silmän linssissä elävän Diplostomum spathaceum -imumatoloisen ekologiaa. Tutkimus tarjoaa uutta tietoa lois-isäntä -suhteiden evoluutiosta sekä perustietoa, jonka avulla voidaan suunnitella loisen torjuntamenetelmiä kalanviljelyssä. Tutkimukset ovat lisäksi osa laajempaa projektia, jossa tutkitaan D. spathaceum -loisen elinkierron ekologiaa ja evoluutiota kaikissa elinkierron vaiheissa. Sen yhtenä päämääränä on kehittää elinkierron matemaattinen malli, jonka avulla on mahdollista kehittää ekologisesti kestäviä menetelmiä D. spathaceum -loisen torjuntaan.D. spathaceum on yksi luonnonkalojen yleisimmistä loisista Suomessa ja sitä esiintyy myös paikallisesti kalanviljelylaitoksilla, jossa olosuhteista johtuen on usein paljon loisen elinkierrossaan tarvitsemia isäntälajeja: kalaa syöviä lintuja, makean veden kotiloita ja kaloja. Loinen aiheuttaa haittaa yksittäisillä laitoksilla sokeuttamalla kaloja ja heikentämällä näin niiden kasvua ja yleiskuntoa. Tutkimuksissaan Karvonen keskittyi tekijöihin, jotka vaikuttavat loisen siirtymiseen kotiloisännästä kalaisäntään (kirjolohi).Kalan silmässä loisen toukat aiheuttavat kaihia, joka näkyy silmän samentumisena. Tämä voi johtaa silmän näkökyvyn heikkenemiseen ja vaikuttaa mm. kalan kykyyn löytää ravintoa. Silmätutkimukseen tarkoitetun mikroskoopin avulla Karvonen havaitsi laboratoriossa ja luonnonoloissa suoritetuissa kokeissa, että kaihin voimakkuus kalan silmässä lisääntyi merkittävästi loismäärän kasvaessa. Lisäksi hän havaitsi, että jo pienetkin loismäärät aiheuttivat osittaisia samentumia silmän linssiin.Kalat eivät kuitenkaan ole täysin loisen armoilla, vaan ne puolustautuvat haitallista loista vastaan. Karvonen havaitsi, että ensimmäisten loisten tunkeutuminen kalaan saa aikaan vastustuskyvyn kehittymisen, mikä vähensi seuraavissa altistuksissa kalaan pääsevien loisten määrää. Vastustuskyky on kuitenkin osittainen eikä se tarjonnut riittävää suojaa kaihin muodostumista vastaan, kun kaloja pidettiin sumpuissa luonnonoloissa. Karvosen tutkimuksessa osoitetaan ensimmäistä kertaa, että kalat pystyvät myös reagoimaan loisen toukkien läsnäoloon vedessä ja pyrkivät välttämään infektiota.
Transmission rate between hosts is a major determinant of fitness in parasites with complex life cycles and this has favoured the development of sophisticated adaptations in parasites to increase the probability of transmission. On the other hand, increasing pressure by parasites has forced the target hosts to develop means to control or prevent the infections. This study examined the transmission of the trematode parasite Diplostomum spathaceum between the two intermediate hosts, the freshwater snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), focusing on the parasite strategies in cercarial production from the snail host in laboratory conditions and responses of the fish host to cercarial infection. Infected snails released cercariae for an extended period of time in accordance with the bet hedging hypothesis, which suggests spreading the risk of transmission failure in an environment with an unpredictable host contact probability. Bet hedging was not found in association with cercarial quality, but cercariae were released in higher numbers during day compared to night. High prevalence and intensity of infection in wild fish populations suggests that the parasite strategies are likely to maintain effective transmission to fish. As a response against the cataract-causing parasite, fish hosts acquired physiological resistance, which decreased the number of establishing parasites although the resistance proved to be insufficient to prevent cataract formation. However, this study demonstrated for the first time that the fish also decreased exposure to the parasite by avoiding the cercariae. Thus, a combination of resistance and avoidance behaviour may provide more efficient defence against the parasite. Individual differences between fish in exposure to the parasite and ability to avoid cercariae probably cause the parasites to aggregate in a few host individuals, which has important implications for the parasite population dynamics and transmission. As a practical application, the results of this study allow the estimation of key parameters in the parasite transmission dynamics, which can be used in designing preventative methods against D. spathaceum outbreaks in fish farming industry.
Transmission rate between hosts is a major determinant of fitness in parasites with complex life cycles and this has favoured the development of sophisticated adaptations in parasites to increase the probability of transmission. On the other hand, increasing pressure by parasites has forced the target hosts to develop means to control or prevent the infections. This study examined the transmission of the trematode parasite Diplostomum spathaceum between the two intermediate hosts, the freshwater snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), focusing on the parasite strategies in cercarial production from the snail host in laboratory conditions and responses of the fish host to cercarial infection. Infected snails released cercariae for an extended period of time in accordance with the bet hedging hypothesis, which suggests spreading the risk of transmission failure in an environment with an unpredictable host contact probability. Bet hedging was not found in association with cercarial quality, but cercariae were released in higher numbers during day compared to night. High prevalence and intensity of infection in wild fish populations suggests that the parasite strategies are likely to maintain effective transmission to fish. As a response against the cataract-causing parasite, fish hosts acquired physiological resistance, which decreased the number of establishing parasites although the resistance proved to be insufficient to prevent cataract formation. However, this study demonstrated for the first time that the fish also decreased exposure to the parasite by avoiding the cercariae. Thus, a combination of resistance and avoidance behaviour may provide more efficient defence against the parasite. Individual differences between fish in exposure to the parasite and ability to avoid cercariae probably cause the parasites to aggregate in a few host individuals, which has important implications for the parasite population dynamics and transmission. As a practical application, the results of this study allow the estimation of key parameters in the parasite transmission dynamics, which can be used in designing preventative methods against D. spathaceum outbreaks in fish farming industry.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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Jyväskylä studies in biological and environmental science