Mille tasolle perusopetuksen englannin opiskelussa päästään? : perusopetuksen päättövaiheen kansallisen arvioinnin 1999 Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen taitotasoihin linkitetyt tulokset
Eeva Tuokko tutki väitöskirjassaan, miten eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen ja Suomen vuoden 2004 perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden taitotasot vastaavat toisiaan englanninkielen puheen ja tekstin ymmärtämis- ja kieliopillisen osaamisen taitoja arvioitaessa. Tutkimusaineistona Tuokko käytti vuonna 1999 perusopetuksen englannin kielen kansalliseen arviointiin osallistuneiden oppilaiden oppimistuloksia.Eurooppalainen viitekehys on vieraiden kielten oppimiseen, opettamiseen ja arviointiin kehitetty opas, jossa kielenkäyttäjän taito kuvataan kuusiportaisella asteikolla A1-2 (alkeistaso), B1-2 (taitajan taso) ja C1-2 (mestarin taso). Suomen perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa käytetään kymmenportaista asteikkoa. Siinä kielitaito ilmaistaan tasoilla A1.1-3, A2.1-2, B1.1-2, B2.1-2 ja C1. Puheen ja tekstin ymmärtämisen taitotasotavoitteeksi on asetettu B1.1 ja puhumisen ja kirjoittamisen tasoksi A2.2.Taitotasojen asettaminen onnistui melko hyvin käytettäessä viitekehysasteikkoa. Tiheämmän opetussuunnitelma-asteikon rajat ovat epävarmemmalla pohjalla. Tämä johtuu pääasiassa arvioijien vaikeustasoarvioiden ja todellisten tulosten heikosta korrelaatiosta. Oppimistulosten ilmaiseminen taitotasoilla on melko uutta, ja menetelmiä kehitetään jatkuvasti. Täten tarvitaan myös koulutusta, jotta opettajat, oppimateriaalin laatijat ja tutkintojen järjestäjät osaisivat arvioida tehtäviä ja suorituksia riittävän luotettavasti ja johdonmukaisesti. Tutkimus liittyy yleiseurooppalaiseen pyrkimykseen selvittää, mille tasoille oppimisessa päästään. Esimerkiksi Euroopan unionin komissio kokoaa eurooppalaista kielitaitoindikaattoria, jonka avulla määritellään vieraiden kielten yleinen taso EU:n jäsenvaltioissa. Tässäkin projektissa tullaan tukeutumaan viitekehysasteikkoon, summaa Tuokko.
In several EU countries the National Core Curricula for foreign languages are being revised to describe the target language proficiency in terms of the Common European Reference Levels ¹. The Finnish National Core Curriculum for Basic Education 2004 is already based on them. Standards like that make it possible to compare test results not only nationally but also internationally, and thus increase the transparency of marks and grades, for example.For the linkage between test results and skills levels to be considered reliable the European Council´s Language Policy Division has produced instructions which, among other things, call for a detailed documentation of the whole assessment process. Although other procedures can be applied, this set of instructions is widely used today. The focus of this study is the evaluation of the English language skills as expressed in the Framework Curriculum for the Comprehensive School 1994. The aim was to link the results of the 1999 National Evaluation of the English Language Skills of Finnish 9th form pupils to the CEF scale (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2), and the OPS 2004 ² with the levels of A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A2.1, A2.2, B1.1, B1.2, B2.1, B2.2 and C1 from the lowest to the highest. To assess the productive skills one more scale, A2001 ³ (0-5) was applied. To find the correspondence, a test-centered standard setting method was applied. Standard setting for the receptive skills tests was based on the application of IRT analysis of the empirical data, the results of which are expressed in. values. They indicate both the skills of the pupil and the item difficulty, which makes it possible to compare the difficulty of items in different tests. This cannot be done by using other methods. In the OPLM analysis programme used the values range between -3 (easy items, low ability) and +3 (difficult items, high ability).Item discrimination indicates the quality of the item and is shown on a scale of 1-15, the values normally achieved being 2-3, like in this study.The results of the study showed that the average. values of both the whole receptive skills test as well as those of the listening, reading and grammar tests were 0, 27, which indicates good skills. The levels of the productive skills tests were rated on level descriptor scales. When setting the standards, the rater judgements and the empirical results were combined to establish the link between the test results and skills levels. The average CEF level attained was B1 and the OPS 2004 level B1.1, which means that the targeted Finnish Framework level in receptive skills was achieved. The medians of the speaking and writing tests were B1 on the CEF scale, B1.1 on the OPS 2004 scale and 4 on the A2 001 scale. The corresponding targeted Finnish level for both is A2.2. Thus, the targeted levels of the productive English skills were exceeded by about one level.
In several EU countries the National Core Curricula for foreign languages are being revised to describe the target language proficiency in terms of the Common European Reference Levels ¹. The Finnish National Core Curriculum for Basic Education 2004 is already based on them. Standards like that make it possible to compare test results not only nationally but also internationally, and thus increase the transparency of marks and grades, for example.For the linkage between test results and skills levels to be considered reliable the European Council´s Language Policy Division has produced instructions which, among other things, call for a detailed documentation of the whole assessment process. Although other procedures can be applied, this set of instructions is widely used today. The focus of this study is the evaluation of the English language skills as expressed in the Framework Curriculum for the Comprehensive School 1994. The aim was to link the results of the 1999 National Evaluation of the English Language Skills of Finnish 9th form pupils to the CEF scale (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2), and the OPS 2004 ² with the levels of A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A2.1, A2.2, B1.1, B1.2, B2.1, B2.2 and C1 from the lowest to the highest. To assess the productive skills one more scale, A2001 ³ (0-5) was applied. To find the correspondence, a test-centered standard setting method was applied. Standard setting for the receptive skills tests was based on the application of IRT analysis of the empirical data, the results of which are expressed in. values. They indicate both the skills of the pupil and the item difficulty, which makes it possible to compare the difficulty of items in different tests. This cannot be done by using other methods. In the OPLM analysis programme used the values range between -3 (easy items, low ability) and +3 (difficult items, high ability).Item discrimination indicates the quality of the item and is shown on a scale of 1-15, the values normally achieved being 2-3, like in this study.The results of the study showed that the average. values of both the whole receptive skills test as well as those of the listening, reading and grammar tests were 0, 27, which indicates good skills. The levels of the productive skills tests were rated on level descriptor scales. When setting the standards, the rater judgements and the empirical results were combined to establish the link between the test results and skills levels. The average CEF level attained was B1 and the OPS 2004 level B1.1, which means that the targeted Finnish Framework level in receptive skills was achieved. The medians of the speaking and writing tests were B1 on the CEF scale, B1.1 on the OPS 2004 scale and 4 on the A2 001 scale. The corresponding targeted Finnish level for both is A2.2. Thus, the targeted levels of the productive English skills were exceeded by about one level.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Jyväskylä studies in humanities