K306 Anton
Microbusinesses reconciling monetary and nature values in forestry
Paula Horne
Finland is a country with hundreds of thousands of small-scale entrepreneurs in forestry. These non-industrial private forest owners reconcile their timber production with other motives of forest ownership. Conservation of nature values, carbon sequestration, community values, different types of recreation and timber production are often but not always joint produced even in the same hectare. The increasing demand of timber challeges the balance in the future. The higher demand affects the timber prices making the timber production more profitable. To enhance other forest values, new business models for forest owners are called for.
INTRO: An invited presentation
MERITS: An invited presentation
CRITIQUE: An invited presentation
DISCUSSION: An invited presentation
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INTRO: This invited speech discusses about new business models related to a small-scale forestry in Finland.
MERITS: The presentation will give insights to an important challenge how to balance timber production and other services and values offered by the forests. The speech provides interesting aspects for the session's discussions and exchange of the ideas.
CRITIQUE: No spesific weaknesses.
DISCUSSION: It would be interesting to hear what kind of services-based business models/practical cases (in terms of forest-based microbusinesses) already exist in Finalnd.