Effect of a simulation-based workshop on multidisplinary teamwork of newborn emergencies: an intervention study
Background: Video analyses of real-life newborn resuscitations have shown that Neonatal Resuscitation Program
(NRP) guidelines are followed in fewer than 50 % of cases. Multidisciplinary simulation is used as a first-rate tool
for the improvement of teamwork among health professionals. In the study we evaluated the impact of the crisis
resource management (CRM) and anesthesia non-technical skills instruction on teamwork during simulated newborn
Methods: Ninety-nine participants of two delivery units (17 pediatricians, 16 anesthesiologists, 14 obstetricians,
31 midwives, and 21 neonatal nurses) were divided to an intervention group (I-group, 9 teams) and a control group
(C-group, 6 teams). The I-group attended a CRM and ANTS instruction before the first scenario. After each scenario the
I-group performed either self- or peer-assessment depending on whether they had acted or observed in the scenario.
All the teams participated in two and observed another two scenarios. All the scenarios were video-recorded and
scored by three experts with Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM). SPSS software and nlme package were
used for the statistical analyses.
Results: The total TEAM scores of the first scenario between the I- and C-group did not differ from each other.
Neither there was an increase in the TEAM scoring between the first and second scenario between the groups. The
CRM instruction did not improve the I-group’s teamwork performance. Unfortunately the teams were not compa‑
rable because the teams had been allowed to self-select their members in the study design. The total TEAM scores
varied a lot between the teams. Mixed-model linear regression revealed that the background of the team leader had
an impact on differences of the total teamwork scores (D = 6.50, p = 0.039). When an anesthesia consultant was the
team leader the mean teamwork improved by 6.41 points in comparison to specialists of other disciplines (p = 0.043).
Conclusion: The instruction of non-technical skills before simulation training did not enhance the acquisition of
teamwork skills of the intervention groups over the corresponding set of skills of the control groups. The teams led by
an anesthesiologist scored the best. Experience of team leaders improved teamwork over the CRM instruction.
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Research article
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BioMed Central Ltd
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Peer reviewed
Published in
BMC Research Notes
- Rovamo, L., Nurmi, E., Mattila, M.-M., Suominen, P., & Silvennoinen, M. (2015). Effect of a simulation-based workshop on multidisplinary teamwork of newborn emergencies: an intervention study. BMC Research Notes, 8, Article 671. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-015-1654-2
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